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Crowbar/St Vitus/ Helmet

the Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [crowbar][helmet][howl][kylesa][randomshots][red_fang][saint_vitus]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Mar 24,2011 8:55pm - nekronaut ""]
There is nobody here.
[Mar 24,2011 9:03pm - TotenJuden ""]
Really? Damn, man.
[Mar 24,2011 9:11pm - nekronaut ""]
Yeah, I'd say 400 or so.. and nobody is drinking. It's kinda weird.
[Mar 24,2011 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
It is very weird... all the band sound super muddy with the lack of people too. Vitus is playing awesome, but all you can hear is the low end.
[Mar 24,2011 10:13pm - the_reverend ""]
Ok, how awesome was it when wino grabbed whatever that was in the air and in one motion tucked it right in his pocket.
[Mar 24,2011 10:48pm - nekronaut ""]
[Mar 24,2011 10:52pm - the_reverend ""]
Holy crap the entire meantime album.
[Mar 24,2011 11:35pm - TotenJuden ""]
Holy shit. That's just about worth the $30 right there.
[Mar 25,2011 12:24am - goatcatalyst ""]
A bit jealous, but I saw Helmet on the "Meantime" tour so it was metaphysically impossible for them to play anything that wasn't phat as shit. And Faith No More headlined.
[Mar 25,2011 1:11am - late_rising ""]
Upstairs show was downstairs.

Vitus was worth the 2+ hours of driving and $20 gas, saw Helmet tour this album when it was new so not much of a thrill there. Had fun though.
[Mar 25,2011 1:17am - the_reverend ""]
I saw them in 1994 with rollins band and sausage.
What album were they touring on then?
[Mar 25,2011 1:33am - late_rising ""]

the_reverend said:
What album were they touring on then?

Betty. Don't know if I saw them on that one, if I did it wasn't with that Rollins Band tour. Meantime tour I saw at the Paradise.

Best Helmet show I saw was at Babyhead in Providence on the Strap It On tour.
[Mar 25,2011 1:42am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 25,2011 2:02am - the_reverend ""]
ps: old fucks unite!
[Mar 25,2011 2:19am - nekronautnli  ""]
[Mar 25,2011 9:34am - NuclearWinter ""]
There was a gaggle of class-act townie doofuses at this acting pure fools during Saint Vitus. Arrived just as Saint Vitus was setting up - they put on a great performance - all 35 minutes of it.
[Mar 25,2011 9:44am - josh_hates_you ""]

the_reverend said:Holy crap the entire meantime album.

now im pissed off i didnt go.
[Mar 25,2011 10:04am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i was gonna go but then i didnt. fuck.

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