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Aug 31 (Mon) - HiveSmasher, Boarcorpse, Locusta [OH], Artillery Breath [OH] - O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA)

8/31 - HiveSmasher, Boarcorpse, Locusta [OH], Artillery Breath [OH] @ O'Briens in Allston

[show listing]  ___________________________________________
[Aug 31,2009 5:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
may or maynot be in attendence
[Aug 31,2009 5:19pm - ouchdrummer ""]
this will be awesome. I hope some people aren't too sick of metal after NEDF.
[Aug 31,2009 5:48pm - Blue ""]
i have lost a fair bit of my voice. many lulz will ensue.
[Aug 31,2009 5:57pm - narkybark ""]
i think you need to do some vocals then
[Aug 31,2009 6:55pm - RichHorror ""]
[Aug 31,2009 7:29pm - boblovesmusic@thecoolidge  ""]
I know I won't
[Aug 31,2009 7:34pm - Pires ""]
Wish I could attend after missing BOTH hivesmasher AND boarcorpse yesterday. WTF.
[Aug 31,2009 10:55pm - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
Boarcorpse?? More like BOOcorpse!!!!!

I've had too much whiskey here at obriends
[Aug 31,2009 11:08pm - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
Speaking of, they're fucking KILLING it right now
[Aug 31,2009 11:10pm - Pires ""]
[Aug 31,2009 11:12pm - boblovesmusic@thecoolidge  ""]
shit son...
[Aug 31,2009 11:35pm - Pires ""]
I just realized I couldve not worked tonight. God damnit all to hell.
[Sep 1,2009 2:12am - RichHorror ""]
Attendance was as I feared it would be for the day after NEDF, but the touring bands still got some money. They were both ridiculously awesome and I hope to have them both back soon.
[Sep 1,2009 2:16am - narkybark ""]
Locusta has a cool sound and their vocals fit perfectly.
[Sep 1,2009 7:09am - blue ""]
Wow. I fail. In preparation for this show, I took a nap at 5:30. What I didn't expect was the 12 hour post NEDF mega-slumber that followed.
[Sep 1,2009 8:05am - ouchdrummer ""]
yep, when i spoke to you last night after i got outta work i figured you weren't gettin up. You sounded terrible.
[Sep 1,2009 10:48am - ouchdrummer ""]
Rich did a great job booking this one. Every band on the bill was good. Both touring bands were surprisingly good, and Hivesmasher was great as usual. I don't think the sound in Obriens does HS justice, but they still ruled.

It's really too bad more people weren't there, it was one of the better OBs lineups ever.
[Sep 1,2009 10:36pm - t2daeek ""]

ouchdrummer said:Rich did a great job booking this one. Every band on the bill was good. Both touring bands were surprisingly good, and Hivesmasher was great as usual. I don't think the sound in Obriens does HS justice, but they still ruled.

It's really too bad more people weren't there, it was one of the better OBs lineups ever.

shitty timing to be moving... i could only stand to fit my lousy 1x15 cab in my station wagon along with whatever else my suspension would take. dan had his combo for the keys as well... so you got lots of guitars, kamikaze battle cries, and whatever tim does. that being said, obriens has the loudest stage i've ever played on.

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