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MALIGNANCY hitting the Bombshelter...1/25/04

[Jan 7,2004 2:31pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:It's a .gif with a jpg extention typed in.

[Jan 7,2004 2:31pm - subjugate ""]
it's mikee's gonna get gassed out at practice tonite
[Jan 7,2004 2:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I had figured that out, but ran off for coffee..
header: GIF89abBæ

that is fucking brilliant.
[Jan 7,2004 11:28pm - Terence ""]
Bane of Existence
Terminally Your Aborted Ghost
Cryptic Warning
Fall of Decrepitude

Feel free to start a thread about how gay this show is. Thanks.
[Jan 7,2004 11:30pm - the_reverend ""]
tight, I was going to suggest FOD
[Jan 7,2004 11:33pm - Terence ""]
Truth yo!

New thread coming soon :D
[Jan 7,2004 11:56pm - BornSoVile ""]
Hail x 1000
[Jan 8,2004 1:58am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
the_reverend said:I had figured that out, but ran off for coffee..
header: GIF89abBæ

that is fucking brilliant.

haha I didn't even think anyone would notice. I uploaded the pics my isp's webspace and emailed him a link, then without even replying to me he started posting them all around messageboards, so I doctored them up a little. He's really pissed because he posted them on more than one board and I guess and he looks like a jackass now. Which I find hillarious of course.
[Jan 8,2004 2:52am - HiImPaul ""]
Gonna be a fucking brutal show
[Jan 8,2004 4:14am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I saved it because of how cool and incriminating it is.
Phantos, can you find the box for Burger Time for Intellivision and make a flyer for this? Gya ha haa.
[Jan 8,2004 12:05pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
except change the burgers to aborted fetuses
[Jan 8,2004 1:19pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Or don't.
[Jan 8,2004 1:22pm - phantos ""]
just saw yer post... um.. well see.
[Jan 8,2004 1:24pm - phantos ""]
hmmm. not googling so well...

but I did find Hammer Time!
[Jan 8,2004 1:35pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hahahah, MC Hammer was the man.
The "or don't" was directed at Spalding and his aborted fetus idea.
I figured you had a bunch of the box pictures hanging around already since the others appeared so quickly. No big deal if you don't find it.
[Jan 8,2004 1:38pm - phantos ""]
I had a link to all the intellivision boxes.. but I fucking lost it...
and it was some random google search that produced it.
[Jan 8,2004 1:53pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Jan 8,2004 1:57pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Holy fuck, these were in developement for Intellivision before Parker Bros. pulled the plug on it.
Mother fuckin' LoTR.

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