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Friday October 24th....

the Living Room (Providence, RI) - [as_i_lay_dying][behemoth][gut_thrusting_torment][in_dire_need][randomshots][six_feet_under][skinless]
[Oct 25,2003 7:27pm - easyed_69 ""]
My god.....I can't believe I fuckin missed this show!! FUCK!!!!!

Seriously, I missed Seth Putnam.....and I missed the chance to talk to Behemoth in Polish......FUCK!!!!!

[Oct 25,2003 8:07pm - joe/notcommon ""]
seth putnam is at alot of obriens and chopping block shows, or was over the summer anyway
[Oct 26,2003 4:08am - the_reverend ""]
how many polish.. um.. wait no..
how do you get a pol.. wait..
[Oct 26,2003 2:51pm - blue not logged in  ""]
thegreatspaldino said:its called the buzzard... i forget what famous bassist's line that is... but they are pretty fucking nice basses... just obscure and a little ugly and awkward

the buzzard was made popular by john entwhistle (rip), and warwick originally made it, but i believe it was made into a seperate series not by warwick.

guitar geeks represent.
[Oct 26,2003 11:12pm - xericx ""]
m. nolan said:Does anyone know if In Dire Need has a new site? Their cjb.net site is defunct.

new idn site is in the works....we'll put it up when it's done.
[Oct 26,2003 11:16pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
OK we got there I paid my 15 fucking dollars. Walked in. Way to many gay kids. In dire need went on sounded good. The asian kid needs to watch the stage more though ( hahahah ). that other band went on. Didnt watch. As I Lay Dying went on. I dont care what anyone said these guys sounded the best and played the best of the night. Behemoth went on didnt sound that great but played good. Skinless went on sounded good and finaly played milk and innards. Then I left.

Highlights of the night =
me and xmikex spin kicking each other at the same time
aaron falling off the stage
some girls dad getting beat up
not having to stay for SFU
[Oct 27,2003 12:00am - AndAllWasFuckingSilent  ""]
For once the Rev actually got a pic of me singing along. heh I wish he would have taken some picture of the fight though that was great. Lemmy got what was coming to him good =D. It makes me kinda glad that thesemorons never learn that when you screwwith one hardcore kid you screw with us all?
[Oct 27,2003 12:32am - joostin ""]
AndAllWasFuckingSilent said:For once the Rev actually got a pic of me singing along. heh I wish he would have taken some picture of the fight though that was great. Lemmy got what was coming to him good =D. It makes me kinda glad that thesemorons never learn that when you screwwith one hardcore kid you screw with us all?

[Oct 27,2003 1:18am - AndAllWasFuckingSilent  ""]
Lemmy is the girls father..well..he was wearing a motorhear shirt..so a few of us were refering to him as lemmy the rest of the night
[Oct 28,2003 11:10pm - XxXSfUXxX ""]
nah just shows how much of pussies use are by jumping him cause that dude wasnt doing shit cause i was watching
[Oct 28,2003 11:23pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 28,2003 11:25pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.
[Oct 31,2003 2:08pm - AndAllWasFuckingSilent ""]
since when does punching someone half your size purposely in the face constitute doing nothing?
[Nov 5,2003 10:56am - litacore ""]
[Nov 5,2003 11:05am - the_reverend ""]
weird, I turned that story into blabber mouth the night after the show.
and then ignored it.
[Nov 5,2003 11:45am - succubus ""]
you turned a story into "blabbermouth" you gossip queen


it's funny I've heard you tell that story like 30 times to different people..those bastards should have credited you most def.
[Nov 5,2003 4:51pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
"I'll bet Freddie Mercury didn't run from all his fights. I'm sure he would've at least slapped the other person with a pink glove or something."

[Oct 24,2017 9:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
14 years ago, was an epic night, R.I.P. Seth.

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