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hottest metal/hardcore girl

[Jul 28,2006 12:32am - anonymous  ""]

paganmegan said:pam said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I don't think any metal/hardcore girls are hot at all because too many of them are all wrapped up in the whole "OMFG I'M A GIRL WHO LISTENS TO METAL LOOK AT HOW METAL I AM LOOK AT ME I WEAR EYE SHADOW AND TIGHT BAND SHIRTS OMFG I AM METAL...SODOM, WHO THE HELL IS THAT?"

There are reasons I don't have many female friends...

I second that statement
That said, this is such a tired, worn out boring subject that boils down to two main points. Many chicks are poseurs and suck when it comes to metal and music, but not all. Most guys think with their penises. Um, all of them do actually...

[Jul 28,2006 12:33am - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:
paganmegan said:pam said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I don't think any metal/hardcore girls are hot at all because too many of them are all wrapped up in the whole "OMFG I'M A GIRL WHO LISTENS TO METAL LOOK AT HOW METAL I AM LOOK AT ME I WEAR EYE SHADOW AND TIGHT BAND SHIRTS OMFG I AM METAL...SODOM, WHO THE HELL IS THAT?"

There are reasons I don't have many female friends...

I second that statement
That said, this is such a tired, worn out boring subject that boils down to two main points. Many chicks are poseurs and suck when it comes to metal and music, but not all. Most guys think with their penises. Um, all of them do actually...

girls don't belong in metal!
[Jul 28,2006 12:35am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
[Jul 28,2006 3:57am - Todd NLI  ""]
KeithMutiny said:im just tossin out pictures now...



$20 says , this girl turns around and she is hung like a moose.
[Jul 28,2006 4:12am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jul 28,2006 4:17am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]


feel free to go there and find something wrong with this female, one of the hottest ladies alive.
[Jul 28,2006 9:25am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
she WOULD be hot if her tits weren't the fucking 9/11 of plastic surgery

IF that hackjob didn't take place in a tijuana bodega backroom, i hope the perpetrator lost his goddamn license
[Jul 28,2006 9:35am - pam ""]
anonymous said:anonymous said:
paganmegan said:pam said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I don't think any metal/hardcore girls are hot at all because too many of them are all wrapped up in the whole "OMFG I'M A GIRL WHO LISTENS TO METAL LOOK AT HOW METAL I AM LOOK AT ME I WEAR EYE SHADOW AND TIGHT BAND SHIRTS OMFG I AM METAL...SODOM, WHO THE HELL IS THAT?"

There are reasons I don't have many female friends...

I second that statement
That said, this is such a tired, worn out boring subject that boils down to two main points. Many chicks are poseurs and suck when it comes to metal and music, but not all. Most guys think with their penises. Um, all of them do actually...

girls don't belong in metal!

I know...it's much easier for you to find men to fuck without us around...
[Jul 28,2006 9:57am - Morbid_Mike ""]
dwellingsickness said:[img]

Hel is got because she loves Impaled!
[Jul 28,2006 10:13am - SinisterMinister ""]
Morbid_Mike said:dwellingsickness said:[img]

I want to her to give me a GORE-job so I could spunk in her red hair, or on her awesome Impaled shirt.
[Jul 28,2006 10:27am - xmikex ""]
what a crappy tattoo. equally dumb as "STAY TRUE"
[Jul 29,2006 9:47pm - xanonymousx ""]
haha that is a dumb tattoo
[Jul 29,2006 11:15pm - infoterror ""]

[Jul 30,2006 10:09am - ShadowSD ""]
There are plenty of hot, true metal chicks out there, they're just hard to find. I can't have a relationship with a girl who doesn't love metal; if they don't love metal, they don't understand me.

That said, all the girlfriends I've had were also into other music (classic rock/hippie stuff), but they all avoided pop and rap like the plague. Which made our co-mingling possible.
[Jul 30,2006 12:16pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Hot chicks who are into metal don't like metal. They are either following around their ex-boyfriends or trying to find some other hairy freak to fill their holes.
[Jul 30,2006 12:20pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
SinisterMinister said:Hot chicks who are into metal don't like metal. They are either following around their ex-boyfriends or trying to find some other hairy freak to fill their holes.

Those bunk, bunk holes.

[Jul 30,2006 2:32pm - KeithMutiny ""]
my girlfriend listens to the locust and daughters.

we fight about music a lot.
[Jul 30,2006 5:39pm - Craig ""]
My girlfriend listens to Madball and Terror.

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