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Faith No More Appreciation

[Nov 19,2005 2:15pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I don't care what anyone says, King for a Day/Fool for A Lifetime is hands down their best album.
Only a fool or a communist would disagree...

I think this is the only national band that i've ever gone to see 2 nights in a row.
[Nov 19,2005 2:16pm - dreadkill ""]
that's my favorite album by them too. angel dust is a close second.
[Nov 19,2005 2:37pm - DomesticTerror ""]
wow, seriously, my whole life people have always said Angeldust and the Real Thing. but in the last few weeks, i've found 2 people who agree with me. i thought i was alone...
[Nov 19,2005 2:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
scott, my right upper arm is coverd by two mr. bungle records of course im gonna go with the one were their gtr is playing gtr for faith no more.

fool for a day and angel dust, then album of the year. ive lost all respect for the real thing over the years. dont get me wrong it's a great pop record.
[Nov 19,2005 3:00pm - kyledoesnotlogin  ""]
angel dust owns.
[Nov 19,2005 3:16pm - dreadkill ""]
i wonder if anyone likes introduce yourself the best.
[Nov 19,2005 3:21pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dreadkill said:i wonder if anyone likes introduce yourself the best.

i dont, its too much of the direction they continued going on the real thing, i mean chuck rules and all but im more into the spastic shit they did later on and the mellow trippy nonsense of album of the year
[Nov 19,2005 3:27pm - moran ""]
I've been saying this for years, and you people are the only ones that I have ever heard say this. The whole album is fucking gold from start to finish.
[Nov 19,2005 3:29pm - death2all NLI  ""]
I've never bought a FNM record in my life. But they are a great band. I should probably pick them up
[Nov 19,2005 6:02pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
I listened to that album this morning. Take this Bottle still fucks me up.
[Nov 19,2005 6:09pm - dreadkill ""]
MarkKevorkian said:I listened to that album this morning. Take this Bottle still fucks me up.

great song
[Nov 19,2005 6:20pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
I still prefer Angel Dust, but every album they have is brilliant.
[Nov 19,2005 6:36pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
yeah i like everything they have done but "angel dust" is my favorite.
[Nov 19,2005 6:38pm - SickSickSicks ""]
[Nov 19,2005 7:46pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
MarkKevorkian said:I still prefer Angel Dust, but every album they have is brilliant.

[Nov 19,2005 10:42pm - Dissector ""]
They are pretty fucking rad.
[Nov 19,2005 10:45pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Amazing band. All records are great.
[Nov 20,2005 1:39am - kyledoesnotlogin  ""]
I am very happy people on this bored like faith no more.
This is good news.
[Nov 20,2005 1:49am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Bored board?
[Nov 20,2005 2:07am - poopsmcgee ""]
king for a day is easily my favorite album bt them
[Nov 20,2005 9:58am - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
i love angel dust
[Nov 20,2005 10:18am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in said:i love angel dust

really, wanna get high
[Nov 20,2005 1:17pm - pam nli  ""]
my favorite band of all time! angel dust is my favorite.
[Nov 20,2005 1:27pm - Kevord ""]
Angel Dust, King for a day, and album of the year rule because of one man Mike Patton. Mike had very little to do with The Real Thing. All the music was written and he quickly wrote lyrics for it. Real Faith no More starts with Angel Dust. If I could only have one cd for the rest of my life it would be King for a day. That album is perfect in every way.
[Nov 20,2005 1:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I have to say, even though the later stuff is more what they probably wanted to do, "The Real Thing" definitely holds a special place in my black, shriveled little heart.
[Nov 20,2005 1:58pm - pam nli  ""]
mine as well DestroyYou

I like everything, even We Care A Lot.
[Nov 20,2005 2:35pm - dreadkill ""]
my best friend has a nice collection of faith no more shirts. king for a day is his favorite album ever made by humans.
[Nov 20,2005 2:39pm - pam nli  ""]
I have one bootleg FNM shirt unfortunately. However I do have an original Mr Bungle "There's a Tractor in My Balls" shirt.

My husbands favorite is King For a Day too, I always thought he was a weirdo for it.
[Nov 20,2005 2:43pm - dreadkill ""]
no, he's no weirdo. that album is the best.
[Nov 20,2005 5:38pm - Otto_B.O.L. ""]
FNM is fucking awesome, Patton rulz!
[Nov 21,2005 9:46am - Blue ""]
[Nov 21,2005 9:53am - babyshaker ""]
Blue said:ANGEL DUST

once again i 100% agree with this statment
[Nov 21,2005 9:55am - RustedAngel ""]
we do shirts from both angel dust and king for a day.

[Nov 21,2005 10:07am - Christraper ""]
MarkKevorkian said:I still prefer Angel Dust, but every album they have is brilliant.

[Nov 21,2005 11:24am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
My "The Real Thing" shirt is literally a rag held together by staples, but one of these days I'm gonna sew the graphic to another shirt. Good times.
[Nov 21,2005 5:27pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
RustedAngel said:we do shirts from both angel dust and king for a day.


do you do mr. bungle shirts though....i need a tractor pull shirt
[Nov 21,2005 5:58pm - brokenclown ""]
RustedAngel said:we do shirts from both angel dust and king for a day.


How much do you make per hour at yer job?

[Nov 21,2005 8:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Hey Tom, can I get a wholesale price?

Do you have a promotion code so your buddies can get a discount?!

[Nov 21,2005 9:19pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Damn double post.
[Nov 21,2005 9:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
tom, do you guys make those shirts or just order them....cause i need one of those godflesh shirts in an XL !!!!
[Nov 22,2005 10:58am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Bump for Rusted Angel to answer me.
[Nov 22,2005 1:32pm - WhyamIandasshole nli  ""]
Angeldust is my favorite but King for a Day is a close second.
[Nov 22,2005 1:38pm - dyingmuse ""]
no appreciation from me, i hate that gay band

sorry guys i do respect all that they did for the scene at the time and all

just never saw what the big deal was
[Nov 22,2005 1:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Hey Tom, can I get a wholesale price?

Do you have a promotion code so your buddies can get a discount?!

hahaha, if I did I'd give it out to you guys, but we don't do promo codes or anything as of now.

as far as wholesale, if you were a legit store you could possibly get wholesale pricing on large qty's.
[Nov 22,2005 1:44pm - RustedAngel ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:tom, do you guys make those shirts or just order them....cause i need one of those godflesh shirts in an XL !!!!

yes we actually print them that's why jsr has been around longer than most other companies. Bravado is another large merch company and we actually carry a few bands they print like maiden/pantera/sabbath, they have the liscense so we can't print those bands.
[Nov 22,2005 1:48pm - powerkok ""]
[Nov 22,2005 4:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
so wait Tom could you make me an XL in the godflesh shirt or no
[Jul 3,2007 4:37pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
this needs to be bumped
[Jul 3,2007 5:20pm - Aegathis ""]
sure does, ive made watching FNM related vids on you tube a daily activity almost. I like the older stuff the most.
[Jul 3,2007 5:35pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
The Chuck Mosley era FNM and Real Thing are the most like the band wanted to sound.

From Angel Dust on, it became more what Patton wanted them to sound like. Ironically, he had a lot of influence considering that all of the members of the band fucking hated him. It's why Jim left, and why the band finally died.

I'm a big Patton fan, so I love King For a Day, but I don't really consider it or anything after it to be a "Faith no More" album. There's barely any keys, and mostly written by Patton and Trey Spruance. I consider it more the "Mr. Bungle does commercial rock" album.

As for my own choice, Nothing beats Introduce Yourself and We Care A Lot. You can hear that the band are all actually on the same page, writing wise. Even later, with Patton singing these songs live, they just stand out.

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