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Boston band seeks vocalist

[Dec 3,2005 4:45am - Anthony ""]
Cryptic Warning's new project is now seeking a new vocalist.

We had been working with John Farley for the past couple of months but unfortunately he is not able to fully commit to the band. The split was amicable and we wish the best of luck to him and Abhorred.

What we are looking for:

an energetic frontman in the vein of Kyle Thomas (Exhorder) + Ben Falgoust ('Sewn Mouth Secrets'-Era Soilent Green) + Phil Anselmo ('Great Southern Trendkill'-Era), An excellent standard voice and an awesome high scream that you can sustain is most important.

What we are about:

Our influences include old school thrash and death metal bands like EXHORDER, DARK ANGEL, PESTILENCE, etc... and modern, technical metal bands such as GORGUTS, SPAWN OF POSSESSION, MARTYR, ORIGIN, etc...

Basically, we are trying to make creative and technical music that pushes boundaries while at the same time keeping the fist-pumping intensity of the old-school. If that sounds good to you then maybe you are a good fit for our band. We practice in Boston and have a PA at our practice space.

email: anthony_buda@yahoo.com
ph: 617 319 6030

The website of our current project:
[Dec 3,2005 7:38am - Sinistas ""]
bump for some talented mofos.
[Dec 3,2005 10:40am - Al_Ravage ""]
I might know somebody
[Dec 3,2005 10:40am - Al_Ravage ""]
but you should keep the name in any case
[Dec 3,2005 10:40am - Al_Ravage ""]
and play some of the old songs
[Dec 3,2005 1:53pm - Anthony nli  ""]
sounds good Al, shoot me your friend's contact info if you think they might work and be interested.

Also, if you come to a show, maaaybe we'll play a Cryptic Warning song of your choice just for you.
[Dec 3,2005 3:09pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
i was sorry to hear it didn't work out, but i'm sure yous guys will find somebody.
[Dec 3,2005 7:07pm - rigor penis  ""]
I just e mailed you guys let me know if your are interested
[Dec 3,2005 9:12pm - Anthony ""]
email hasn't gotten here yet, weird. I check the yahoo and myspace acoounts.
[Dec 4,2005 8:35pm - Anthony nli  ""]
still haven't gotten your email. the address again is anthony_buda@yahoo.com
[Dec 4,2005 10:54pm - PatMeebles ""]
If you really need someone, I can try... emphasis on try. I'd probably do more mid range to higher-pitch vocals in the style of powerviolence/hardcore.
[Dec 4,2005 11:36pm - Anthony nli  ""]
PatMeebles said:If you really need someone, I can try... emphasis on try. I'd probably do more mid range to higher-pitch vocals in the style of powerviolence/hardcore.

we could set something up if you are seriously interested, but we need 110 percent commitment to the band and a vocalist who is really exceptionally good and fits the influences i described above.

so if you've been hiding some insane vocal skills from me Pat, then we're interested, but if it's more like "hey i guess i could try out, that'd be fun," it probably won't work out. thanks for the offer though.
[Dec 4,2005 11:39pm - rigor penis  ""]
Anthony nli said:still haven't gotten your email. the address again is anthony_buda@yahoo.com

sent e mail again first one did not get though
[Dec 5,2005 12:46am - Al_Ravage ""]
Pat singing would be funny...he does a good Dee Snider impression though, maybe you could turn into a Twisted Sister tribute..turn all the twisted sister songs into technical thrash
[Dec 5,2005 3:01am - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
If I were closer to Boston I'd give it a shot. That, and if I could write lyrics myself.
[Dec 5,2005 8:21am - anonymous  ""]
these kids are fuckin to talented to go to waste. find them a fuckin lead singer
[Dec 5,2005 9:11am - Anthony nli  ""]
i_am_not_logged_in said:If I were closer to Boston I'd give it a shot. That, and if I could write lyrics myself.

not to worry about the lyrics, we have more than an album's worth of new lyrics written already and I don't see that we will stop writing them anytime soon. Topics include everything from the classic thrash "anti-organized religion" song to demons possessing your body and driving you beneath the earth.
[Dec 7,2005 4:13pm - Anthony nli  ""]

still accepting audtions, and 'rigor penis' i responded to your email, haven't heard back yet.
[Dec 7,2005 4:28pm - litacore ""]
this will be badass
[Dec 8,2005 11:42am - Anthony nli  ""]
[Dec 8,2005 11:58am - pam ""]
good luck guys! can't wait to see you play again!
[Dec 10,2005 4:10am - Anthony nli  ""]
pam said:good luck guys! can't wait to see you play again!

thanks pam! and thanks larissa!

We can't wait to play out with our new material as well. We are very excited about it.
[Dec 11,2005 7:02pm - Anthony nli  ""]
[Dec 11,2005 7:05pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i cant believe you guys have found one yet, when we played with you back in oct i was blown away some serious shit went into that music goodluck....hopefully we'll get to play some shows together again soon
[Dec 12,2005 11:22pm - Anthony nli  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:i cant believe you guys have found one yet, when we played with you back in oct i was blown away some serious shit went into that music goodluck....hopefully we'll get to play some shows together again soon

Thanks Sean! It'd be great to play some shows once we get the new lineup together. Or even before that, as we are going to continue playing shows as Cryptic Warning until we start playing out with the new vocalist.
[Dec 12,2005 11:56pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ill keep that in mind man, you guys really tore shit up that night
[Dec 13,2005 12:34am - i_am_not_me ""]
Yeah, if I end up getting a car and not having to take my dad's Jeep every practice day, I may be able to do it.
[Dec 13,2005 1:17pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i_am_not_me said:Yeah, if I end up getting a car and not having to take my dad's Jeep every practice day, I may be able to do it.

i'm not sure what part of MA you're from, but if you can take the commuter rail in to South Station, our practice space is about a 25 minute T-ride from there. It's about a minute-walking from the Hynes/ICA stop on the green line.
[Dec 14,2005 5:08pm - Anthony nli  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:ill keep that in mind man, you guys really tore shit up that night

thanks again Sean, if you have any shows in mind you think we'd be a good fit for, please send me an email: anthony_buda@yahoo.com

[Dec 15,2005 4:12pm - Anthony nli  ""]
[Dec 18,2005 1:55pm - Anthony nli  ""]
[Dec 19,2005 9:02am - hutch ""]
this band kicks ass. i hope u guys find what ur lookin for
[Dec 20,2005 6:38pm - Anthony nli  ""]
thanks Hutch!

we're still accepting auditions
[Dec 20,2005 10:44pm - i_am_not_me ""]
The T doesn't come anywhere near me. Hudson sucks ass for public transportation.
[Dec 21,2005 4:25pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i_am_not_me said:The T doesn't come anywhere near me. Hudson sucks ass for public transportation.

Yeah, the T is ghetto. I just figured I'd mention that we are T accessible if that works for anyone.
[Dec 21,2005 5:29pm - james-raov  ""]
my girls from hudson...yep
[Dec 22,2005 12:38am - Blue ""]
you guys should get mallika.
[Dec 22,2005 4:16pm - Anthony nli  ""]
[Dec 22,2005 5:01pm - D2A-NLI  ""]
Blue said:you guys should get mallika.

Too late.... I took her!! :doublehorns:AHHAHAHA!:pukeface:
[Dec 22,2005 5:04pm - D2A-NLI  ""]
i_am_not_me said:The T doesn't come anywhere near me. Hudson sucks ass for public transportation.

It's 2 towns over, in Southboro.
[Dec 22,2005 5:51pm - BlackoutRick ""]
I'm telling ya it's kinda far for me(Westford) but you guys kick ass so shoot me an email and I'll see if I can make it down. ropadope27@yahoo.com
[Dec 22,2005 11:43pm - i_am_not_me ""]
D2A-NLI said:i_am_not_me said:The T doesn't come anywhere near me. Hudson sucks ass for public transportation.

It's 2 towns over, in Southboro.

2 towns over doesn't help when you don't have a car [As the situation may be in many cases.]
[Dec 27,2005 4:03am - Anthony nli  ""]
BlackoutRick said:I'm telling ya it's kinda far for me(Westford) but you guys kick ass so shoot me an email and I'll see if I can make it down. ropadope27@yahoo.com

emailed ya dude.

Still accepting auditions.
[Dec 27,2005 9:05am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Blue said:you guys should get mallika.

[Dec 27,2005 10:14am - Anthony nli  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:Blue said:you guys should get mallika.

if she's interested she's free to email us. we could audition her but if she's a straight-ahead growler I'm not sure that's really what we're looking for.
[Dec 27,2005 8:58pm - Anthony nli  ""]
[Dec 29,2005 11:40am - Anthony nli  ""]
stilll looking
[Dec 29,2005 11:43am - pam ""]
you guys are still looking huh? I figured vocalists would be easy to come by, good luck!
[Dec 29,2005 11:51am - Anthony nli  ""]
thanks! we had a couple of auditions lined up but people flaked out on them. we have one more lined up as of now.
[Dec 29,2005 12:15pm - pam ""]
The Accursed are going through that same shit with trying out guitar players, a lot of people flaking. It sucks.
[Dec 30,2005 1:23pm - Anthony nli  ""]
good luck finding someone!
[Dec 31,2005 12:21pm - Anthony nli  ""]
[Jan 1,2006 7:34pm - Anthony nli  ""]
[Jan 3,2006 12:18am - Anthony nli  ""]
[Jan 4,2006 1:18pm - Anthony nli  ""]
still looking to set up auditions
[Jan 8,2006 1:43pm - Anthony nli  ""]
[Jan 23,2006 2:11pm - Anthony nli  ""]
[Jan 29,2006 11:36pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I got a fuckin' car now. I just may give this a shot. Although doing it may mean I'd need to work an extra day a week to get the gas money, which could potentially eliminate a practice day. That, and my vocals aren't exactly up to par with what they used to be for some reason.

But I'd love to make it happen. Cryptic Warning's badass and I'm sure this will be equally, if not more so.
[Jan 30,2006 12:25am - i_am_not_me ""]
On an unrelated note...Anthony, are you by any chance related to Dave Buda? If so, my dad would completely fucking flip if I joined the band. He used to constantly rave about his bass skills...hahaha.
[Jan 30,2006 12:41pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i_am_not_me said:On an unrelated note...Anthony, are you by any chance related to Dave Buda? If so, my dad would completely fucking flip if I joined the band. He used to constantly rave about his bass skills...hahaha.

no I'm not actually related to Dave, but I did take some classes with him at Berklee and he is now my private teacher.
[Jan 30,2006 12:43pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i_am_not_me said:I got a fuckin' car now. I just may give this a shot. Although doing it may mean I'd need to work an extra day a week to get the gas money, which could potentially eliminate a practice day. That, and my vocals aren't exactly up to par with what they used to be for some reason.

But I'd love to make it happen. Cryptic Warning's badass and I'm sure this will be equally, if not more so.

we'd be happy to audition you. email me at anthony_buda@yahoo.com and we can set up a time.
[Jan 31,2006 1:40am - i_am_not_me ""]
[Feb 15,2006 7:03pm - Anthony nli  ""]
stiiiiill lookin
[Feb 15,2006 10:18pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Help these fuckers out. They own.
[Feb 16,2006 7:44pm - Anthony nli  ""]
[Feb 18,2006 1:01pm - cypiphobia ""]
still lookin?? i can scream like a little bitch gettin a train run on er. i got pretty good lows too, not much of a singer... at all.
but i live in nh. if you wana try me out let me know. ill learn me a song of you guyz and come on down there and try out.
[Feb 19,2006 5:23pm - Anthony nli  ""]
cypiphobia said:still lookin?? i can scream like a little bitch gettin a train run on er. i got pretty good lows too, not much of a singer... at all.
but i live in nh. if you wana try me out let me know. ill learn me a song of you guyz and come on down there and try out.

if you feel like you can make the commute to Boston from NH at least once a week, then we'll definitely have you come down and audition. send me an email anthony_buda@yahoo.com

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