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May, 13 2005 at The Flywheel

[May 4,2005 11:08pm - sean_streets ""]
May, 13 2005 at The Flywheel
Easthampton, MA 01027

Within the Fray
Random Acts of Violence
The Accursed

gunna be a good show, so come along. theres gunna be milk and cookies; everyone loves milk and cookies.
[May 4,2005 11:11pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
umm that's interesting.
[May 4,2005 11:52pm - sean_streets ""]
OK so no one felt the need to inform us that the lineup had changed, this is the new lineup, thanks spelled correctly sean.

Throwing Shrapnel
Within the Fray
Cryptic Warning
[May 5,2005 12:12am - hunterhunter ""]
ok so heres the deal with this show...
the date isnt booked yet, which is why I havent contacted any tf the bands yet- my mistake and I apologize for that. NOT ALL HOPE IS LOST however, and we are still working on securing this date....more info as it comes
[May 5,2005 12:48am - sean_streets ""]
right on, no problem dude, just let me know when shits cool.
[May 5,2005 10:26am - Anthony nli  ""]
Bad news- CW can no longer play this date because Phil has obligations with his other band that day. Sorry!
[May 5,2005 12:44pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i know for a fact i can get either HBBSI or It Will End in Pure Horror or both...cause i'm crazy, that's right Crazy Larry's new and used bands. we gotta sell'em all so come on up and drive one of these hot bands off the lot today !
[May 5,2005 1:04pm - adam_time ""]
i suggest raising kubrick or dour cursiva if they're available
i have yet to play with either of them.
maybe taste of silver? they're always fun to watch.
[May 5,2005 3:55pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm gonna ask the boys at practice tonight. Personally, I'm interested as hell.

By the way, will there really be milk and cookies? if not...I'm bringing some.
[May 5,2005 3:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
sweet bring the good ones, Throwing Shrapnel brought them to the last Bombshelter show Ha
[May 5,2005 4:02pm - KeithMutiny ""]
you people need to get your shit straight... who the fuck is playing
[May 5,2005 8:04pm - adam_time ""]
so maybe dour cursiva in cryptic's place if this show even happens...
hunter what's the pizza?
[May 5,2005 8:05pm - adam_time ""]
i can bring cookies, too.
[May 5,2005 8:16pm - hunterhunter ""]
ok ok ok listen up, im still waiting to hear from this chick whos really starting to piss me off. Im going to shop around for other local venues. IM FUCKING PISSED because this is the second time shit has gone wrong with a show I set up. the girl is calling me back in a half hour. Its cool that so many bands are willing to play, but a bummer CW cant play. Oh well...more news soon
[May 5,2005 9:05pm - brian_dc ""]
Dour Cursiva can definitely play...consider our name thrown in the veritable hat...or just the regular hat...fuck, it's cinco de mayo, throw it in the sombrero
[May 5,2005 10:01pm - hunterhunter ""]
HBBSI(pending their approval- ok w,w&w? you can get in touch with them about this?)
great then all should go well. let me know what you think
[May 5,2005 10:11pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey adam:

I actually hadn't read this thread yet, but thanks for the kind words.

that was thoughtful of you. We couldn't play that day anyway, I have to hold down the fort here while the parents are away, but you r0xx
[May 5,2005 11:47pm - brian_dc ""]
Great, just wanted to make sure though...did you find a new venue or is it still flywheel?

give us an email: dour_cursiva@hotmail.com

I dunno, just some basic stuff...time to be there, we can find directions, favorite kind of cookies...you know...the essentials.
[May 6,2005 12:08am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
haha this is awesome, were going all out Friday the 13th for this show !
[May 6,2005 1:34am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh and yes HBBSI is cool !
[May 6,2005 7:58am - hunterhunter ""]
this is at the FLYWHEEL next FRIDAY, MAY 13th. Get there around 7:00 sharp!! we were scramblin last time we had 5 bands there because shows have to end at like 1115 cause its a residential area. We want to try and get started at 7:30
[May 6,2005 8:03am - hunterhunter ""]
so is HBBSI playing definitly? I am making flyers today
[May 6,2005 11:08am - brian_dc ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:oh and yes HBBSI is cool !

I don't like making assumptions but I think what he means by this is that HBBSI can play.
[May 6,2005 11:20am - ben nli  ""]
yes, I will begin making flyers now!!!
thanks everyone, and get your horror faces on for friday bitches!!!
[May 6,2005 12:45pm - adam_time ""]
fucking awesome. this is gonna be a great time.
i'm bringing butterscotch chip.
[May 6,2005 1:55pm - dourcursiva ""]
whoever booked this show, thanks a bunch for letting us on it. this will be only our 4th show ever, as you probably know its hard to book gigs when you havent played out a lot, or have a "name" for yourself. any idea on the lenght of sets and order of bands???
[May 6,2005 1:59pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yes HBBSI is good to go and people fuck your cookies this night bring out your corpse paint and stage blood let's get messy bitch. i've got an easy vac to clean house Ha
[May 6,2005 4:18pm - hunterhunter ""]
I want the bands to go like this:
Dour Cursiva
Within the Fray
Throwing Shrapnel

set times will be 30-45 mins if we can get started at like 730.... there is plenty of space in the back to get your shit set up before you need to bring it up on stage (im looking at you drummers)
if anyone needs to reach me in case of an emergency my number is 508-789-2362 my name is Ben
[May 6,2005 4:48pm - brian_dc ""]
sounds wonderful to me
[May 6,2005 4:59pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im willing to bet this is an extremely long drive for me...
[May 6,2005 5:11pm - dourcursiva ""]
sweet, were going on first. i like it.
[May 6,2005 5:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
KeithMutiny said:im willing to bet this is an extremely long drive for me...

as Samuel Jacksong would say "CAR POOL, MOTHERFUCKER" !
[May 7,2005 12:54pm - hunterhunter ""]
[May 7,2005 5:14pm - streets  ""]
i like it, second is our best slot. i cant wait to see deathamphetamine, they were awesome at the lucky dog. cant stop listening to their track on NE is wicked pissed.
[May 7,2005 7:10pm - hunterhunter ""]
thanks man
i cant wait for this show eother...feel free to print some copies of this flyer if you can
[May 7,2005 7:29pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i wish my car made 2005 at the flywheel
[May 7,2005 7:38pm - dourcursiva ""]
so are we on first or last??
[May 7,2005 9:40pm - hunterhunter ""]
[May 8,2005 2:12am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
go to this show !
[May 8,2005 8:33pm - hunterhunter ""]
[May 8,2005 8:50pm - brian_dc ""]
just out of curiousity...if necessary can we use someone's cabs at this show...we're coming from RI and our van is currently not available to us...we can get there, but just to avoid having to take 3 cars that far it'd be cool if we could use just 2 4X12's
[May 8,2005 8:54pm - brian_dc ""]
again, we'll probably be able to figure it out without a problem...but just in case we are left with no hope or some shit like that
[May 8,2005 11:05pm - sean streets  ""]
im sure you could use our our cabs (WTF) as long as you wouldnt mind having our name up while you played.
[May 8,2005 11:23pm - brian_dc ""]
definitely no problem having your name up there...thanks again...probably won't even need to...but good to know that it's cool
[May 10,2005 9:36am - anonymous  ""]
[May 10,2005 3:11pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
mmm mmm mmm bitch !
[May 11,2005 1:06am - adam_time ""]
this fuckin friday. yea the fuckin 13th.

how could you want anything more than metal and COOKIES on friday the 13th?
[May 11,2005 1:24am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Blooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood !
[May 11,2005 2:21pm - Ben nli  ""]
Just a reminder to the bands playing earlier on (i.e. dour cursiva, within the fray)- try to get there at around 7-730 we want to get started as early as possible, this show has to end by 11:15
[May 12,2005 2:54am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blood, cookies/milk, vagina, metal, titties and random assortment of free drugs or reading material will be handed out at this show !

or you could just go for the sake of seeing some quality bands play metal
[May 12,2005 11:02am - brian_dc nli  ""]
perhaps this shall be bumped...yes, it shall
[May 12,2005 2:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
to the moon !
[May 13,2005 12:39am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
bump this shit up
[May 13,2005 1:15am - brian_dc nli  ""]
you got it sir
[May 13,2005 2:01pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hunterhunter said:[img]

[May 13,2005 5:40pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[May 14,2005 9:29am - hunterhunter ""]
Thanks alot to everyone who came out to the show
sucks that there was a hole put in the wall, but the show still fucking rocked.
[May 14,2005 10:02am - brian_dc ""]
yeah, thanks for having us, we'll have to do it again sometime
[May 14,2005 11:58am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
art kids were never really known for their carpentry skills
[May 14,2005 4:21pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hunterhunter said:Thanks alot to everyone who came out to the show
sucks that there was a hole put in the wall, but the show still fucking rocked.

thanks for bringing us out there, again sorry about the hole..we did give them money to repair it. i had a great fucking time out there though, it would have been nice to see Death play again but well it seemed people weren't too happy to have us stick around so we split after about 80 people came up to us and bitched about the wall. i mean i think random people off the street were coming in to talk to us about it. Ha naw it was a great time, too bad fashionable kids like to stand or sit around like cattle. i guess computers and PS2s ruin motivation to move. golf clapping is not a sport.

again thanks guys in Death, we'll have to hook you guys up with a show in pvd sometime.
[May 15,2005 11:04am - adamtimenli  ""]
good show, decent turnout for eastbumfuck mass.
though it took me about 3 hours to get out there, the whole night was made worthwhile just to see deathamphetamine again. by far the tightest, most confident and professional looking local band i've ever seen. their sound was mixed perfectly and you could hear everything.
i missed dour cursiva because we got held up in traffic and showed up right as they were unloading their equipment. they were all really nice guys though, and probably the most apporachable band we've played with to date. they actually talked to us, and they weren't dicks or tough guys or cocky bastards. that's enough to make me want to be on a bill with them again.
i forgot to bring those cookies, sorry folks.
[May 15,2005 6:26pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
adamtimenli said:i forgot to bring those cookies, sorry folks.

there was cookies there, i got a couple...mmm m & m cookies so good.
[May 15,2005 6:31pm - brian_dc ""]
adamtime, we shall play together again, you guys were killer.

and when I bought those cookies I got in a 20 minute conversation with some guy who was really curious about who A Terrible Night for a Curse was...it was fun
[May 15,2005 6:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:adamtime, we shall play together again, you guys were killer.

and when I bought those cookies I got in a 20 minute conversation with some guy who was really curious about who A Terrible Night for a Curse was...it was fun

were you the one wearing their hoodie !
[May 15,2005 6:34pm - brian_dc ""]
yes sir
[May 15,2005 6:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:yes sir

ah, yeah i talked to you...missed your set out of starvation.
[May 15,2005 6:43pm - brian_dc ""]
no worries, most people missed our set just because it was so early...we resigned ourselves to that fate early and just had a good time with it.

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