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Recomend me some good black metal

[Nov 22,2004 5:15pm - MikeFuck  ""]
Wretched Asylum, 13 Winters, Ray Charles.
[Nov 22,2004 5:28pm - assuck ""]
Desaster kicks ass

[Nov 22,2004 5:37pm - Justin ACR  ""]
Wraithious said:Joe, I allmost forgot, do you remember that black metal band... snicker snicker...

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Id call witchery thrash metal
[Nov 22,2004 6:02pm - armageddonday ""]
assuck said:Desaster kicks ass


Yeah I can't stop, between Desaster and Destroyer 666, I know I'm hooked for life.

Superchrist (Alex, this CD rules)
[Nov 22,2004 6:39pm - armageddonday ""]
armageddonday said:

Superchrist (Alex, this CD rules)

Nevermind, I'm still drunk from last night...I was indeed listening to Satanic Warmaster and I thought it was Superchrist, I'm really dumb. Well now I'm listening to Superchrist and indeed they are fucking good....totaly NOT black metal though.
[Nov 22,2004 6:54pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha ok, this makes more sense now!
[Nov 22,2004 7:33pm - SINOFANGELS-RAY ""]
Motley Crue -shout at the devil \m/
[Nov 22,2004 8:57pm - Abbath ""]
MikeFuck said:Wretched Asylum, 13 Winters, Ray Charles.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA add Dark Funeral to that list and it'll be the best list ever!!!
[Nov 22,2004 9:23pm - gorg  ""]
lots of the stuff on this list is pretty awesome
but i've still never heard a black metal cd i love more than weakling.
[Nov 23,2004 12:24am - BornSoVile ""]
Satanic Warmaster is awesome.
If you need 3 bands that set the ground work for black metal I'd say stick with Burzum, Darkthrone, and Immortal. Bathory is a very important band as well.
[Nov 24,2004 9:06am - anonymous  ""]
WITCHERY KICKS ASS SO FUCK ALL YOU ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Nov 24,2004 1:01pm - Justin ACR  ""]
anonymous said:WITCHERY KICKS ASS SO FUCK ALL YOU ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think witchery is bad ass, just not black metal
[Nov 24,2004 1:11pm - armageddonday ""]
Funny, I just put Witchery "Witchburner" on before readins this.
[Nov 24,2004 1:44pm - litacore ""]
haha, my friend got me that one for Xmas a few years ago
[Nov 24,2004 2:39pm - armageddonday ""]
Have you heard the German thrash band called Witchburner? They're awesome!
[Nov 25,2004 8:16pm - Wraithious ""]
I have 3 witchery CD's, I just can't get into them. I gave them a good shot, and just didn't like them. Me Joe and someone else saw them live and we were pissing off alot of people with that whole WWWIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
thing, the best part was slowly raising the 3rd finger of both hands in a quavery motion as you said it, each person hesitating a second before saying it to give it a dynamic, 3D effect.
[Nov 25,2004 8:17pm - Wraithious ""]
Someone mentioned Immortal, They kicked ass live, I would definatly recomend them too.

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