Now Find a show to go to! Apr 20 (Thu) - Pink Mass, Locus Mortis, Upheaval, WREAK - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA) April 20th 2017 Metal Thursday CCCXXVIII: Pink Mass (NJ Grind), Locus Mortis (NY Death Metal), Upheaval, & Death State @ Ralph's Worcester[views:279675][posts:657][show listing] ____________________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 1:40pm - RTTP Department of Records ""] RTTP%20DEPT%20OF%20DEPT said:Also missed that she claims to be an former engineer working for missile defense companies. Also proudly touts SSI disability claim. Also has a make pretend boyfriend/significant other that is probably one of the people typing back to her...nah that would be amazing though. I'm sure whoever "they" are...they deal with Charlotte and the web of lies she has spun herself. Also is a garbage performance artist, shitty dom and even worse at treating her "patients" whom pay her to do some sort of useless fire teasing display. Unless you get 2nd to 3rd degree burns, branding yourself, or just immolation, fire sticks held out in front of a topless women is garbage and at best SUB-sophomoric. Grey faction, TST, Charlotte lambre, the therapist that she goes too and everything else detailed in her cum dumpster life's thread here is purely (at this point) for our amusement in your declining attempt at "trolling". TST has yet to even come here formally and address you, all you've been doing is typing to a bunch of fat *bald metal heads. You dumb cunt. Fixed |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 2:21pm - grandmotherweb ""] um.. i claim to be a former engineer who worked for a drone manufacturer, and various other robotics companies. find me on LinkedIn and contact them about it, if you care. you are not in a position to critique my fire domme skills - yet. i grew up in 2 cults in Alabama, then moved up north and became an agnostic Buddhist before getting into fire and metal and stuff. that's not the same as being "mind-controlled by unseen forces." i don't think TST's shirtcocking spokesman should be sending his toadies to rape survivors' conferences with hidden cameras, to "prove a point." he is not qualified to diagnose mental illness on the internet. TST is represented on this thread, trying to protect their vile cult leader from "body shaming" and, generally, the consequences of his actions - like stalking and harassment against any therapist he doesn't like. i'm sure he had a very bad therapy experience at some point. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 2:26pm - grandmotherweb ""] RTTP%20DEPT%20OF%20DEPTS said:arms..fucking arms raised in the air. eat my torch. (sign a waiver first.) [img] |
________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 2:45pm - anony-mooooose ""] Good comeback. You lose. You've been called on all your lies and disproven multiple times. You are a fake, a fraud, a charlatan, a poser, a liar- with no friends and nobody to care. Really grandma, nobody cares. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 2:50pm - grandmotherweb ""] 'Charlatan' would've been my Scul name, had i ridden with them, which i didn't. ah, regrets.. research DID, you haven't. nobody cares about DID therapy except people with DID. TST's shirtcocking spokesman does not deserve to have a band named after his junk, nor should he be anywhere near mentally ill people seeking recovery. [img] |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 2:52pm - grandmotherweb ""] TST has proven nothing, except that they like attention. so do i. they are willing to go to desperate and illegal lengths to get it. me, i just troll people mercilessly. sue me for doing so, why doncha? [img] |
________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 4:02pm - anony-mooooose ""] It's pretty funny to see how upset you are while nobody cares. i can do this forever. I think you are correct with that one statement that "nobody cares about DID therapy except people with DID." I don't know why you're so mad at someone disproving your diagnosis. Just get your therapy and move on with your business. It's really a shame that this is your only priority in life. I feel sad for you. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 4:15pm - grandmotherweb ""] i feel sorry for TST: all that work discrediting therapists for nothing. i and millions of others will continue to have and seek treatment for DID, and nothing TST does will ever change that. why they have chosen to take a vendetta against a handful of therapists and turn it into a sideshow campaign to troll mentally ill people is beyond me. but as long as that is their mission, we mentally ill people will troll them right back. |
________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 4:27pm - anony-mooooose ""] Why you have taken a post about a show for bands to make it about you and your personal vendetta is fucking stupid ass shit and you should feel some sort of shame. |
____________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 4:29pm - RTTP DEPT OF DEPTS ""] Posts memes all day on the internet claiming disabilities. Posts memes all day on the internet claiming disabilities. Posts memes all day on the internet claiming disabilities. Posts memes all day on the internet claiming disabilities. Posts memes all day on the internet claiming disabilities. Posts memes all day on the internet claiming disabilities. Posts memes all day on the internet claiming disabilities. Posts memes all day on the internet claiming disabilities. |
____________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 4:29pm - RTTP DEPT OF DEPTS ""] btw yawn, you wont show up. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 4:30pm - grandmotherweb ""] eh. Mr. "I've Got A Band Named After My Junk" feels no shame for whipping out hidden cameras at a rape survivors' conference. i feel no shame about trolling on the internet, tho i don't blame Kev for diss-inviting me. actions do have consequences, after all. |
____________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 4:30pm - RTTP DEPT OF DEPTS ""] Yawn you wont show up. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 4:34pm - grandmotherweb ""] i was asked not to, wasn't i? i respect the work that Kev and MT do, and i have no intention of making their jobs harder than they have to be in real life. TST, on the other hand, expects a red carpet laid out for their Juggalo porn shenanigans, and needs to learn to clean up after themselves. no one else will do it for them. |
___________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 4:42pm - The Trvth ""] So if the issue isn't with Kevin, why bring this into one of his threads? |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 4:52pm - grandmotherweb ""] just to troll a band name lifted off some dude's junk, who think's he's Satan's gift to mental patients and likes to leave bad reviews on Amazon (under fake names) for any book on multiplicity. we mentally ill people can seek therapy all on our own without religious interference. and Kev can book whatever band he wants, as long as they don't use their microphone to mock others' disabilities. we all need therapy at this point, don't we? |
________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 6:43pm - anony-mooooose ""] Man you are fucking nuts, but you're also really fucking selfish and self absorbed. There's nothing even a little decent about what you're doing. You are fucked up person definitely but you're also just a fucking asshole. |
________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 6:44pm - anony-mooooose ""] You were asked not to show up to many places. Doesn't that tell you something? |
__________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 6:48pm - susurrate ""] grandmotherweb said:as long as they don't use their microphone to mock others' disabilities. bennyhillifier |
________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 7:08pm - anony-mooooose ""] grandma seems to be making a lot of friends. |
__________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 7:19pm - susurrate ""] utilizing the term 'grandma' automatically brought this to my mind [img] timeless meme. |
________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 7:33pm - anony-mooooose ""] is grandma even able to participate in creampie activities or does it have to assign another personality? |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 9:07pm - grandmotherweb ""] show yer face, and i'll tell you all about my alters in headspace.. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 9:10pm - grandmotherweb ""] speaking of Seth Putnam, i'm not the first person to fan the flames of drama in the metal scene, am i? i troll with purpose: DID is a real thing, and TST is a cult. mental illness is not a lifestyle choice. write more songs about it. grandmotherweb said:all i am saying is the first guy i fucked in the metal scene had a psycho ex-girlfriend who broke into my house the next morning. psycho bitch. this is why i get laid in the burner scene instead. oh wait.. |
________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 9:10pm - anony-mooooose ""] I'll pass. You can keep all your fucking retarded personalities to yourself. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 9:13pm - grandmotherweb ""] have fun at the show. i'll be there in spirit. i hope Pink Mass the band is better at cleaning up their messes than the original "Pink Mass." |
_____________________________________________ [Mar 6,2017 11:11pm - TPPR DEPT OF DEPTS ""] Yawn, you wont show up to this show. |
_________________________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 6:28am - Early morning Happy Person man ""] I think you guys are foolish for not letting Charlotte in. She is not a bad person. |
_________________________________________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 8:29am - The 5th Sense: Crime Stinks (He Nose the Truth) ""] grandmotherweb said:speaking of Seth Putnam, i'm not the first person to fan the flames of drama in the metal scene, am i? yeah, but Seth Putnam actually contributed something of value. |
________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 9:08am - Just wondering ""] Is there any proof that anyone affiliated with TST has ever actually even been on RTTP? I think all these anti TST posts are pointless here |
_____________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 9:22am - Neil Brick Official ""] Charlotte- Please sit on your hands so you cannot type, my child. |
_____________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 9:23am - Neil Brick Official ""] Also, I heard the satanic temple uses talk-to-type so please do not use that either. |
____________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 10:27am - The Trvth ""] grandmotherweb said:speaking of Seth Putnam, i'm not the first person to fan the flames of drama in the metal scene, am i? i troll with purpose: DID is a real thing, and TST is a cult. mental illness is not a lifestyle choice. write more songs about it. grandmotherweb said:all i am saying is the first guy i fucked in the metal scene had a psycho ex-girlfriend who broke into my house the next morning. psycho bitch. this is why i get laid in the burner scene instead. oh wait.. What purpose is that? Being a deranged cunt with nothing better to do? |
___________________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 10:50am - RTTP Dept of Powel Metal ""] The%20Trvth said: grandmotherweb said:speaking of Seth Putnam, i'm not the first person to fan the flames of drama in the metal scene, am i? i troll with purpose: DID is a real thing, and TST is a cult. mental illness is not a lifestyle choice. write more songs about it. grandmotherweb said:all i am saying is the first guy i fucked in the metal scene had a psycho ex-girlfriend who broke into my house the next morning. psycho bitch. this is why i get laid in the burner scene instead. oh wait.. What purpose is that? Being a deranged cunt with nothing better to do? The only purpose all this is serving is promoting this show - which is the by-laws of the rttp status quo. |
___________________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 10:50am - RTTP Dept of Powel Metal ""] *against the by laws. |
____________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 11:02am - The Trvth ""] RTTP%20Dept%20of%20Powel%20Metal said: The%20Trvth said: grandmotherweb said:speaking of Seth Putnam, i'm not the first person to fan the flames of drama in the metal scene, am i? i troll with purpose: DID is a real thing, and TST is a cult. mental illness is not a lifestyle choice. write more songs about it. grandmotherweb said:all i am saying is the first guy i fucked in the metal scene had a psycho ex-girlfriend who broke into my house the next morning. psycho bitch. this is why i get laid in the burner scene instead. oh wait.. What purpose is that? Being a deranged cunt with nothing better to do? The only purpose all this is serving is promoting this show - which is the by-laws of the rttp status quo. A RTTP uprising is in the making! |
_________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 12:25pm - anony-mooooose ""] I don't think grandma is involved with tst or has any interest in promoting this show. I think grandma is looking for a piece of ass |
_______________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 2:31pm - grandmotherweb ""] nope, just looking for a male sub for my genital immolation rituals.. preferably Doug Mesner's Lesbian-Makers, but whatever. #LiarLiar #NutsOnFire and i am fully interested in promoting this show, which involves friends of mine. #ArtShouldNotBeCensored #FriendsDontLetFriendsJoinCults |
________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 2:36pm - anony-mooooose ""] if you've been asked to not go to the show I'm pretty sure the people are not your friends. idiot. and why not just call or email the guy to ask him to set his "nuts on fire" |
_______________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 2:52pm - grandmotherweb ""] Kev is more of an acquaintance, really. Lucien Craven Coward and i have had a number of fruitless conversations on Twitter. why he thinks he can continue telling lies about people with DID for attention is beyond me. #IveGotABandNamedAfterMyJunk #WhipItOutForAttentionOneMoreTime |
_______________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 2:53pm - grandmotherweb ""] also, he may or may not be a CIA informant. [img] |
_______________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 2:56pm - Grandma Chris Webber ""] NIGGA CAN'T EVEN SHOOT |
__________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 3:09pm - susurrate ""] take this warning ye who do not know the true inner workings of the mysterious and spooky conclave of government officials employing those who appear to be normal civilians. I once got engaged to this chick and had to go to her parents house- (it was terrible- they didn't seem to approve of my choice of vocation and that was just the start). her father hated me from the get-go and I really thought something was up with him. I heard him speaking in an asian language outside the market where I was trying to find a nice wine and the next day the guy wound up sticking bamboo shoots under my fingernails and administering a polygraph!!! fucking insane. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 3:12pm - grandmotherweb ""] the CIA sells crack cocaine for a living. (maybe that explains why TST is so edgy and paranoid..) bennyhillifier |
________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 3:33pm - anony-mooooose ""] This is a brand new type of paranoia that I've never been exposed to before |
__________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 3:41pm - susurrate ""] Any paranoia released after 1994 isn't worth listening to. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 3:46pm - grandmotherweb ""] Doug Mesner thinks that "I'll light yer nuts on fire" is a "credible death threat." who's the "Public Paranoid" now, o self-styled debunker of therapy? |
_______________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 3:49pm - grandmotherweb ""] [img] [img] |
________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 4:37pm - anony-mooooose ""] I think if that's true, you should definitely provide some sort of evidence. Because it seems you are the only person saying such things. I think if that were true he'd have been taken to court or something considering the stuff he does with his organization. I'm not promoting any of TST in any way though you've given me much reason to actually like them after all your fight about them, but you can't go slinging those kinds of words without providing evidence and it's evident there is none. You're pretty much full of shit and just angry that nobody cares. |
__________________________________________ [Mar 7,2017 7:21pm - Ghosts of Belial ""] If Kev can provide high hats, should be a good show! |