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NEVERMORE finish recording new album, "The Obsidian Conspiracy"

[Feb 28,2010 8:44pm - blessed offal  ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:Nevermore sucks ass.

fixed :HUMP:
[Feb 28,2010 9:35pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Feb 28,2010 9:35pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I take it you were never a Sanctuary fan either?
[Feb 28,2010 9:39pm - blessed offal  ""]
we used to call it 'nice shirt metal'
[Feb 28,2010 9:43pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Like, when you'd go to a show?
[Feb 28,2010 10:01pm - blessed offal  ""]

[Feb 28,2010 10:06pm - blessed offal  ""]
actually from what i remember the politics of ecstasy's definitly got some badass riffery on it
[Feb 28,2010 10:08pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Now you leave Jon Scahffer and his Dracula cape out of this.
[Mar 1,2010 12:20pm - kessaris ""]
I don't think I believe that they didn't use the Kranks when they toured with them. Loomis used to have 2 heads, both switched on, and 2 cabs while Steve Smyth had 1 head and cab...again, they were turned on. So I'm betting they did use them, even if they did run a mesa behind it. they could have always A/B'd the signal. Plus I don't think they would go through the trouble of faking what they're using...their stage setup isn't exactly complicated.

On Dead Heart I'm pretty sure I've read a thread like the one posted here that shows all the settings and amps and stuff used for Nevermore albums. On the thread I read it said Loomis was playing a low 70 or 80 string gauge for his low B flat. thats like using a bass string.

PS - anyone hear Sons of Liberty (is that the name?). It's Jon Schaffer's solo project of him singing about America with a drum machine and recycled IE riffs.
[Mar 1,2010 12:26pm - kessaris ""]

blessed%20offal said:actually from what i remember the politics of ecstasy's definitly got some badass riffery on it

Listen to the final track, The Learning. That song has some of my all time favorite riffs. The descending triplet riff is phenominal.
[Mar 1,2010 12:29pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
The Politics of Ecstasy is certified heaviness.
[Mar 1,2010 12:33pm - brian_dc ""]
sneap uses SM-57s?

[Mar 1,2010 12:44pm - Yeti ""]

kessaris said:
blessed%20offal said:actually from what i remember the politics of ecstasy's definitly got some badass riffery on it

Listen to the final track, The Learning. That song has some of my all time favorite riffs. The descending triplet riff is phenominal.

that is one of the greatest songs ever written.

i am so psyched for this album, in today's fluctuating metal world it's hard to gauge what an older band will release, but with Nevermore every single thing they have ever released has been amazing. i thought the same thing when they released This Godless Endeavour, and that album blew me away. believe it or not i think that Dreaming Neon Black is my least favorite, it is no way shape or form sub-par, but in their discography it's the one i listen to the least. Politics, Dead Heart, and Godless win all.
[Mar 1,2010 2:05pm - blue ""]

brian_dc said:sneap uses SM-57s?


i thought the same thing.
[Mar 8,2010 10:49pm - kessaris ""]
June 8th...fuck. 5 years between albums = too fucking long!
[Mar 8,2010 11:35pm - i_am_not_me ""]
June 8th now? Goddamn, keeps getting pushed back. Last I had heard was May.

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