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Overcast tonight!! Who's going?

the Palladium (Worcester, Ma) - [frozen][overcast][since_the_flood][the_acacia_strain]
[Jun 9,2006 12:44pm - the_reverend ""]
pam: so, I'm from NH and I don't like scissorfight. when you married into new bedford, you married into it all. the extra chromasomes, the sposel abuse, and 3 guys playing something melodic.
[Jun 9,2006 12:45pm - sacreligion ""]
not enough attention is being paid to the statue of the man raping the turtle
[Jun 9,2006 12:45pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
pam nli said:It would be if I were from New Bedford.

Ooops, I didn't mean zinger against you, gal, I meant against Beyond the Embrace.
[Jun 9,2006 12:46pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
sacreligion said:not enough attention is being paid to the statue of the man raping the turtle

This is a common occurence in the Massachusetts suburbs.
[Jun 9,2006 12:46pm - pam nli  ""]
I'm probably moving to Providence...where's that going to leave me?

[Jun 9,2006 12:48pm - Theaccursedvokillist nli  ""]
the_reverend said:pam: so, I'm from NH and I don't like scissorfight. when you married into new bedford, you married into it all. the extra chromasomes, the sposel abuse, and 3 guys playing something melodic.


Thats the thanks I get for bringing Beyond the flesh up here for you huh?
ok....we'll see who laughs last mister no sales tax.
[Jun 9,2006 12:55pm - sacreligion ""]
dude...seriously...there's a man raping a turtle in downtown worcester...why isn't anyone amazed by this? is it really that common of a thing? fuckin nutjobs
[Jun 9,2006 3:07pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
xmikex said:Overcast can lick my grundle.

I had the best time in Saugus. Disco Paul crowd punched a framed picture of George Bush, there was blood all over the floor by the end of our set, and everyone had fun.

Fuck, I KNEW I went to the wrong show! That must have been SOOOOO much more worthwhile.

(PS - your statement was so retarded, I almost contemplated informing the secret cervix of your friend's freedom-hating activities)

[Jun 9,2006 3:11pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
I just realized that you won't even be around to retort to my statement - you're probably too busy mourning your buddy Zarqawi, you dirty Shiite Moslem!!!
[Jun 9,2006 3:37pm - Colin  ""]
Matt Lacasse was never in Frozen. You are confusing Frozen with TYOOL. In fact, all ex-Frozen members never played in other bands and no longer play music and don't really do anything with their lives. With the exception of Adam Grinovich, who still sings for Life In Vain.
[Jun 9,2006 3:38pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hah Rev, I was right!!!!

Take that, Bainbridge Scholars!
[Jun 9,2006 3:39pm - RichHorror ""]
The "3 guys playing something melodic" thing is classic. Kudos.
[Jun 9,2006 3:41pm - RichHorror ""]
Oh yeah, Overcast sucks. Pretty much every band from New Bedford sucks, also. You both win and lose.
[Jun 9,2006 3:44pm - RichHorror ""]
And as an aside... Pam, you were born in Quincy, but chose to live in New Bedford. You lose.
[Jun 9,2006 3:54pm - sacreligion ""]
worcester wins!
[Jun 9,2006 9:12pm - the_reverend ""]
Overcast: blue, I know how you feel with that comment. I've seen them now 4 or 5 time post breakup and I wasn't overly excited to see them again. It's still odd to me that a band I really liked 10 years ago has spawned most of the mega-million dollar industry of massachusetts metalcore. It's both cool and odd that they can cash in on this. With that said, the first note (the average age in the crowd dropped 10 years) they hit floored me. Like the last few times I've seen them. Hell, I thought I would just shoot a couple songs and then would charge out, but I ended up staying for the whole time. as for the music they played, I think it was the same exact set as they always play. I really can't say much more. Kids moshed. There was some really slow stage diving and that was it. Hopefully, the kids in the front row will o out and by the orange cd. I forget what it's called, but that is my fav.

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