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Need vocals for the new project I've started

[Mar 8,2010 2:45am - PatMeebles ""]
I need a screamer who's into poetic hate, without the emo crap.

[Mar 8,2010 4:02am - omgzzzbm  ""]
let's talk!
[Mar 8,2010 6:53am - PHILIP ANSELMO  ""]
Ah would be honuhd tuh be uh pawht of yoah new endevuh.Brothuh, RAMAPANT DECAY? Oh mah gawd son, that shit theauh DEFINED uh dualuhtee that ah thawuht only exsisted in mah dreams,mannnnn.
Yoah talkin' AGNOSTIC FRONT and THE EXPLOITED.............jus' PUMMELIN'.....pummelin'......
[Mar 8,2010 10:17am - RichHorror ""]
I've never felt so much pride and honor in my life.
[Mar 8,2010 10:39am - PatMeebles ""]
If you want to talk, it probably helps to have an email or link that I can reach you at.
[Mar 8,2010 10:41am - arilliusbm ""]
Screamer as in what style?
[Mar 8,2010 10:41am - sever ""]
do you have any recordings of your music available?
[Mar 8,2010 10:54am - xmikex ""]
Promising band sounds promising.
[Mar 8,2010 11:09am - im thinkin slarbys  ""]
i was treated to a preview of this stuff last night, promising indeed!!
[Mar 8,2010 12:09pm - patmeebles ""]
Without giving a false impression... Blackened Prog Hardcore Sludge D-Beat

HHIG meets Martyr meets Guyana Punchline meets Mastodon-Drums meets Something/I Don't Know

All I ask is that you be ok with collaborating on lyrics. I'm kind of a control freak but only on basic stuff.
[Mar 8,2010 12:25pm - patmeebles ""]
Looking through my music folder I'd guess I'm looking for vocals that incorporate these sounds:

American Nightmare
Poison the well
Early Despise You
Suicide File
Martyr (Warp Zone era)

The only problem is half these bands are all about emo bullshit and I-Hate-You-Dad whiny-core. I want actual hate.
[Mar 8,2010 3:13pm - patmeebles ""]
[Mar 8,2010 4:21pm - ZenErik ""]
I'd be interested, but I never really write lyrics and don't hate anyone or anything very much except my manager. Would you like every song to be about my manager?
[Mar 8,2010 4:23pm - ouchdrummer ""]
martyr? Don't getmewrong, i love em. But i the word "hate" doesn't really come to mind... neither does "scream" for that matter. They're more of the angry yell.
[Mar 8,2010 4:34pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
It sounds like you're looking for Shai Hulud style lyrics. Misanthropic and hateful without the whiny aww just kill me shit.

Right up my ally, actually, if you've read any on my own lyrics. However, I'm not really in a good position to join any bands right now.
[Mar 8,2010 4:36pm - ouchdrummer ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:It sounds like you're looking for Shai Hulud style lyrics. Misanthropic and hateful without the whiny aww just kill me shit.

Right up my ally, actually, if you've read any on my own lyrics. However, I'm not really in a good position to join any bands right now.

Why, too busy amassing the largest guitar collection in history?
[Mar 8,2010 4:41pm - patmeebles ""]

ouchdrummer said:martyr? Don't getmewrong, i love em. But i the word "hate" doesn't really come to mind... neither does "scream" for that matter. They're more of the angry yell.

If you listen to warp zone his vocal tone is much higher than Feeding the Abscess
[Mar 8,2010 4:46pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

ouchdrummer said:
ArrowHeadNLI said:It sounds like you're looking for Shai Hulud style lyrics. Misanthropic and hateful without the whiny aww just kill me shit.

Right up my ally, actually, if you've read any on my own lyrics. However, I'm not really in a good position to join any bands right now.

Why, too busy amassing the largest guitar collection in history?

I just got 2 more. Up to 14 guitars, 2 basses, and 2 acoustics. Now I just need FREE TIME!
[Mar 8,2010 4:48pm - ouchdrummer ""]

patmeebles said:
ouchdrummer said:martyr? Don't getmewrong, i love em. But i the word "hate" doesn't really come to mind... neither does "scream" for that matter. They're more of the angry yell.

If you listen to warp zone his vocal tone is much higher than Feeding the Abscess

I have that one too, whatevs though. I think they're a great influence to have, awesome band.
[Mar 8,2010 6:38pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'm interested, but I could only do it if you never plan on touring or playing more than one show a month, heh.
[Mar 8,2010 6:41pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Where you based out of?
[Mar 8,2010 7:18pm - patmeebles ""]
Practice in Brighton
[Mar 9,2010 12:49am - Pires ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I'm interested, but I could only do it if you never plan on touring or playing more than one show a month, heh.

horrifying condiments or gtfo
[Mar 9,2010 10:40am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
At the very least the world will see a Horrif'diments CD sometime this year.
[Mar 9,2010 11:43am - SkinSandwich ""]
I'll do vocals.

I changed my mind.
[Mar 9,2010 11:45am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:At the very least the world will see a Horrif'diments CD sometime this year.

[Mar 9,2010 11:46am - dreadkill ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:At the very least the world will see a Horrif'diments CD sometime this year.
please make horrif'diments the official name of the band
[Mar 9,2010 11:47am - dreadkill ""]

dreadkill said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:At the very least the world will see a Horrif'diments CD sometime this year.
please make horrif'diments the official name of the band

do it or you're a ravioli made of pussies aka cats aka a peking ravioli
[Mar 9,2010 11:59am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Eliot and I have already been talking about making it happen.

Now someone sing for Pat's band.
[Mar 9,2010 12:05pm - PHILIP ANSELMO  ""]
Y'all want tuh touwuh with EVIL ARMY? ARSON ANTHEM? Ah can make it happen.Look.........this ain't about ME, alright.........this heah is about cuhlabuhrashun, awht in all,all,AAAAAAALLLLLLLLL it's aspects and foahms bein' given uh chance........AH WAHWNT THE WORRRRLLD TUH HEAH WHUT MUH BROTHUS AWUH CREATIN'! Ah have a platfoahm to give back to thuh unduhground that mothufuckin MAAAADE me, an' ah ain't goahnnuh foahget y'all.Beleeeeeeeeeeeeve that shit, goddammmmmmmmn
[Mar 9,2010 12:27pm - patmeebles ""]
This thread has gone horribly off-topic
[Mar 9,2010 6:42pm - patmeebles ""]
[Mar 9,2010 9:25pm - timma ""]

patmeebles said:This thread has gone horribly off-topic

'tis the unfortunate fate of any and all RTTP threads.

Except the ones about food and vaginas.
[Mar 9,2010 10:28pm - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
you had me at HHIG and hardcore sludge. too bad I suck.
[Mar 22,2010 7:43pm - patmeebles ""]
[Mar 22,2010 9:03pm - thrasher ""]
if you have a PA i can do vocals. my music equipment decided to "fall off" the back of my truck when i wasin the ghetto. i have a pretty decent range as well
[Mar 22,2010 9:39pm - Alexecutioner ""]
i got a chance to check out this project a few weeks back, it was just guitar and drums at the time, but it sounds fucking awesome, do vocals for this project or you're all pussies! :whipper:
[Mar 22,2010 9:54pm - thrasher ""]
hey alex it's pat (brian and brian's pal). i wanna do vocals for this shit but i don't got a fuckin' pa. what the dellio?
[Mar 22,2010 9:58pm - Alexecutioner ""]
oh shit haha whats up pat? well we are in the same building as patmeebles' project and we have a PA, but its not mine, so id have to find out what the deal is if you need to use it for a practice
[Mar 22,2010 9:58pm - Alexecutioner ""]
ITT: too many pat's and brian's being mentioned
[Mar 22,2010 9:59pm - Alexecutioner ""]

timma said:

patmeebles said:This thread has gone horribly off-topic

'tis the unfortunate fate of any and all RTTP threads.

Except the ones about food and vaginas.

i agree, if you start a thread about vagina's it cant go off topic since its already about vagina's
[Mar 22,2010 10:03pm - Alexecutioner ""]

timma said:

Except the ones about food and vaginas.

[Mar 22,2010 11:49pm - thrasher ""]
alex do you have aim? message me: drayehtnirelworp
[Mar 23,2010 2:47am - patmeebles ""]
I have a bass player as of tonight. GO ME
[Mar 23,2010 11:50am - patmeebles ""]
[Mar 23,2010 2:11pm - patmeebles ""]
[Mar 23,2010 5:30pm - Alexecutioner ""]
speak up, i cunt hear you
[Mar 24,2010 3:31pm - patmeebles ""]
huh? wha?
[Mar 24,2010 4:01pm - ouchdrummer ""]

patmeebles said:CAN ANYONE HEAR ME????

[Mar 24,2010 4:14pm - xmikex ""]

Alexecutioner said:ITT: too many pat's and brian's being mentioned

Somebody say PAT O'BRIEN?


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