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13 Winters Bio - ** get out your hip boots **

[Mar 29,2004 11:29am - Pink Freud  ""]
13 Winters - Where The Souls Wander
Die Winters - Vocals
Matt - Guitar
Roy Addams - Bass, Keyboards, Violin and Backing Vocals
Mike Web - Drums

As the evening mist flows through the darksome woods and the wolves bay at the Moon, a pack of souls trudge through the snow in New England. Radiating both pain and reverence like the pale blue light that passes between the bare branches of the trees. This is where the souls wander, between the physical realm and the Otherworld. Through thirteen gates, this is the place where all spirits shall pass at the end of their life cycle. The Winter that must be endured on the road to Summerland.

These hyms, begotten by the four most darkest souls in New England, were forged in the cold, caverns of Dark Valley Studios using material left rotting from days long past. Isolating themselves from the corruption of the outside world, they self produced and engineered the instruments of insurrection using ancient manuscripts written by the Princess of Darkness, Die Winters.

The album was first enseminated on the Cold Moon of December 8th 2003, at which time Mike's drums began pounding. First softly, then louder and louder untill a God-like hammering was achieved. Once this hammering was recorded, a day of rest was required. As the Moon waned the following night, Roy took an on old bass he found laying on a graveyard wall and tuned it down untill its sound was barely audible. He then plugged it into the recorder and began playing it using the VII Tarot card. The Creature now had form, yet it still lacked a soul. Now as the Wolf Moon hung high in the clear sky, Matt five fingered an axe from the local hardware store. Entering his Father's workshop while he slept, Matt carefully tuned his axe to a precision edge with a grinder. When the desired sharpness was achieved he layed down the guitar tracks, giving the Creature defined flesh and teeth. As the Ice Moon layed its snowy arms around the lands, Roy slipped into an abandoned abby. Derelict and neglected, this is where he captured the sounds of poltergeist organs, chiors and an entire string section left behind from a long ago tragedy. Adding this to the band's work gave it skin and fur.

The final item needed was the soul. Which Die gave to it by a solomn kiss. It awoke with a birth cry that shall ring out for years.

What was to crawl out of those caverns was no mere beast nor man, but an entity that was above both life and death, love and loss. Bearing with it all the darkness within the physical realm and yet maintaining the honor of the Old Ones.

Take head all who do not stand aside to the passing of this entity for it will encompass New England and after, the world. Preparing the throne for the Lady and Lord. To those who embrace the return of the Old Ones, the rewards shall be hefty. Those who refuse to embrace them will remain in their blindfolds untill they have passed on to Summerland. Then they too shall embrace the Lady and Lord.
[Mar 29,2004 11:39am - RustedAngel ""]

wow, talk about gay marriage? this is gay.
[Mar 29,2004 11:39am - Wee...Bink! ""]
why did you post this again?
[Mar 29,2004 2:30pm - Abbath ""]
don't ever post here again no one here likes 13 winters nor will they ever
[Mar 29,2004 2:54pm - morkul ""]
That is way too much to read, not to mention gayer than gay. Sounded like a very,very cheesy as hell, want to be comic book story.Without any cool characters....
[Mar 29,2004 2:58pm - Abbath ""]
ahahahha any comic company would NEVER think about that story
these guys just want penises in their mouths
[Mar 29,2004 3:04pm - morkul ""]
[Mar 29,2004 3:18pm - JellyFish ""]
kids at my school who wear chain pants and love marilyn manson would like these guys
[Mar 29,2004 3:44pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ummm... these queerboes most likely ARE those kids.
[Mar 29,2004 3:45pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
watch out! these gothic kids are too deep!! *walks by and gets sucked into the deepness*
[Mar 29,2004 4:02pm - morkul ""]
Are you clawing around in the deepness like those kids in Freddy's stomach in one of the NOES movies...hehehehehe...
[Mar 29,2004 4:17pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
Abbath said:ahahahha any comic company would NEVER think about that story
these guys just want penises in their mouths



[Mar 29,2004 4:23pm - Abbath ""]
haahhahaa finally something we all agree on!!!
[Mar 29,2004 4:31pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
Abbath said:haahhahaa finally something we all agree on!!!

Wow. this is an RTTP first.

i think me Hoser and Spauldino need to disagree just for the sake of dissagreeing.

[Mar 29,2004 4:34pm - morkul ""]
No,no,no, let peace reign throughout the land.*birds land on my shoulders*. Yeah fuckin right,hahahahahaha...
[Mar 29,2004 5:51pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
"vampires dont only come out at night!" 8=====) (===8
[Mar 29,2004 6:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Wow! That was like...


I havent heard 13 winters yet. I hear they suck the big one. But that post was rather uh... gay.

First softly, then louder and louder untill a God-like hammering was achieved.

[Mar 29,2004 6:30pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
theyre not for real...they cant be, anything that utterly retarded has to be made up and thrown out for shits and giggles, for some reason this doesnt appear to be the case...couldthis possibly be the most stupidly annoying bio ever written, yes I think so
13 winters = gay sex
[Mar 29,2004 10:56pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
My_Dying_Bride said:"vampires dont only come out at night!" 8=====) (===8

is that a cock sword fight?

[Mar 29,2004 11:55pm - Abbath ""]
that means they LOVE the cock
[Mar 30,2004 1:12am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Wee...Bink! said:

i think me Hoser and Spaldino need to disagree just for the sake of dissagreeing.

im wearing a Slipknot shirt right now... nu-metal and "goths" are amazing and they are a billion times cooler than any "real" "metal" band that any of you "metal heads" like and listen to. fo sheezy.
[Mar 30,2004 1:16am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
The_ExhumeD said:theyre not for real...they cant be, anything that utterly retarded has to be made up and thrown out for shits and giggles, for some reason this doesnt appear to be the case...couldthis possibly be the most stupidly annoying bio ever written, yes I think so
13 winters = gay sex

wanna real "joke" band... check out these guys ;)

[Mar 30,2004 9:16am - morkul ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:Wee...Bink! said:

i think me Hoser and Spaldino need to disagree just for the sake of dissagreeing.

im wearing a Slipknot shirt right now... nu-metal and "goths" are amazing and they are a billion times cooler than any "real" "metal" band that any of you "metal heads" like and listen to. fo sheezy.

So are you looking forward to the new Slipknot3? I can't remember the titlethey have. What is your take on it?
[Mar 30,2004 10:33am - The_ExhumeD ""]
hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaa.....................................ha, your joking right
okay any band that needs to grab media attention by wearing a mask sucks. I used to think slipknot was the heaviest thing ever back in 9th grade, then again I was a moron, at least I owned an obituary and Sfu cd.
[Mar 30,2004 1:49pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
the person who made this thread is probably crying
ahahahah every response on this has been negative
[Mar 30,2004 2:13pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
as much as you guys dislike them, they are the only really popular band that promotes death metal to the masses. also, they get more intense with each album. (Iowa having weak slams, but slams none-the-less and blasting) i also think a couple of the masks are pretty brutal, but its still lame to wear them on stage and stuff. Mick, is actually a really metal guy and i stumbled across his online photo album and he is wearing an Internal Bleeding shirt in some of the photos. i think its funny how thousands of metal faggots think that Slipknot is the most unmetal things going around and that they arent even close to being themselves and they couldnt be any more wrong. they are just brain-dead elitist fuckheads. (not saying that i fully enjoy Slipknot's music, but i respect what they do)
[Mar 30,2004 2:25pm - Bobo  ""]
Wow!, For a band you all hate you sure do spend a lot of time at their site.
That bio is not even 48 hours old. That's off their new site they put up yesterday.

Oh yeah, 13 Winters rules!:doublehorns:
[Mar 30,2004 2:25pm - morkul ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:as much as you guys dislike them, they are the only really popular band that promotes death metal to the masses. also, they get more intense with each album. (Iowa having weak slams, but slams none-the-less and blasting) i also think a couple of the masks are pretty brutal, but its still lame to wear them on stage and stuff. Mick, is actually a really metal guy and i stumbled across his online photo album and he is wearing an Internal Bleeding shirt in some of the photos. i think its funny how thousands of metal faggots think that Slipknot is the most unmetal things going around and that they arent even close to being themselves and they couldnt be any more wrong. they are just brain-dead elitist fuckheads. (not saying that i fully enjoy Slipknot's music, but i respect what they do)

I agree with you. Although some songs suck, others are great. As far as them being metal, I've known that all along. Joey was the first one to list such great bands as Death, Malevolent Creation, and above all else Suffocation. Shit he even said Cynic played a huge influence in their earlier stuff. As far the masks go, I've always thought they were kinda cool. To see them live is an expierience as well. I've been going to shows and slammin since I was 11 or 12 and I can say they give it their all every single time, and for that you have to respect them. No matter what field you are in.:NEWHORNS:
[Mar 30,2004 2:31pm - anon  ""]
Here's 13 Winter's new drummer at work. What a fag!
[Mar 30,2004 2:52pm - Dan the man  ""]
Like it or not, you can't deny that it's pretty original and is not the usuall boring SHIT bands post.

"John's bio - John plays bass and likes strawberries"8^(


"John's bio - I only play true metal because that is the only thing in my life is metal and since I am true I AM true metal. I am the beast hevy metal bassist in my school and Megadeth sucks because they aren't true metal. I owe my success in playing only true metal to my faith in Jesus."

I at least admire the fact they took the time to come up with all that and still keep is from becoming boring.
[Mar 30,2004 2:58pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
morkul said:TheGreatSpaldino said:as much as you guys dislike them, they are the only really popular band that promotes death metal to the masses. also, they get more intense with each album. (Iowa having weak slams, but slams none-the-less and blasting) i also think a couple of the masks are pretty brutal, but its still lame to wear them on stage and stuff. Mick, is actually a really metal guy and i stumbled across his online photo album and he is wearing an Internal Bleeding shirt in some of the photos. i think its funny how thousands of metal faggots think that Slipknot is the most unmetal things going around and that they arent even close to being themselves and they couldnt be any more wrong. they are just brain-dead elitist fuckheads. (not saying that i fully enjoy Slipknot's music, but i respect what they do)

I agree with you. Although some songs suck, others are great. As far as them being metal, I've known that all along. Joey was the first one to list such great bands as Death, Malevolent Creation, and above all else Suffocation. Shit he even said Cynic played a huge influence in their earlier stuff. As far the masks go, I've always thought they were kinda cool. To see them live is an expierience as well. I've been going to shows and slammin since I was 11 or 12 and I can say they give it their all every single time, and for that you have to respect them. No matter what field you are in.:NEWHORNS:

this thread went from me completly agreeing to me completely disagreeing.

[Mar 30,2004 3:07pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
Bobo said:Wow!, For a band you all hate you sure do spend a lot of time at their site.
That bio is not even 48 hours old. That's off their new site they put up yesterday.

Oh yeah, 13 Winters rules!:doublehorns:

i dont think any of us went to their site except that pink freud
[Mar 30,2004 4:06pm - Abbath ""]
no josiah it's just one of the members of 13 winters just pretending they are huge fans of themselves. sad isn't it?! they have done this in other threads also....
[Mar 30,2004 4:10pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
i thought thats what was happening
[Mar 30,2004 4:33pm - Joe Shmo  ""]
Hey abbath, they also pose as people who hate them, now that's really sad.
[Mar 30,2004 4:43pm - Abbath ""]
ha! i really feel bad for them now
[Mar 30,2004 5:09pm - morkul ""]
That is kinda psycho!
[Mar 30,2004 5:11pm - Joe Shmo  ""]
And what's even sadder is the fact that they are getting shitloads of attention because of you. 13 Winters sucks but you show us you feel, deep down inside, that your band is worse. Otherwise you wouldn't care enough to talk about them all the time. But hey, keep talking about how much you hate them, you're only helping them out.

The old saying goes, any publicity is good publicity.
[Mar 30,2004 5:18pm - Joe Shmo  ""]
morkul said:That is kinda psycho!

In fact, I would be inclined to speculate Abbath is a member of 13 winters just trying to get his stupid band's name out. I don't think he's ever said what band he is "supposedly" in.
[Mar 30,2004 6:33pm - morkul ""]
Nor does he have to unless asked. Maybe your in 13winters for all we know.
[Mar 30,2004 6:37pm - JellyFish ""]
Uh, Abbath is definetly not in 13 winters. And hes not 'supposidely' in a band, he is in a band. Nice concept though.
[Mar 30,2004 6:39pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
are they called 13 winters 'cos they're all 13 years old?
[Mar 30,2004 6:44pm - Joe Shmo  ""]
morkul said:Nor does he have to unless asked. Maybe your in 13winters for all we know.

Maybe I am, then again, maybe YOU are.
[Mar 30,2004 6:44pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
I can say that with 1000% accuracy, MORKUL
has nothing to do with 13 Queers, i mean Winters...
[Mar 30,2004 6:48pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
maybe Joe Schmoe is a member of 13 Winters trying to play mind games with the lesser people but failing to succeed because he is below even the lesser minded of this board.
[Mar 30,2004 6:48pm - morkul ""]
God damn right. Tell um a, , orajle esa...
[Mar 30,2004 6:49pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
shut up potato eater. hehehe. what do
you want for dinner?
[Mar 30,2004 7:12pm - Joe Shmo  ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:maybe Joe Schmoe is a member of 13 Winters trying to play mind games with the lesser people but failing to succeed because he is below even the lesser minded of this board.

your calling me stupid. Good cause in escense, you just said your the biggest moron of this board:wiggam:. Ha ha, Nice try.
[Mar 30,2004 7:17pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
in essence, i believe that you are lacking any necessary skills that it would take for you to even try to challenge me, whether it be mental or physical strength. Also, in essence, you would do well to just leave this board, before you humiliate yourself even more so than you are doing by using an anonymous alias.
[Mar 30,2004 7:19pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
and i succeeded in proving my inference of your mental ineptitude seeing as that you can't even use the correct form of "you're". when did you go over that in school? like 3rd grade?
[Mar 30,2004 7:45pm - Joe_Shmo ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:in essence, i believe that you are lacking any necessary skills that it would take for you to even try to challenge me, whether it be mental or physical strength. Also, in essence, you would do well to just leave this board, before you humiliate yourself even more so than you are doing by using an anonymous alias.

A fat ass metal nerd sitting behind his computer can talk real tuff when he's logged in. :whipper:
[Mar 30,2004 7:47pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
hahaha... only scrawny person i see is you. you obviously havent seen me before. =)
[Mar 30,2004 7:53pm - Joe_Shmo ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:hahaha... only scrawny person i see is you. you obviously havent seen me before. =)

You're the guy who works at the porn shop on Rt1 in portsmouth. You're always writing reviews on dildos and submitting them to the gay mags.
[Mar 30,2004 8:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
Porn is for hippies :p
[Mar 30,2004 8:16pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Joe_Shmo said:QUOTE]

You're the guy who works at the porn shop on Rt1 in portsmouth. You're always writing reviews on dildos and submitting them to the gay mags.

wow! how did you figure it out? im impressed!

actually i lied. please make a good effort to die. =)
[Mar 30,2004 8:40pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
Wee...Bink! said:My_Dying_Bride said:"vampires dont only come out at night!" 8=====) (===8

is that a cock sword fight?

yes....yes it is
[Mar 31,2004 12:23am - Abbath ""]
ha! ya you figured me out Joe shmo i'm in 13 winters HA! they're just in maine and i live on CAPE COD, if you really knew me you'd know the passion i have hating those worthless cunts
AND YOUR TRY FUCKING WITH SPALDINO?!!??!?! BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA no one can win against that kid, go away to your presious goth clubs in maine and talk about how dark you guys are and how much vampires rule
the point is that no one here will ever accept you guys, so go away and drink bleach and die
[Mar 31,2004 3:24am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
well im glad that you think im impossible to best, that is surely not the case. although you wont see this worthless, inept, waste of ejaculate succeed in toppling my reign over people like him.
[Mar 31,2004 8:25am - Joe_Shmo ""]
Abbath said:go away to your presious goth clubs in maine and talk about how dark you guys are and how much vampires rule
the point is that no one here will ever accept you guys, so go away and drink bleach and die

And if you knew anything, you would know Maine doesn't have "goth clubs" but Mass sure has a few. That would make you more "goth" than anyone from Maine could be. How about keeping your fagget vampire lovin' ass in your coffin.
[Mar 31,2004 2:25pm - morkul ""]
No your more, no your more. Shoooooosh..leave spaldy alone. 13winters sucks, and that is that. By the way who are you giving the finger to? Everyone on this board or to metal itself? Real itellegient.
[Mar 31,2004 2:29pm - Abbath ""]
ahhh just look at his picture, i'd be pissed at the world too if i was him
lets just ignore him for now on
[Mar 31,2004 2:32pm - morkul ""]
Yeah, I am down with that. He kinda looks like a kid in a Freddy movie, who keeps saying to himself, "it's just a dream", "I need to wake up". Just what I saw. Maybe it's me...hahahahaha.
[Mar 31,2004 3:40pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
let's talk about kittens. hehehe
[Mar 31,2004 5:08pm - Pink Freud  ""]
Josiah_the_Black said:the person who made this thread is probably crying
ahahahah every response on this has been negative

Get out the hip boots is a phrase meaning that you're about to be knee deep in bullsh*t. Nah, I'm not a 13 Winters fan, but you gotta admit that stuff is freakin hilarious.

[Mar 31,2004 9:47pm - Backstage Passes  ""]
I'd like to be a fly on the wall at one fo their rehersals...You'd expect them to go into "Sex Farm Woman" at any moment. How much more black could this be?

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