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anyone else seen this site?

[Nov 18,2008 4:24pm - orgymf@work  ""]
it'll certainly make ya think

[Nov 18,2008 4:25pm - orgymf@work  ""]
.............that i don't know how to post a link

hah, retard
[Nov 18,2008 4:25pm - orgymf@work  ""]
[Nov 18,2008 4:44pm - the_reverend ""]
that's cool.
[Nov 18,2008 4:46pm - dftg  ""]
people get what they deserve.
[Nov 18,2008 5:05pm - archaeon ""]
how about we do the same to mccain voters and see what they have to say?

obvious bias is obvious

the most informed voters they could find? go fuck yourself.
[Nov 18,2008 5:19pm - sxealex ""]
yea what these people are not smart if they didn't know Democrats controlled congress ...

and that i can see Russia from my home thing.... wtf? Alaska is her home and you can see Russia from there... What does it have to do with domestic affairs?
these questions were ridiculous... they all asked to place generic quotes as if that makes a person dumb. Like the thing Biden said about him being tested... McCain probably said something very similar.
[Nov 18,2008 5:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 18,2008 5:23pm - sxealex ""]
Here is a thought....

Mccain is a rich fuck.... but yet his campaign had less money than obama's because there were less DONATIONS from voters. So people gave as much as they were aloud to obamas campaign which alloud him control of the media. That is why he won. That's how a campaign works.
It sucks but its the only way it can be done as it is... read something like the appeal by Grisham for a decent analogy.
[Nov 18,2008 5:32pm - hunterhunter ""]
[Nov 18,2008 11:23pm - dirk digler  ""]

sxealex said:yea what these people are not smart if they didn't know Democrats controlled congress ...

uhh... yeah. pretty much :spineyes:
[Nov 18,2008 11:47pm - grizloch ""]
the fact that anyone thinks qualifications or "informedness" has ANYTHING to do with who wins and loses elections is absurd
[Nov 19,2008 12:33am - Conservationist ""]


The paranoids are coming out in full force after Obama.

I think the left has also just derailed its own strategy.

Bought 'n' paid for.
[Nov 19,2008 12:54am - eddie ""]

sxealex said:Here is a thought....

Mccain is a rich fuck.... but yet his campaign had less money than obama's because there were less DONATIONS from corporations.

[Nov 19,2008 1:35am - sxealex ""]
obama campaign fun stats

Individual contributions $579,178,033 91%
PAC contributions $1,280 0%
Candidate self-financing $0 0%
Federal Funds $0 0%
Other $59,994,968 9%

University of California $909,283
Goldman Sachs $874,207
Harvard University $717,230
Microsoft Corp $714,108
Google Inc $701,099
JPMorgan Chase & Co $581,460
Citigroup Inc $581,216
National Amusements Inc $543,859
Time Warner $508,148
Sidley Austin LLP $492,445
Stanford University $481,199
Skadden, Arps et al $473,424
Wilmerhale Llp $466,679
UBS AG $454,795
Latham & Watkins $426,924
Columbia University $426,516
Morgan Stanley $425,102
IBM Corp $415,196
University of Chicago $414,555
US Government $400,819
[Nov 19,2008 1:39am - sxealex ""]
mccain fund stats

Individual contributions $195,927,301 54%
PAC contributions $1,412,559 0%
Candidate self-financing $0 0%
Federal Funds $84,103,800 23%
Other $78,724,163 22%

Merrill Lynch $359,070
Citigroup Inc $296,151
Morgan Stanley $262,777
Goldman Sachs $228,695
JPMorgan Chase & Co $215,042
US Government $195,505
AT&T Inc $185,063
Credit Suisse Group $178,053
PricewaterhouseCoopers $166,470
Blank Rome LLP $161,826
Wachovia Corp $159,107
US Army $158,170***
UBS AG $147,465
Bank of America $143,026
Greenberg Traurig LLP $142,137
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $141,446
US Dept of Defense $129,725***
FedEx Corp $125,654
Lehman Brothers $115,707
Bear Stearns $113,050

*** WTF how is this allowed? we pay for this things.
[Nov 19,2008 8:02am - Josh_Martin ""]
all that site proves is that Palins negatives are far more memorable than Obamas. Stupidity of that magnitude is not easily forgotten.

[Nov 19,2008 10:00am - orgymf@work  ""]

archaeon said:how about we do the same to mccain voters and see what they have to say?

obvious bias is obvious

the most informed voters they could find? go fuck yourself.

while i agree they should have done the same to McCain voters, the point wasn't to make the obama voters look unintelligent, it was to show how the media bias kept obama supporters uninformed on the cons of obama, and up to date on all republican party fuck ups
[Nov 19,2008 10:01am - orgymf@work  ""]

sxealex said:yea what these people are not smart if they didn't know Democrats controlled congress ...

and that i can see Russia from my home thing.... wtf? Alaska is her home and you can see Russia from there... What does it have to do with domestic affairs?
these questions were ridiculous... they all asked to place generic quotes as if that makes a person dumb. Like the thing Biden said about him being tested... McCain probably said something very similar.

the alaska/russia quote.....the point was that he asked if they heard the quote from Tina ey on SNL and they all thought it was something Palin said (while similar, it was not what she said)
[Nov 19,2008 10:03am - orgymf@work  ""]

sxealex said:Here is a thought....

Mccain is a rich fuck.... but yet his campaign had less money than obama's because there were less DONATIONS from voters. So people gave as much as they were aloud to obamas campaign which alloud him control of the media. That is why he won. That's how a campaign works.
It sucks but its the only way it can be done as it is... read something like the appeal by Grisham for a decent analogy.

don't you pay attention....the jews control the media

[Nov 19,2008 10:04am - orgymf@work  ""]

grizloch said:the fact that anyone thinks qualifications or "informedness" has ANYTHING to do with who wins and loses elections is absurd

what's absurd about it?
that people could have made an uninformed decision based on party loyalty, race loyalty and/or media bias??

you are absurd for thinking it is unrelated
[Nov 19,2008 10:06am - orgymf@work  ""]

Josh_Martin said:all that site proves is that Palins negatives are far more memorable than Obamas. Stupidity of that magnitude is not easily forgotten.

yes josh, associating with a terrorist group like the Weather Underground is far less important/memorable than spending too much money on a wardrobe (which is fucked up....but still, come on...)

[Nov 19,2008 10:21am - Josh_Martin ""]

orgymf@work said:yes josh, associating with a terrorist group like the Weather Underground is far less important/memorable than spending too much money on a wardrobe (which is fucked up....but still, come on...)


I beleive I said once before that equating the Weather Underground to Al Queada (however the fuck you spell it) is absolutely Trig Palin style retarded. Putting a bunch of dumb college kids on the level of the people behind 9/11, yeah, that's realistic.

also, the wardrobe thing was the least of Palins problems. The fact that she was a creationist and that she was total moron with the apparent education of a third grader were a tad more important than what her and her cock-loving daughter bought on their shoppin sprees.
[Nov 19,2008 10:23am - orgymf@work  ""]
i agree with you on the fact that her being a creationist was disturbing.
i do not equate W.U. with Al-Queda.
but they still blow up buildings for "political reasons"

therefore are still terrorists, and being associated with them is a little more disturbing than religous influence imho.
[Nov 19,2008 10:28am - Josh_Martin ""]
So if I associate with someone who did something stupid when I was 8 years old, and who has long since renounced his actions, there's something wrong with that?

Also, given the political climate of the time, calling the Weathermen "terrorists" is a very knee-jerk "I listen to too much right wing radio" term. Sure they went too far, And they got arrested for it. But terrorists? No fucking way.

If the British had won, George Washington would be a terrorist.
By roman standards, Jesus was a terrorist. Stupid and useless word.

[Nov 19,2008 10:41am - orgymf@work  ""]

Josh_Martin said:So if I associate with someone who did something stupid when I was 8 years old, and who has long since renounced his actions, there's something wrong with that?

Also, given the political climate of the time, calling the Weathermen "terrorists" is a very knee-jerk "I listen to too much right wing radio" term. Sure they went too far, And they got arrested for it. But terrorists? No fucking way.

If the British had won, George Washington would be a terrorist.
By roman standards, Jesus was a terrorist. Stupid and useless word.

difference of opinions.....we will rarely agree on anything
but as i said before
blowing up a building to send a message or prove a point is terrorism

and as far as how long ago he assosciated with them.....in the political arena that makes no difference.

people wouldn't let it drop when they found out bush did coke, or clinton smoked pot.....no matter how long ago it was.

when in the public eye, every aspect of your adult life will be scrutinized
[Nov 19,2008 11:00am - Josh_Martin ""]
Right, and destroying property is also a form of terrorism. So is fomenting revolution.

Terrorism is not always so bad...
[Nov 19,2008 11:04am - Josh_Martin ""]
But regardless, comparing this guy

to this:

is so dumb that that is why it was such a non-issue except to those who were desperately hoping for 4 more years of idiocy.
[Nov 19,2008 11:06am - Josh_Martin ""]
And like I said Ayers did some dumb shit when he was 18. He is the farthest thing from a terrorist today. Nothing wrong with being friends with him. He's fuck of a lot smarter than Sara Palin.
I saw a picture of Sara Palin holding Trig and I was wondering which one of them was the real retard.
[Nov 19,2008 11:08am - pam ""]
Dumbest site ever. All Americans are fucking idiots, head on down South and ask some of the retards there if they know ANYTHING outside of campaign negatives and see what you get.
[Nov 19,2008 11:13am - pam ""]
Saying casually knowing a university professor that works in the city you also work in is associating with terrorists is so unbelievable desperate and pathetic I lack the proper words to insult you.
[Nov 19,2008 11:13am - orgymf@work  ""]
pam....it's not trying to make them look dumb, read my response to what archaeon said above.

josh, calling someone a terrorist isn't comparing them to bin laden.

that would be like saying everytime somebody called a girl a slut, they were comparing her to paris hilton, or everytime someone calls me fat they are comparing me to (insert any famous fat guy)

"I saw a picture of Sara Palin holding Trig and I was wondering which one of them was the real retard." this line made me laugh loudly.

either way, i don't want four more years of idiot....nor do i want four years of overpraised democratic douche.

i wanted a better option.
[Nov 19,2008 11:17am - pam ""]
Well you didn't get what you wanted, welcome to how the rest of us felt for almost a decade.
[Nov 19,2008 11:18am - ZJD nli  ""]
bill ayers is hardly radical anymore. i was under the impression obama's ties with him come from working together to feed the homeless or something like that. if obama was buds with any other member of the WU i'd be more stoked to have him in the white house.
[Nov 19,2008 11:18am - orgymf@work  ""]

pam said:Saying casually knowing a university professor that works in the city you also work in is associating with terrorists is so unbelievable desperate and pathetic I lack the proper words to insult you.

not desperate nor pathetic, quite relevant.

even if you "could find the proper words to insult me", big deal.

i cause alot of shit here because i live to argue, i find it amusing. this board consists of maybe five or six people i know in real life, and a bunch of people i have not (and may never) encountered outside of the internet.....so it would be awful hard for me to be upset by a negative opinion about me (especially by someone who is so far to the left that she is tapping the right on the other shoulder.....i am endlessly annoyed by people who are too far to either side)
[Nov 19,2008 11:19am - pam ""]

orgymf@work said:
archaeon said:how about we do the same to mccain voters and see what they have to say?

obvious bias is obvious

the most informed voters they could find? go fuck yourself.

while i agree they should have done the same to McCain voters, the point wasn't to make the obama voters look unintelligent, it was to show how the media bias kept obama supporters uninformed on the cons of obama, and up to date on all republican party fuck ups

That happens every election. Americans are fucking idiots that believe everything they hear. This is not new or special to this election.

He won and no amount of websites, whining, or reusing bullshit stories about pal'in with terrorists is going to change that.
[Nov 19,2008 11:20am - orgymf@work  ""]

pam said:Well you didn't get what you wanted, welcome to how the rest of us felt for almost a decade.

i have been feeling it since i was old enough to understand politics, in my 28 years, i cannot recall ever agreeing with the politics of anyone who has resided in the white house since i was born
[Nov 19,2008 11:21am - orgymf@work  ""]
oh stop it pam, there is no whining.
i just state opinions, and you get pissy about it because you disagree with me.
perhaps you are the whiny one eh?
[Nov 19,2008 11:30am - pam ""]

orgymf@work said:
pam said:Saying casually knowing a university professor that works in the city you also work in is associating with terrorists is so unbelievable desperate and pathetic I lack the proper words to insult you.

not desperate nor pathetic, quite relevant.

even if you "could find the proper words to insult me", big deal.

i cause alot of shit here because i live to argue, i find it amusing. this board consists of maybe five or six people i know in real life, and a bunch of people i have not (and may never) encountered outside of the internet.....so it would be awful hard for me to be upset by a negative opinion about me (especially by someone who is so far to the left that she is tapping the right on the other shoulder.....i am endlessly annoyed by people who are too far to either side)

Wooo, the highlight of your day involving arguing on the internet with people who's opinions you don't care about is so sad I'm just going to leave it there.

[Nov 19,2008 11:32am - pam ""]

orgymf@work said:oh stop it pam, there is no whining.
i just state opinions, and you get pissy about it because you disagree with me.
perhaps you are the whiny one eh?

Totally, I'm the one constantly regurgitating Fox News bullshit that has already been discussed ad nauseum over and over and over again.

Oh wait.
[Nov 19,2008 11:45am - orgymf@work  ""]
ok, the highlight of my day is not arguing on the internet....i enjoy arguing.
here, with co-workers, with friends, etc.

to me it is fun, light-hearted and good spirited.
you aparantly take it to seriously....also, you tend to put a spin on everything i say, perhaps you should be working for Fox

speaking of Fox News.... i have never once quoted anything aired on the Fox network....well....besides Family Guy or The Simpsons.
[Nov 19,2008 12:27pm - Mattkings  ""]
lol at people who are sooo pro Obama. The man hasn't done shit yet. I hope he does well in office but chill until he actually does something.
[Nov 19,2008 1:26pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Obama could do nothing but take a 4 year long shit and still be a better president than that dumbfuck who couldn't fly a plane and spilled his guts to the gooks.

I don't see anyone who's soooo pro-Obama. Just sooooooo anti-the other guy. Trig would've been a better choice than his moron mother.

[Nov 19,2008 1:30pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Oh, and what the fuck is up with the names she's cursed her children with. Trig? Track? Fucking TRACK????
"Hi, my name is Track? Wanna fuck?"

Eddie Van Halen named his kid after a brilliant musician. He didn't name him "guitar"!

[Nov 19,2008 2:12pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Josh_Martin said:Oh, and what the fuck is up with the names she's cursed her children with. Trig? Track? Fucking TRACK????
"Hi, my name is Track? Wanna fuck?"

Eddie Van Halen named his kid after a brilliant musician. He didn't name him "guitar"!

seriously, when i first heard the list of all her kids names, i wanted to piss in her asshole and vomit in her mouth
[Nov 19,2008 4:59pm - grizloch ""]
[Nov 19,2008 10:04am - orgymf@work ]

grizloch said:the fact that anyone thinks qualifications or "informedness" has ANYTHING to do with who wins and loses elections is absurd

what's absurd about it?
that people could have made an uninformed decision based on party loyalty, race loyalty and/or media bias??

you are absurd for thinking it is unrelated

No you're absurd...

I think you missed the point of my post, information and facts have nothing to do with which lever 97% of our voting population pulls on election day, and its absurd for anyone, not the least of which this website, to be surprised or argue otherwise

politics in general make people retarded, the people that complain about the other side pissing and moaning about Obama's election are the same people that were pissing and moaning about Bush's second term, I respect where Pam is coming from, but honestly, we won, let them bitch, it wont change the fact that we won

and I am 100% behind academic debate, that is to say the love arguing too, but I don't take anything personally (hence all of my quibbles with Conservationalist), so kudos to orgy for expressing his opinions and pointing out the absurdness of both the system AND people's reactions to the system

personally I'm just waiting to see what happens if and when Clinton ends up as secretary of state, THAT will be the most entertaining debate of all

fox: "SHE HAS A COOTER!!!"
cnn: "women have come a long way since..."
fox: "COOTER!!!"
cnn: "but she was almost the dem..."
cnn: "and she is very experien...
cnn: "BEARDED CLAM!!!!"
[Nov 19,2008 5:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
wait, CNN would say "bearded clam!!!!"
Now I'm confused.
[Nov 19,2008 5:44pm - grizloch ""]
sure they would...
[Nov 20,2008 9:52am - orgymf@work  ""]
thank you for clarifying your point of view (which i now understand better and fully respect)

and thank you for backing my love of argument, and freedom of expression.

lol@ fox/cnn convo

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