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[Jan 17,2010 9:21pm - beelze ""]
How tolerable is this idiot?
[Jan 17,2010 9:25pm - Mahtins  ""]
Hai gauyz I suck him off lol
[Jan 17,2010 9:29pm - Archaeon ""]
This thread is a prime example of someone who needs to lurk moar.
[Jan 17,2010 9:34pm - Archaeon ""]
I voted "he's gay he listens to fagcore"
[Jan 17,2010 9:37pm - RustyPS ""]
ITT: no one wins
[Jan 17,2010 9:37pm - brownonomer ""]
He archaeon, BM will always reign supreme over you.
[Jan 17,2010 10:05pm - xanonymousx ""]
Grant Reign's Supreme!
[Jan 17,2010 10:15pm - RustyPS ""]
[Jan 17,2010 10:21pm - Archaeon ""]
I have that poster in my dorm. FO SRS
[Jan 17,2010 11:55pm - DrewBlood ""]
grant needs to wear more corpse paint and bullet-belts
[Jan 18,2010 1:20am - Archaeon ""]
[Jan 18,2010 1:20am - goatcatalyst ""]
I heard Grant was rereleasing the Goat Semen demo on kvltsette.
[Jan 18,2010 1:21am - martins ""]

Mahtins said:Hai gauyz I suck him off lol

lol other way around big guy
[Jan 18,2010 1:29am - Archaeon ""]
Only handjobs.
[Jan 18,2010 1:50am - martins ""]
goes without saying
[Jan 18,2010 8:46am - ouchdrummer ""]
I like basketball shorts too.
[Jan 18,2010 8:58am - reimroc ""]
me, grant and martins are starting a euro-pop/pop-punk/dubstep/deathcore band

LF2nd guitarist. baby face, flat brim hat and pink strat required.
[Jan 18,2010 9:09am - RustyPS ""]

[Jan 18,2010 9:10am - xanonymousx ""]

reimroc said:me, grant and martins are starting a euro-pop/pop-punk/dubstep/deathcore band

LF2nd guitarist. baby face, flat brim hat and pink strat required.

dubstep? i dont know what that is but i'm in
[Jan 18,2010 8:39pm - immortal13 ""]
There was one time when I gave Grant a ride to see Origin in Providence and he gave me the best roadhead evar. I need moar!
[Jan 18,2010 8:40pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 19,2010 7:46am - Yeti ""]
this man is not afraid to profess his love of crappy music and pink strats. he's cool in my book.
[Jan 19,2010 7:51am - Hoser ""]
He's cool in my book. Go fuck yourself Beelz, you troll.
[Jan 19,2010 1:20pm - beelze ""]
Your book sucks
[Jan 19,2010 1:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
wait, hoser has a book? What's it called?
[Jan 19,2010 1:38pm - beelze ""]
How to Take it in the Ass
[Jan 19,2010 6:10pm - immortal13 ""]
I got a copy. Good shit.
[Jan 19,2010 9:16pm - CLAYTON  ""]

arilliusbm said:wait, hoser has a book? What's it called?

''Non-stop Whining About Liberals: The Story of My Life''
[Jan 20,2010 9:41pm - Archaeon ""]
[Jan 20,2010 10:13pm - beelze ""]
[Jan 21,2010 12:42am - Archaeon ""]
The funny thing is that I actually do listen to real black metal. You're just the dumb type of black metal fan that gets butt hurt over everything.
[Jan 21,2010 12:50am - martins ""]
black dahlia murder isn't black metal despite the black in their name
[Jan 21,2010 1:03am - ArilliusBM ""]
typical north shore black metal fans/bands:

[Jan 21,2010 11:07am - beelze ""]

Archaeon said:The funny thing is that I actually do listen to real black metal. You're just the dumb type of black metal fan that gets butt hurt over everything.

Nope. I like to be a prick, and I can sense faggotry from a mile away.
[Jan 21,2010 12:06pm - Archaeon ""]
or you're just an idiot that can be easily trolled. Considering that just about everyone on this website likes me probably means that you're the faggot. braaaa
[Jan 21,2010 12:07pm - beelze ""]
Anybody that claims that they're well liked is obviously a faggot with a very serious ego problem... go fuck yourself my man
[Jan 21,2010 12:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lol, this now reads like a 4th grade cafetaria lunch drama discussion. In the old days, food would been flung after these insults, quickly turning in to those queer shoving matches that 4th graders think are "fights"

after the principals office both of you have detention after class. grant, you're suspended one full week.
[Jan 21,2010 12:22pm - beelze ""]
Or I would've just stabbed you in the face.
[Jan 21,2010 12:23pm - arilliusbm ""]
You're Expelled.
[Jan 21,2010 12:24pm - beelze ""]
Awww man!
[Jan 21,2010 12:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
So what, what's the basis here? Fagcore vs blackmetal?
[Jan 21,2010 12:26pm - beelze ""]
nah this thread is over. done with. history.
[Jan 21,2010 12:27pm - Archaeon ""]

beelze said:Anybody that claims that they're well liked is obviously a faggot with a very serious ego problem... go fuck yourself my man

I'm basing this off the posts in this thread and that I'm friends with many of the people outside of this board. You just won't accept that you were trolled like a little bitch.

Aril: I'm just doing this because I'm board between classes, bleeze is actually upset that I insult black metal and probably actually hates me. It for the lulz.
[Jan 21,2010 12:28pm - beelze ""]
I don't actually hate you, I'm actually doing this to keep me entertained as well. WHO'S in the wrong here?!?!?! hah
[Jan 21,2010 12:29pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
Change fagcore- crabcore
[Jan 21,2010 12:31pm - Archaeon ""]

beelze said:I don't actually hate you, I'm actually doing this to keep me entertained as well. WHO'S in the wrong here?!?!?! hah

so making yourself look like an intolerant idiot is entertaining to you? To each his own.
[Jan 21,2010 12:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
I hate every poster on this board, so include me in this plz
[Jan 21,2010 12:32pm - beelze ""]
Black Metal is all about intolerance.
[Jan 21,2010 12:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuck you guys..this thread is now about puppies

[Jan 21,2010 1:05pm - Beleth ""]

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