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So Carina and I are in california!

[Jul 5,2005 6:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I think it's swim time!
[Jul 5,2005 6:17pm - succubus ""]
he's swimming now

we're staying in Beverly hills right in the middle of everything and close to everything...nice people nice place!

we already cruised up sunset strip and grabbed coffee and ate around there too. i also got hired to shoot a magazine cover for one of the LA mags...i'll find out more tonight!

[Jul 5,2005 6:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Fuck! I miss California.
[Jul 5,2005 6:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Bring me back some sluts from L.A.
[Jul 5,2005 6:41pm - thedeparted ""]
that pool looks amazingly refreshing, have fun
[Jul 5,2005 6:45pm - Hooker ""]
I want bikini pics. Rev, suit up and email me that shit ASAP.
[Jul 5,2005 6:47pm - powerkok ""]
bannana hammock, california sty-lee.
[Jul 5,2005 7:07pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
the prupose of this thread, is actually to make everyone else jealous. you fucker.
[Jul 5,2005 7:14pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
ohhh...have fun! vacation rocks.
[Jul 5,2005 7:43pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm performing a wedding.. that's why I'm out here
[Jul 5,2005 7:53pm - succubus ""]
well not here....but that's why we rented a car...

took advantage of the fact and tomorrow is universal studios day!
[Jul 5,2005 8:10pm - Kalopsia ""]
did you guys drive there???
[Jul 5,2005 8:11pm - the_reverend ""]
we flew here and are here right now.
[Jul 5,2005 8:44pm - the_reverend ""]
we are waiting for kelli from metalblade to come get us to check out something.
should be cool
[Jul 5,2005 10:06pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
the_reverend said:I'm performing a wedding.. that's why I'm out here

wait, so "reverend" isn't just a name for you, you actually are a reverend?
[Jul 5,2005 10:25pm - the reverend in cali  ""]
Yes, my son.
[Jul 5,2005 10:45pm - ellie mae  ""]
ceee-ment pond!
[Jul 5,2005 11:09pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
the reverend in cali said:Yes, my son.

please don't molest me
[Jul 5,2005 11:17pm - Kalopsia ""]
whoa whoa whoa wait a second..... hold up

the reverend got on a plane????????????????????
[Jul 5,2005 11:18pm - blue ""]
yes, for the second time ever. unprecedented indeed.
[Jul 5,2005 11:32pm - litacore ""]
Living in L.A. (actually Burbank) was one of the funnest times I ever had

I may go back someday
[Jul 6,2005 12:00am - Bradster  ""]
litacore said:Living in L.A. (actually Burbank) was one of the funnest times I ever had

I may go back someday

BURBANK!! i like what you've done with the set Johnny, GOULET!
[Jul 6,2005 12:01am - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
the reverend in cali said:Yes, my son.

will you perform a wedding for me if i knock some broad up?

[Jul 6,2005 1:18am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
hey rev, what religion are you?

you could have saved a bunch of time and money going with these guys...

[Jul 6,2005 1:22am - blue ""]
thats why i come out here.

[Jul 6,2005 1:34am - the_reverend ""]
http://www.ulc.org is the church.
[Jul 6,2005 1:44am - blue ""]
its like 9 pm over there, isnt it?
[Jul 6,2005 3:47am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Tell Metal Blade they should sign DEHUMANIZED.
[Jul 6,2005 6:26am - Defnasty ""]
say hi to Hirax for me.
[Jul 6,2005 9:22am - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
how many weddings would you be willing to do for one person? i have a feeling my first 3 or 4 will turn into a disaster
[Jul 6,2005 10:27am - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:hey rev, what religion are you?

you could have saved a bunch of time and money going with these guys...


we should so have an X day devival in the field behind my dads house

[Jul 6,2005 11:38am - the_reverend ""]
I just posted on a site that hirax posts on to see if they have or know of any shows out here.
I would love to shoot one.

we are of to universal studios now. It's definitely continually throughing me off seeing the EST on this site.
[Jul 6,2005 12:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
have fun, I wish I was on vacation still, bah.

post more pictures of shit!
[Jul 7,2005 1:26am - the_reverend ""]
all the ones from universal are on my crappy old digital which I can't tx to my computer. sucks cause there are some interesting snapshots on there.
[Jul 7,2005 1:27am - succubus ""]
good times!
[Jul 7,2005 1:36am - powerkok ""]
more pics!!!
[Jul 7,2005 2:45am - the_reverend ""]
I promise I will take more pictures and post them. I took a bunch today of fire/jaws and stuff, but they are on a camera that I can't access right now. I really wish I took my D2H with me.

best shirt I saw all day BRUJERIA!!! it was the best shirt.
the runner up was aus-rotten.

so we got there and the first place we went was the van helsing place. that place kind of sucked... I think that the props and all were really nice. very well done, but there wasn't much going on in there.

next, we walked over to terminator 2: 3D. that place was absolutely awesome. very good stage show. I haven't seen the movie at all, but I thought that it was really really good. excellent fx. excellent 3d. cold mists. robots. guns. that place had it all. We went on this ride twice. Always go to the middle of the studio. if you are in the ends, the 3D effects aren't as cool. Oh, it seriously looks like the people are right in front of you, over you, and all.

after that, we trekked over to shrek 4-D. that was funny in the shrek sort of way. I had someone sitting in front of me that was tool tall so it sort of messed up the 3D fxs. still, it was worth it.

down to the back lot, jurassic park first. this was so cool. 84 foot drop! the dino animatronics were ok. lots of water. also, they had a narrator... I forget who it was... I think jack hannah or someone like that.

then we ran really quickly to the mummy. this ride went really quickly. it was awesome too. though it took too longer for us to put our bags in the lockers than it took for the ride. in the dark, racing on a roller coaster! carina was grabbing on to my arm and I was yelling "Kalimar" in a "spooky" voice. I would have gone on this ride again.

so, the next thing was to hit the special effects stages. they walked you through blue screening, CGI, creature making, and sound effects. pretty humerous with some stuff like the gay volunter.

ran right into the backdraft walkthrough thing. all the fire and special effects were cool. there was A LOT of fire.. and I mean A LOT. so many explotions. so many cool things going on. I suggest going through it twice. Also, go to the back of the room for the first 2 rooms and then you will be in the front for the main room.

carina picked playing on the studio tour. I thought it was going to be laaaame. but it was actually cool. they had a bunch of things going on and it was 45 minutes. as a matter of fact, we went on it twice. the war of the worlds set was WELL worth it. they also had some ride-type things that were cool. the parting of the seas and all. they brought us by all the sets. I saw wes craven's parking space.

after seeing it on the TV, water world was larger than expected. HUGE set with LOTs of action. this blew every other ride/show out of the water as far as action and everything goes. I was thoroughly impressed with what they were able to pull off even without kevin costner. Plus, before all the action, there are actors that spray down the audience with water as they come in. it's hilarious. especially when they pick on someone.

animal planet live, super cute animals. one of the birds from ace ventura pet detective was in there too.

I finally convinced Carina to head to the back to the future ride. this was way too shorts and was probably awesome 10 years ago, but pales compared to the newer rides. the thing in front of this set is a iMAX screen which gives me a headache.
[Jul 7,2005 9:33am - succubus ""]
we were both worried about the rides/getting wet/too much movement so we didn't bring our babies (cameras) .. i also think we would have been ok...no flash photography is allowed and we could have easily taken pics sans flash with our babies...ah well..aaron got some cool shots with his little sony

i would have gone to see Shrek again had I known you didn't see too well..it was along the same lines as T2 show wise..

i've seen the T2 about 6 times now..still love it...though reading this i wanna smack aaron bcz when i said we could do the mummy again, but i said i'd watch..made me a little too naucious...but then he said nope...i would have watched him go on the ride...mehhh

as for the studio tour..i did that one a few times because i like looking for people..lol...i saw dino de laurentis and his wife's parking spots and quite a few more...i thought i saw ashton kutcher in an SUV... they were filming Pirates of the caribbean 2 and 3...and i think it was an ARby's commercial..i really like how they show you a set....and then show you clips of movies that use the very sets you just saw. the best one and one i had never seen was from war of the worlds...it's the airplane scene...damn....i wanted to get out and touch everything..but obviously you can't get off the trolley...

as for back to the future...it had the longest lines and wait times and last time i did it..it made me naucious...but i wanted aaron to see everything in the park...basically yer in a room with a huge screen and yer inthe car and it shakes and moves and stuff...but it's not a roller coaster or anything, it's only ok...i thought i remembered animal planet being longer the others times...oh well...

water world i never saw the movie but heard it sucked ... they always have cool actors playing in it, actors that have actually been in movie and stuff, overall everyone who works in that place is either an actor or wannabe actor...fun times

aaron got me a nice souvenir towel for $10 and a necklace for $8

then we went to eat at wolfgang puck's cafe and walked around the universal city walk for a while

today will rule too..i'll be bringing my camera as well..i'm planning out where we'll be headed since there are a bunch of things i wanna do that we haven't done yet...today's the day

and damn i would definitely stay at the hotel again...what an awesome location...i got an awesome deal on it too!

[Jul 7,2005 9:40am - largefreakatzero ""]
the_reverend said:best shirt I saw all day BRUJERIA!!! it was the best shirt.

"Marijuana, SI!"
[Jul 7,2005 9:49am - succubus ""]
[Jul 7,2005 7:46pm - the reverend @ santa monica  ""]
Of course, I was fooling around with carina in the water. We were messing around and I pushed her over in knee deep water. She promptly fell on a rock and her knee is all cut up and swollen.
Now, she's got a wicked limp and I'm an asshole.
I will make it up to her after midnight (3am your time) if you know what I mean.
[Jul 7,2005 7:48pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the reverend @ santa monica said:Of course, I was fooling around with carina in the water. We were messing around and I pushed her over in knee deep water. She promptly fell on a rock and her knee is all cut up and swollen.
Now, she's got a wicked limp and I'm an asshole.
I will make it up to her after midnight (3am your time) if you know what I mean.

After midnight you are gonna finish what you started with her knee?
[Jul 7,2005 8:22pm - Hooker ""]
He's gonna trade that limp of hers for something nice and hard.

That's right. He's gonna give her a delicious Werther's Original.
[Jul 7,2005 9:10pm - dirteecrayon nli  ""]
" we went to eat at wolfgang puck's cafe"

he was on iron chef america last night --- was the food ok?
[Jul 7,2005 9:32pm - the reverend @ santa monica  ""]
Wolfgang puck: Yes, we had a 4cheese pizza, spinach & 4 cheese ravioli, and veggie spring rolls.
Carina ate there before and liked it so we went back.
That iron chef is old, I think I saw it and he lost, right?

Hooker/joenc: we are going to do it in an uncomfortable place.
[Jul 7,2005 9:48pm - carina @ venice beach  ""]
Owww my knee... Still a good day minus that. Went to santa monica, malibu and venice beaches. Went to the promenade and shopped...I love eating at the ivy when I'm in cali and we almost went tonight but we're going for asian veggie instead..so many awesome restaurants here, but I'm used to millionaires taking me out and paying and even though the rev feels bad...I won't let him spend so much...well not on food ;) we went to hollywood earlier...corner of vine and walked to the manns chinese theatre and fredericks of hollywood...didn't buy anything...bought some tops on melrose though...oh and after dinner we're going to a comedy club on sunset...I forget which one right now but I called for the line up and it should be great
[Jul 7,2005 10:11pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Your in Venice?, Say hi to the Hulkster for me!
[Jul 7,2005 10:34pm - DomesticTerror ""]
the reverend @ santa monica said:

Hooker/joenc: we are going to do it in an uncomfortable place.

what, ya mean like in the back of a volkswagon?

[Jul 8,2005 5:26am - the_reverend ""]
hah! I set someone up for that one.

anyhow... we just got back from a comedy show. started at 9pm and went until 2am when the building beside the building we were in caught on fire. they picked on carina's shirt a lot and by the end, it was just her and I getting picked on and talked directly too.
it was fun, but a bit much. carina's about to get a plus 1 point from suggesting this... if you know what I mean.
[Jul 8,2005 2:19pm - carina in the car driving thru montecito on route 101  ""]
We're taking 101 north all the way to san fran....beautiful drive, scenic route along the ocean. Last night we were at the comedy store and closed the place ...damn fires

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