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Scaphism is signing autographs and taking your money now. DO NOT SUPPORT

[Jan 19,2012 9:20am - arilliusbm ""]

No, but really. Pledged 50 bucks. No need for your autographs, just buy me a beer a or something, lulz.
Good luck on the tour.

Pledge money rttp.
[Jan 19,2012 9:30am - ark  ""]
awesome. i pledged $50. GET THE CD DONE GOD DAMMIT.
[Jan 19,2012 9:31am - arilliusbm ""]
still LOLing at the autographs
[Jan 19,2012 9:36am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Jan 19,2012 9:50am - BSV  ""]
[Jan 19,2012 10:34am - trioxin245 ""]
lol @ me always thinking Tom is that dude from that band Danza
[Jan 19,2012 10:34am - xmikex ""]
I will wish you a priceless "good luck."
[Jan 19,2012 10:41am - Yeti ""]
this is all news to me. rockstar? peh. I'M ONLY INTO GNAW THEIR TONGUES NOW.
[Jan 19,2012 10:43am - arilliusbm ""]
I cant picture you signing autographs, Tony. LOL. So much for being an elitist
[Jan 19,2012 10:44am - Yeti ""]
i have no idea why anyone would want my autograph, unless it's court ordered.
[Jan 19,2012 10:46am - arilliusbm ""]
Those who pledge 50 or more get signed stuff. I expect a piece of mammoth skin with a carving of "Yeti" on it. NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS
[Jan 19,2012 10:47am - trioxin245 ""]
I once signed an Exsanguination tape because some dude who was trading with me asked me to.
[Jan 19,2012 10:47am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Jan 19,2012 10:48am - arilliusbm ""]
I had to sign an Abaroth album once. Guilty as charged
[Jan 19,2012 11:16am - Roar  ""]
Kinda lame to be asking for money. Just work your ass off and save like everyone else
[Jan 19,2012 11:17am - AndrewBastard ""]
I was asked to sign a bunch of shit while on tour in the UK/Ireland and Scottland...so fucking silly. I refused to once or twice...
[Jan 19,2012 11:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Roar said:Kinda lame to be asking for money. Just work your ass off and save like everyone else

[Jan 19,2012 12:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
instead of autographs we are going write verbal threats and yo momma jokes on all of the cds.
[Jan 19,2012 12:06pm - Alexecutioner ""]
its not begging for money when we give people merch in return. i honestly dont care about the whole autograph thing, my signature sucks anyway haha
[Jan 19,2012 12:07pm - Alexecutioner ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:instead of autographs we are going write verbal threats and yo momma jokes on all of the cds.

i like this better
[Jan 19,2012 12:09pm - xmikex ""]
When BBA toured Puerto Rico this kid tore down one of the show posters brought it over to my singer and yelled "You sign!!" until he finally agreed to sign it. The rest of us stood there all "aww shucks" about it feeling like rock stars. Then he took the poster, looked at the rest of us, walked away without saying anything or asking the rest of us to sign it. Felt like a total buttdart.
[Jan 19,2012 12:10pm - joke  ""]
Is this a joke
[Jan 19,2012 12:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 19,2012 12:12pm - jark  ""]
Is this a jark
[Jan 19,2012 12:15pm - jock  ""]
Can I smell your jock
[Jan 19,2012 12:18pm - blue ""]
Wow, guess I should be asking for money every time I go out for tour.

I am now taking open donations.
[Jan 19,2012 12:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
we're not asking for money, we are taking advantage of an opportunity that may or may not work out for us. i dont see how its much different then someone buying a shirt or cd from the band then us putting the money towards the tour. theres a high probability we wont even hit the funding mark in time and not get any of the money. the cd is being released and we are going to tour regardless.
[Jan 19,2012 12:25pm - jackie daniels  ""]
Where does the money go when u don't hit the mark? Back to the donors or does the site absorb it?
[Jan 19,2012 12:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
Sorry for making the thread (probably wasnt my place to do it-not in the band) but I figured it'd help with a few donations. Obviously the title is a joke, so anon has it right. Or maybe it's a jark.
[Jan 19,2012 12:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

jackie%20daniels said:Where does the money go when u don't hit the mark? Back to the donors or does the site absorb it?

if we do not hit the mark ($1500.00), none of the transactions go through. if it does, your account will be debited after its over.
[Jan 19,2012 12:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:Sorry for making the thread (probably wasnt my place to do it-not in the band) but I figured it'd help with a few donations. Obviously the title is a joke, so anon has it right. Or maybe it's a jark.

well i didnt plan on putting a thread for this until next week but it doesnt really matter. we appreciate yours and everyone's potential contributions thus far and spreading the word in any fashion is helpful to the cause.
also we are planning on adding some other fun rewards soon.
[Jan 19,2012 12:35pm - NYDM  ""]
[Jan 19,2012 12:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I donated $500 because I thought this was the "BAN ARIL" petition.
[Jan 19,2012 12:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
That's it. I'm leaving rttp and herugrim.
[Jan 19,2012 12:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 19,2012 12:48pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
ohhhh clever girrrrrrrrrrrrrl
[Jan 19,2012 12:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 19,2012 12:58pm - Alexecutioner ""]
the kickstarter program is to help us raise money to print merch for those that want it while we are on tour, cause we arent going to be able to afford it right now when we are still facing costs to repair the bus as well as mix, master, and duplicating the album. if you dont want any of the things we are offering to those that donate, then dont do it. none of us are twisting your arm about it but as far as im concerned its a smart way to have people who would buy a shirt help us pay for them to be made before hand. its just a reverse order of things for us broke fucks.
[Jan 19,2012 1:01pm - blue ""]
I hope you guys aren't taking what I say to heart. As a person who's toured 2-3 times a year for the past 4-5 years I feel the pain of needing the cash.
[Jan 19,2012 1:01pm - ark  ""]
i think it's legit. it's not solicitation and there's nothing ever wrong with having a voluntary donation setup for anything. honestly, i'm surprised at the number of backers you guys have already, and i'll be even more surprised if it actually reaches the trigger amount.
[Jan 19,2012 1:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
I was hoping to get raped.
[Jan 19,2012 1:03pm - Alexecutioner ""]

blue said:I hope you guys aren't taking what I say to heart. As a person who's toured 2-3 times a year for the past 4-5 years I feel the pain of needing the cash.

nah dude its all good. im not taking offense to anything you're saying, just kinda laying it out there for people who legitimately think this is a clever/sad way to beg for money.
[Jan 19,2012 1:04pm - Alexecutioner ""]
NEW REWARD OPTION: Donate $15 - get raped by the band
[Jan 19,2012 1:06pm - Yeti ""]
if you donate 1000 i will personally spend the night in your house, eat all of your food, try on all of your clothing, and make long distance phone calls and leave the phone off the hook.
[Jan 19,2012 1:14pm - ark  ""]
for 50 bucks, i at least want a ride in the short bus.
[Jan 19,2012 1:17pm - Alexecutioner ""]

ark said:for 50 bucks, i at least want a ride in the short bus.

thats what we got the cage in the back for! ;)
[Jan 19,2012 1:42pm - timma ""]

Alexecutioner said:
blue said:I hope you guys aren't taking what I say to heart. As a person who's toured 2-3 times a year for the past 4-5 years I feel the pain of needing the cash.

nah dude its all good. im not taking offense to anything you're saying, just kinda laying it out there for people who legitimately think this is a clever/sad way to beg for money.

We all know that if you were actually begging for money, all 4 of you would be giving out discounted ZJs behind O'Briens.
[Jan 19,2012 1:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

timma said:
Alexecutioner said:
blue said:I hope you guys aren't taking what I say to heart. As a person who's toured 2-3 times a year for the past 4-5 years I feel the pain of needing the cash.

nah dude its all good. im not taking offense to anything you're saying, just kinda laying it out there for people who legitimately think this is a clever/sad way to beg for money.

We all know that if you were actually begging for money, all 4 of you would be giving out discounted ZJs behind O'Briens.

no one can afford our ZJs.
[Jan 19,2012 2:34pm - Samantha ""]
I'm way too poor to be able to donate any significant amount of money, but I have been meaning to buy a shirt from you guys. Do you still have the girlie ones that all the hipster boys love to wear?
[Jan 19,2012 2:36pm - Scott from Zicron  ""]

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