People with awesome names.[views:10750][posts:60]___________________________________________ [Jan 30,2006 10:01am - davefromthegrave ""] dwellingsickness said:Man, people mentioning Chuck Norris every thread on here is so over done chuck norris |
________________________________________ [Jan 30,2006 10:04am - Nuck Chorris ""] KOUNDHOUSE RICK! |
_______________________________ [Jan 30,2006 10:30am - Yeti ""] AHA i knew it. you thought you'd be slick and watch us but i am on to you. you know who you are |
________________________________________________ [Jan 30,2006 11:37am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""] A girl graduated with me last year named Som Young Hoe. |
______________________________________ [Jan 30,2006 11:42am - i_am_not_me ""] the_reverend said:my dad worked with a named Long Wang. I don't think the guy knew english well enough to understand why everyone laughed at his name. My dad worked with a guy named Dinh Dong Hang (Or something like that, first word pronounced like Ding, but I think it was spelled different)...and at some point he changed his name to he went from Ding Dong Hang to Dick Hang. |
______________________________________ [Jan 30,2006 11:46am - i_am_not_me ""] Ryan_M said:looking through CDs in a record store, i saw albums from a guy named Bruce Cockburn. I've seen that guy's albums too. |
___________________________________ [Jan 30,2006 4:10pm - DJ Death ""] The most gayest name ever= Terry Wankle... Kike. |
____________________________________ [Jan 31,2006 10:21am - dreadkill ""] one of the guys in my studio just showed me an awesome name on a document he had. the last name was Bonenfant, but the signature looked like BONERFART! |
___________________________________ [Jan 31,2006 10:24am - succubus ""] Bruce Cockburn... his last name is pronounced co-burn the K sound is silent |
_______________________________ [Jan 31,2006 12:53pm - Yeti ""] Ann Swallow Dean Kuntz Jamie Finkelstein Oyvind Mustafarta |
___________________________________ [Mar 20,2006 3:10pm - dreadkill ""] i just remembered an awesome one. my friend's brother used to do business over the phone with a guy named dick cass. he said his name so fast it sounded like dick ass. i remembered this because a guy named dick cass might be a candidate for next commissioner of the nfl. |