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People with awesome names.

[Mar 23,2005 10:22am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I work in shipping and these are some names I've come accross that have put a smile on my face

Craig Dicks
Marianna Pissa
Richard Titties

A buddie of mine working telemarketing also had to call a women named Monica Shlawinski.

[Mar 23,2005 10:25am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Craig Dicks is the best name I've ever heard
[Mar 23,2005 10:28am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
My favorite has to be Dick Titties. That cant be real.
[Mar 23,2005 10:32am - paganmegan ""]
A friend of mine knew a guy who's last name was Hiscock. He planned to name his kids Sharon and Holden. True story
[Mar 23,2005 10:36am - silky ""]
I knew a kid named dick weiner.
[Mar 23,2005 11:48am - powerkok ""]
I used to work with a guy named Johnny Bologna.

No Shit!!
[Mar 23,2005 12:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I work with a guy named Dick Bean
[Mar 23,2005 12:06pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Theres a guy who live's where I work, who's named Rudy Pussy
[Mar 23,2005 1:07pm - dugoxistance  ""]
I worked for a Greg Dicks. he was a black belt in karate for some reason.
[Mar 23,2005 1:13pm - the_reverend ""]
my dad worked with a named Long Wang.
I don't think the guy knew english well enough to understand why everyone laughed at his name.
[Mar 23,2005 1:17pm - malettey ""]
there was some guy running for some office in my town named Dick Swett....signs all along the side of the road vote DICK SWETT!!!
[Mar 23,2005 1:20pm - the_reverend ""]
you must be from NH.
I seen 'em too.
[Mar 23,2005 1:35pm - Anonymous  ""]
Richard Wood. (aka dick wood) thats my dentist
[Mar 23,2005 2:49pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
Sister Mary Jane Herb
[Mar 23,2005 2:51pm - anonymous  ""]
Dr. Roche A Stoner .... and yes its legit.
[Mar 23,2005 2:55pm - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
My mom works with a guy named Richard Lapper( I wonder if she ever called him dick?)
[Mar 23,2005 3:00pm - blue ""]
my initials are PMS...........beat that.
[Mar 23,2005 3:00pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
my mother's maiden name is Scarry !
[Mar 23,2005 3:04pm - powerkok ""]
my Aunts name is Karen Bell-Peppers.
Dont ask me y she kept Bell, after her 2nd divorce....esp when marrying Clyde Peppers.
And yes, theyre Southern.
[Mar 23,2005 3:06pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
jeff Weed's dad is named Richard Weed.

I met a guy whose name really was Micheal Hunt.
[Mar 23,2005 3:11pm - BornSoVile ""]
remember the Rep from NH, Dick Sweat?
[Mar 23,2005 3:30pm - Hooker ""]
Hi. Matt Hooker.
[Mar 23,2005 3:31pm - shatteredliz ""]
How about the Nascar driver Dick Trickle?
[Mar 23,2005 3:38pm - the_reverend ""]
BornSoVile said:remember the Rep from NH, Dick Sweat?

it's already mentioned.
[Mar 23,2005 4:08pm - dread_104 ""]
a friend of mine claims she went to school with a kid named Richard Breth.

my absolute fave- Sharon Needles
[Mar 23,2005 5:27pm - m.nolan  ""]
There's a fella in my phone book named Nasal T. Lardbottom.
And it's legit.
[Mar 23,2005 5:42pm - Hooker ""]
Gabe Horn.
[Mar 23,2005 5:53pm - Kalopsia ""]
i went to school with a middle eastern kid named Amir Butts
[Mar 23,2005 5:53pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
gabriel boys..........gabe boys for short.
[Jan 29,2006 4:47pm - khk  ""]
[Jan 29,2006 4:49pm - khk  ""]
[Jan 29,2006 5:47pm - bowelskinfacecloth ""]
coco crisp
[Jan 29,2006 5:54pm - dreadkill ""]
dick swett was the best. i wanted to be from nh so i could have voted for him.

i had a doctor named dr. hamburger before.

i knew a mike hunt also.

my girlfriend always checks in a patient named wilhelmus vanderknacker. i think it's a funny name.

i know i know of better ones. i'll think of them eventually.
[Jan 29,2006 6:09pm - Nate ""]
there's a guy that lives on the Cape somehwere named Benjamin Dover. There was a kid in my school who's lastname was Whitehead.
[Jan 29,2006 6:17pm - nick ""]
[Jan 29,2006 6:23pm - infoterror ""]
[Jan 29,2006 7:14pm - Lamp ""]
My mom had some customer at her job named Dick Buttmarc a while back...
[Jan 29,2006 8:00pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Haywood Jablome
[Jan 29,2006 8:17pm - Nate ""]
how bout the football legend Dick Butkus.
[Jan 29,2006 10:39pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Ginger Clam.... It is in the phonebook
[Jan 29,2006 11:11pm - the rooster  ""]
Rip Torn
[Jan 29,2006 11:57pm - Ryan_M ""]
looking through CDs in a record store, i saw albums from a guy named Bruce Cockburn.
[Jan 30,2006 12:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Dick Johnson from Grief.
[Jan 30,2006 1:31am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Reuben Fuchs
Jacky Asse
Chuck Norris
[Jan 30,2006 1:36am - CNV  ""]
Merle Haggard
Waylon Jennings
[Jan 30,2006 3:20am - Mike Oxbig  ""]
Never heard any funny names. Sorry.
[Jan 30,2006 3:47am - dwellingsickness ""]
Man, people mentioning Chuck Norris every thread on here is so over done
[Jan 30,2006 4:48am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I knew a Vietnamese kid named Phuc Hyunh and another kid named Da Phat Mak

Both of their names amused me immensely in 7th grade.
[Jan 30,2006 9:43am - falsecathedrals ""]
i was at the hospital yesterday for a concussion and in the waiting room they were showing bobsledding, and there's a guy named dick trickle.

fuckin, dick trickle.

that beats all.
[Jan 30,2006 9:53am - scoracrasia ""]
My third grade teacher was named Mr. Farty.

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