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ATTN: blackmetallady

[Dec 3,2006 6:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Dec 3,2006 6:24pm - dreadkill ""]
blackmetallady said:and Goatwhore doesn't make me feel young. Sammy and Ben are my age. you guys are all nuts!

i'm just playing
[Dec 3,2006 6:26pm - RichHorror ""]
[Dec 3,2006 6:47pm - blackmetallady ""]
I know you're all just playing
[Dec 3,2006 6:48pm - RichHorror ""]
Ken is.
[Dec 3,2006 6:49pm - pam ""]
blackmetallady said:I know you're all just playing

They're not. You're really a stupid whore.
[Dec 3,2006 6:50pm - blackmetallady ""]
I'm a Goatwhore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dec 3,2006 6:51pm - dreadkill ""]
you're a whorse
[Dec 3,2006 6:51pm - RichHorror ""]
dreadkill said:blackmetallady said:and Goatwhore doesn't make me feel young. Sammy and Ben are my age. you guys are all nuts!

i'm just playing

[Dec 3,2006 6:52pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm not playing.
[Dec 3,2006 6:55pm - pam ""]
blackmetallady said:I'm a Goatwhore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, you're a poser. Before Goatwhore needed a place to play, you'd never even heard of them. You are revolting and pathetic. Please die.
[Dec 3,2006 6:57pm - Lamp ""]

*retard image getting posted for 10478390728759282572398th time*

Is that why you always correct everyone's grammar and spelling in every thread just to be an asshole?
[Dec 3,2006 6:57pm - RichHorror ""]
dreadkill said:i'm not playing.

Make up your mind.
[Dec 3,2006 6:58pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
RichHorror said:Have you started sleeping with Dwyer and CTB yet?

Please no.
[Dec 3,2006 6:59pm - RichHorror ""]
That's a yes. Please take care not to re-break Grandma's hip.
[Dec 3,2006 7:01pm - pam ""]
Lamp said:AUTOPSY_666 said:A REMINDER...

*retard image getting posted for 10478390728759282572398th time*

Is that why you always correct everyone's grammar and spelling in every thread just to be an asshole?

[Dec 3,2006 7:02pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
RichHorror said:That's a yes. Please take care not to re-break Grandma's hip.

I would rather fuck myself than have to put my cock in a horse's ass.
[Dec 3,2006 7:04pm - RichHorror ""]
The honeymoon's over, I see.
[Dec 3,2006 7:04pm - pam ""]
It's the same reason Dwyer will insult someone on here, get insulted back, and retort with "yeah because you know me at all". Apparently when he argues, it's not arguing...and everyone he insults he obviously knows personally.
[Dec 3,2006 7:06pm - pam ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:RichHorror said:That's a yes. Please take care not to re-break Grandma's hip.

I would rather fuck myself than have to put my cock in a horse's ass.

Saying things like that will only make her love you more.
[Dec 3,2006 7:06pm - blackmetallady ""]
pam said:blackmetallady said:I'm a Goatwhore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, you're a poser. Before Goatwhore needed a place to play, you'd never even heard of them. You are revolting and pathetic. Please die.

Goatwhore never NEEDS a place to play. I bought them, because I wanted them on my bill. Yes, I've heard of them a long time ago along with Soilent Green and Acid Bath. I can't respond to you anymore... you're really nutty and pretty scary... like weird and threatening scary
[Dec 3,2006 7:07pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
pam said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:RichHorror said:That's a yes. Please take care not to re-break Grandma's hip.

I would rather fuck myself than have to put my cock in a horse's ass.

Saying things like that will only make her love you more.

[Dec 3,2006 7:08pm - Lamp ""]
pam said:It's the same reason Dwyer will insult someone on here, get insulted back, and retort with "yeah because you know me at all". Apparently when he argues, it's not arguing...and everyone he insults he obviously knows personally.

I guess that's what you have to resort to when you have lots of knowledge of metal and absolutely nothing else.
[Dec 3,2006 7:10pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Dec 3,2006 7:14pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Lamp said:Is that why you always correct everyone's grammar and spelling in every thread just to be an asshole?

How is that arguing? I am right (always) and they are wrong, no argument what-so-ever.

[Dec 3,2006 7:17pm - Lamp ""]
You are bringing up something that isn't necessary to whatever discussion you're in to distract them from the fact that you're an idiot. Just because you can type in correct English all the time doesn't mean that you know how to present an argument, nor does it mean you have any sense of timing, nor does it mean you're some kind of god amongst men. Not only that, but some people have other priorities on message boards besides being grammar freaks since some people are impatient and can't type as fast. As long as you can read their posts, who gives a fuck?
[Dec 3,2006 7:18pm - pam ""]
blackmetallady said:pam said:blackmetallady said:I'm a Goatwhore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, you're a poser. Before Goatwhore needed a place to play, you'd never even heard of them. You are revolting and pathetic. Please die.

Goatwhore never NEEDS a place to play. I bought them, because I wanted them on my bill. Yes, I've heard of them a long time ago along with Soilent Green and Acid Bath. I can't respond to you anymore... you're really nutty and pretty scary... like weird and threatening scary

Good, I'm glad you're scared. After you started posting about calling my child's school you fucking better be. You ARE a poser "blackmetal" lady. (Where's that quiz she failed on entry level bm knowlege?)

I'M nutty? I'm not the one dillusional enough to think everyone on here CLEARLY saying they think you're a moron, somehow like you. I'm not the one posting anonymously threatening my family with detectives and child services. You're sad and pathetic old woman. Bands don't like you, they use you for shows. They don't play at your clubs because they like you...they play because they want to play. You're a nothing in Maine that tries to "ruin" people that don't kiss your ass. You think bands on here will never go anywhere because they don't kiss your ass? The bands on this board don't need you. They work hard and gain their following without sucking up to a washed-up, middle-aged, haggard old cunt. I sincerely hope you die in a gas fire immediately because maybe then I can restore an ounce of hope for humanity's collective intelligence.

And you will keep responding, because you're pathetic.
[Dec 3,2006 7:22pm - pam ""]
Lamp said:You are bringing up something that isn't necessary to whatever discussion you're in to distract them from the fact that you're an idiot. Just because you can type in correct English all the time doesn't mean that you know how to present an argument, nor does it mean you have any sense of timing, nor does it mean you're some kind of god amongst men. Not only that, but some people have other priorities on message boards besides being grammar freaks since some people are impatient and can't type as fast. As long as you can read their posts, who gives a fuck?

Look at this, it will make you feel better:
[Dec 3,2006 7:24pm - Lamp ""]

Doesn't bother me that there are morons living amongst us. When they're alive, I've got plenty of people to look at and know I'm better than. When they die, I can laugh because they probably did something stupid to die.
[Dec 3,2006 7:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I survived that, real moronic.

That site spells Niagara wrong anyway.
[Dec 3,2006 7:26pm - blackmetallady ""]
Pam, like I said, you're really nutty and pretty scary... like weird and threatening scary. I don't post anon nor did I ever threaten you or your kid. I don't even know you. Please no more... you're freaking me out with your craziness and it scares me.

[Dec 3,2006 7:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'll put my I.Q. against both of yours anyday.
[Dec 3,2006 7:27pm - Lamp ""]
I can see a little bird right now carrying the point in its wings flying right over your head...
[Dec 3,2006 7:27pm - RichHorror ""]
Pam should just ask Aaron for the person's IP adress, if they did in fact say all those things. Even if Aaron can't, it's easy enough to find out who someone is by tracing the IP.
[Dec 3,2006 7:33pm - blackmetallady ""]
please do
[Dec 3,2006 7:34pm - pam ""]
I'm an honors student with a high GPA, high IQ, and scholarships coming at me, bring it on. I'm also smart enough to read signs and not play in fucking rapids, moron.

I would love that IP traced, even though I know it was her.
[Dec 3,2006 7:36pm - Lamp ""]
IQ means nothing when you have no concept of self-awareness.(directed 5 posts above this one)
[Dec 3,2006 7:37pm - RichHorror ""]
pam said:I would love that IP traced, even though I know it was her.

Then ask Aaron. I'm sure he'd trace it or give it to you so you can have it traced.
[Dec 3,2006 7:38pm - pam ""]
Common sense.
[Dec 3,2006 7:39pm - pam ""]
RichHorror said:pam said:I would love that IP traced, even though I know it was her.

Then ask Aaron. I'm sure he'd trace it or give it to you so you can have it traced.

I will. I can't remember which thread that was...so many stupid threads started by this mouth-breather.
[Dec 3,2006 7:39pm - Lamp ""]
Or instead of actually giving out the IP address he could just check to see if they match...
[Dec 3,2006 7:40pm - pam ""]
No, I'd like to know who's threatening my child.
[Dec 3,2006 7:41pm - RichHorror ""]
Yep. I remember there was some anonymous shit talking about either Hekseri or Pam [or both] and he was able to more or less figure out who it was by the IP.
[Dec 3,2006 7:42pm - Lamp ""]
Well, as shitty as this may sound for you, I don't think any message board admin is just going to hand out peoples private information like an IP address. I guess he could tell you if someone gets a match. Who knows, there's an outside chance maybe it really is just some anonymous douchebag. I doubt that if horsecock actually did this, she'd have the common sense to use a proxy.
[Dec 3,2006 7:43pm - pam ""]
RichHorror said:Yep. I remember there was some anonymous shit talking about either Hekseri or Pam [or both] and he was able to more or less figure out who it was by the IP.

Yeah. She's a fucking stupid bitch.
[Dec 3,2006 7:43pm - RichHorror ""]
Even proxy servers don't always work. Ask my old guitarist.
[Dec 3,2006 7:44pm - blackmetallady ""]
If your talking about me writing on RTTP about Human Services and how they should take your kid away, yes, THAT WAS ME. Why? because they should. I signed in for that... the rest I don't know.
[Dec 3,2006 7:47pm - Lamp ""]
Somehow I doubt you know how Pam treats her kid. You seem to be oblivious to the fact that everyone here hates you and don't know when to stop arguing on message boards either so you know...I think I'll take the opinion of someone who seems to be on the right side of all this drama. I'll give you a hint too: it's not you.
[Dec 3,2006 7:53pm - blackmetallady ""]
The thread says ATTN: BlackMetalLady. If you don't like this thread, don't post... especially weirdo, scary, Pam. She's out of control and I don't fight. Pam, get off this thread and go take care of your kid, and, please, don't send me messages, because you freak me out. Seriously.
[Dec 3,2006 7:55pm - pam ""]
I treat my child like gold, she get everything she needs and knows more about metal now than you ever will. You're just using her to try to feel righteous, and you're all the more disgusting for it. Way to use a child to make yourself feel better.

And it's you'RE you fucking idiot. As in YOU ARE, as in YOU ARE going to have to deal with me in person someday.

And I told you you'd keep replying.

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