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ATTN: blackmetallady

[Dec 2,2006 3:24pm - blackmetallady ""]
[Dec 2,2006 3:25pm - RichHorror ""]
I saw that costume with the fake big boobs in Spencer's too. Way to hate yourself.
[Dec 2,2006 3:27pm - blackmetallady ""]
It's a mockery of fake boobs... that's the point of the costume
[Dec 2,2006 3:27pm - RichHorror ""]
And the point of your life. A mockery.
[Dec 2,2006 3:29pm - blackmetallady ""]

I'm happy with my body image
[Dec 2,2006 3:30pm - blackmetallady ""]
Sticks and Stones, Rich
[Dec 2,2006 3:30pm - RichHorror ""]
blackmetallady said:Nobody has ever called me horseface in my entire life except for the 5 or 6 people on this board. And the guy at the 7-11 when I get my Extreme Big Gulp. Oh yeah, and my parents.

[Dec 2,2006 3:31pm - blackmetallady ""]
RichHorror said:blackmetallady said:Nobody has ever called me horseface in my entire life except for the 5 or 6 people on this board. And the guy at the 7-11 when I get my Extreme Big Gulp. Oh yeah, and my parents.

altering quotes is gay
[Dec 2,2006 3:32pm - RichHorror ""]
Those are your words, as is evidenced by your username in the quote.
[Dec 2,2006 3:33pm - RichHorror ""]
blackmetallady said:altering quotes is gay

So is Full Blown Chaos.
[Dec 2,2006 3:34pm - blackmetallady ""]
blackmetallady said:Nobody has ever called me horseface in my entire life except for the 5 or 6 people on this board. You know damn well that I'm pretty

That's the quote. You just can't think of anything to say
[Dec 2,2006 3:35pm - blackmetallady ""]
Hey dude, don't take your rage out on me
[Dec 2,2006 3:36pm - RichHorror ""]
You're a woman. That's what you were put on this planet for. In addition to cooking, cleaning and drinking sperm.
[Dec 2,2006 3:37pm - blackmetallady ""]
[Dec 2,2006 3:38pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm glad to see we're on the same page.
[Dec 2,2006 3:39pm - blackmetallady ""]
Is that a pun?
[Dec 2,2006 3:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Are you the dumbest whore that ever lived?
[Dec 2,2006 3:49pm - fishcakes ""]
blackmetallady said:I'll talk later... my favorite show is on. When I come back I want to see some love.

spongebob squarepants?
[Dec 2,2006 3:50pm - RichHorror ""]
She was lying. She was actually reading 'So, You're A Post-Op Tranny'.
[Dec 2,2006 3:58pm - blackmetallady ""]
blackmetallady said:Is that a pun?

"On the same page" get it? A pun. Who's the dummy now?
[Dec 2,2006 4:00pm - blackmetallady ""]
fishcakes said:blackmetallady said:I'll talk later... my favorite show is on. When I come back I want to see some love.

spongebob squarepants?

Curb Your Enthusiasm
[Dec 2,2006 4:00pm - RichHorror ""]
I understood it, cum dumpster. It clearly wasn't. Go get hit on by 45 year old Maine rednecks, you disgusting senior citizen.
[Dec 2,2006 4:01pm - blackmetallady ""]
ouch, that wasn't nice
[Dec 2,2006 4:03pm - RichHorror ""]
I am a vile human being. You are a haggard grandmother. I'm glad we have our respective roles clearly defined.
[Dec 2,2006 4:05pm - blackmetallady ""]
I don't have kids and i've never been married. Although my boyfriend is 9 years younger than me and he's happy with me.
[Dec 2,2006 4:05pm - fishcakes ""]
Curb Your Enthusiasm? dude! I can't get enough of that fucking show...
[Dec 2,2006 4:06pm - blackmetallady ""]
RichHorror said:I am a vile human being. You are a haggard grandmother. I'm glad we have our respective roles clearly defined.

I bet you won't say that when I see you in person.
[Dec 2,2006 4:06pm - blackmetallady ""]
fishcakes said:Curb Your Enthusiasm? dude! I can't get enough of that fucking show...

[Dec 2,2006 4:07pm - fishcakes ""]
I bet you he will.
[Dec 2,2006 4:08pm - RichHorror ""]
blackmetallady said:RichHorror said:I am a vile human being. You are a haggard grandmother. I'm glad we have our respective roles clearly defined.

I bet you won't say that when I see you in person.

I won't. I'll scream it, drunk out of my mind. If you need more help, I'll be the one throwing barstools with a rim of cocaine around my nostrils.
[Dec 2,2006 4:09pm - blackmetallady ""]
whatever dude
[Dec 2,2006 4:10pm - RichHorror ""]
Good comeback, you revolting slag.

Curb Your Enthusiasm is indeed awesome. I had no idea they got HBO out in Mayberry.
[Dec 2,2006 4:11pm - blackmetallady ""]
I have several HBO's. I love on demand
[Dec 2,2006 4:15pm - blackmetallady ""]
I need a small break from this site... i'll be back after I'm done practicing. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
[Dec 2,2006 4:17pm - Kevord ""]
blackmetallady said:I don't have kids and i've never been married. Although my boyfriend is 9 years younger than me and he's happy with me.

I thought your boyfriend dumped you yesterday?
[Dec 2,2006 4:18pm - anonymous  ""]
post by blackmetallady at Dec 2,2006 4:05pm

I don't have kids and i've never been married. Although my boyfriend is 9 years younger than me and he's happy with me.

post by blackmetallady at Dec 1,2006 2:06am

I just became single about an hour ago

[Dec 2,2006 4:20pm - RichHorror ""]

What a stupid, stupid bitch.
[Dec 2,2006 4:20pm - Kevord ""]
This chick can't even keep up with her lies.
[Dec 2,2006 4:22pm - fishcakes ""]
RichHorror said:Curb Your Enthusiasm is indeed awesome. I had no idea they got HBO out in Mayberry.

[Dec 2,2006 4:24pm - RichHorror ""]
Welcome to RTTP, the official Rich Horror fansite. I am God of all that I survey.
[Dec 2,2006 4:25pm - fishcakes ""]
truth truth
[Dec 2,2006 4:38pm - blackmetallady ""]

post by blackmetallady at Dec 1,2006 2:06am

I just became single about an hour ago


I was single for about 16 hours, then we made up
[Dec 2,2006 4:39pm - Murph ""]
blackmetallady said:I don't have kids and i've never been married. Although my boyfriend is 9 years younger than me and he's happy with me.

you kind of remind me of the girls from drama club in high school.

The ones who always wanted to be cool or fit in but mostly caught elbows to the face and unknowingly eat feces.

Maybe not high school. Maybe my dreams.
[Dec 2,2006 4:43pm - blackmetallady ""]
I think that it's funny that only washed up bands and the most terrible bands on RTTP are the only ones to insult me. The good bands know how to keep their mouths shut... which is probably why they are better bands.
[Dec 2,2006 4:44pm - blackmetallady ""]
I have aright to chat on this board too you know
[Dec 2,2006 4:45pm - blackmetallady ""]
I'm on as BlackMetalLady, not Maine Metal Scene Presents... not the same
[Dec 2,2006 4:46pm - Troll ""]
I thought you were done with RTTP
[Dec 2,2006 4:47pm - Troll ""]
The internet is not the best place for a mid-life crisis
[Dec 2,2006 4:47pm - blackmetallady ""]
You're back, Troll. My favorite RTTP person
[Dec 2,2006 4:49pm - blackmetallady ""]
Troll said:The internet is not the best place for a mid-life crisis

Nah, I have fun on this site... it makes me laugh. I know all the insults are just a gag. afterall, nobody here knows me to judge me.

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