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Maryland Death Fest (MDF) XI (2013) day three

Baltimore Sound Stage (Baltimore, MD) - [eddie_brock][infest][like_rats][massgrav][terveet_kadet][vitamin_x][wake][weekend_nachos][randomshots][anhedonist][antaeus][aosoth][asthma_castle][kommandant][loss][revenge][vinterland][down][melvins][the_obsessed][weedeater][broken_hope][ihsahn][iniquity]
[show listing]  ______________________________________________
[May 28,2013 2:18pm - tinnitus_photography ""]
melvins ruled day 3. Ihsahn was probably the worst band i saw all weekend.
[May 28,2013 6:03pm - bostonbeatdown  ""]
nice! did they end with bury me in smoke or stone the crow? seems like every time down comes around something always happens,last time i saw them at the palladium,we had to go through metal detectors and such,but thanks for the little review guys!!
[May 28,2013 7:57pm - AndrewBastard EN EL EYE  ""]
why cant i see the links to the pics of the bands at the top of the thread like usual?
[May 28,2013 8:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
There's some weird glitch, not just yours.
[May 28,2013 9:39pm - the_reverend ""]
the server drive was full.
[May 28,2013 9:47pm - the_reverend ""]

[May 28,2013 9:47pm - the_reverend ""]

[May 28,2013 9:47pm - the_reverend ""]

[May 28,2013 9:47pm - the_reverend ""]


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