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4/11- Woburn: Astronomer and Riendeau cd release w/ Transit, Nov. 5, 1955, Hivesmasher, Voyager, Deathrace

United Methodist Church (Woburn, MA) - [astronomer][deathrace][hivesmasher][november_5_1955][riendeau][the_bonus_army][voyager]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[Apr 12,2008 10:44am - Mike_K ""]

I fucking hate moshers. They just go in to hurt people. Thats all they want to do. Put a fist in your face.

And it was my friend who laughed when she said "Number Two" and I seriously thought they were going to kill him.
[Apr 12,2008 11:00am - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
lolz @ poop references. I wanted to go nuts when that hippy god man tried grabbing my mic from me. I'm wicked anal when someone I don't know(especially someone who looks like the runner up in the Iggy Pop impersonator contest) is holding my mic and using it the same time I am, yet I have no qualms with holding the mic out for people to scream into. Go figure that one out because I can't. Regardless, I feel that was our best played set to date.

Just to plug, we're nearly done recording the full length with Eric from Noosebomb.
Will Dysentery is coming out to spit some mad verse tomorrow and maybe a few more special guests.
[Apr 12,2008 11:12am - the_reverend ""]
You got served.
[Apr 12,2008 11:49am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 12,2008 11:55am - armageddon ""]
it was a great show
109+ people showed
the only shitty part is
kids dont realize that when they go to a show they might get hit
even if they're not moshing
well whatever
everyone put on a great set
and I was blown away by Voyager
that was something
[Apr 12,2008 11:58am - distract ""]

The%20short%20kid%20in%20Riendeau said:It's unreal, I don't get why when people are moshing, it's the fucking cool thing to go punch girls on the side, cuz what happened to the best of my knowledge (me being right next to it) some kid moshing runs at group of girls to the side, punching them in the face. Obviously people take offense to that. You have the whole floor to mosh, leave the people on the side alone. Respect yourself and the bands playing. Same thing happened in Reading last time Rev shot us. Unreal. But it doesn't take away the fact Hive Smasher fucking owns.


[Apr 12,2008 2:33pm - Mike_K ""]
Voyager sounded like a more rocky Agalloch....I dont know why but they did. They blew me away. Hive Smasher was awesome as well. Loved the harmonics. November 5, 1995, was good but I like Sluts 10x more.

Missed Deathrace unfortunately. I would have liked to see them but my dumbass friend (the dude who laughed at the "number 2" thing) was an hour late so we had to wait for him. Riendeau isnt my thing but their lighting was ballah, and whoever was operating their board was a hell of show hahahaha

Missed astronomer =[
[Apr 13,2008 8:29am - ..............  ""]
Great show all around. The fighting was stupid, and it certainly is nothing new, I'm most surprised by the fact that the people from the church keep changing their minds and allowing shows to happen again. Must be because of jesus, and forgiveness, and all of that...
[Apr 14,2008 11:35am - joeycobra ""]
I'm dissapointed in no review of our set....then again we did play at an ungodly hour in a church with many a person craving food and booze.

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