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who got tickets to emperor?

[Nov 28,2005 11:49pm - xsocialmonstrosityx ""]
besides me :D \m/
[Nov 28,2005 11:52pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I bought your ticket! Goofball!!!
[Nov 28,2005 11:54pm - xsocialmonstrosityx ""]
I'll pay you back ;}
[Nov 29,2005 12:01am - dyingmuse ""]
me and the woman are pretty sure that we are going, so if you pricks need a ride let me know. \m/
[Nov 29,2005 12:21am - litacore ""]
our warmachine drummer is goin'!
[Nov 29,2005 12:27am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Nov 29,2005 12:31am - Aegathis ""]
yea dan , might go, might need ride.
[Nov 29,2005 2:17am - BornSoVile ""]
i heard they already sold out.
[Nov 29,2005 2:24am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I bought some a couple hours ago. I have no clue how long they've been on sale.
[Nov 29,2005 2:26am - BornSoVile ""]
no shit. i also heard they have $100 VIP tickets that earn you an autographed poster and a handshake. ny people told me that this weekend...
[Nov 29,2005 8:21am - dftg nli  ""]
I got mine, motherfuckers!

[Nov 29,2005 8:23am - dftg nli  ""]
I just checked ticketmaster and they're still on sale
[Nov 29,2005 8:51am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I wicked hate myself for already not going, but I just lost my job, and there's no way I'll be able to afford tickets before they're gone. I've got a better chance of just trying to make Wakken.
[Nov 29,2005 10:38am - Yeti  ""]
i cant fucking wait. i got my ticket and now only 7 months to wait.....
[Nov 29,2005 11:22am - Josh_Martin ""]
BornSoVile said:no shit. i also heard they have $100 VIP tickets that earn you an autographed poster and a handshake. ny people told me that this weekend...

Ha! How underground of them. $50 for normal tix, $100 for the Aerosmith style VIP package. Tickets on sale 8 months in advance.

There's really something wrong with the fact that black metal now has rock stars. Euronymonononomous must be rolling in his grave.

[Nov 29,2005 11:24am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I heard Ashton Kutcher is going to be at this in preparation for his role as Euronymous in the upcoming Lords of Chaos film.
[Nov 29,2005 12:10pm - Josh_Martin ""]
There's kids actually walking around out there who think paying $50 for an Emperor autograph is a really great idea?
If Emperor's fans are that dumb, than I guess I really can't blame them for the gouging. That's what idiots are there for, to take advantage of.
[Nov 29,2005 12:14pm - dreadkill ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I heard Ashton Kutcher is going to be at this in preparation for his role as Euronymous in the upcoming Lords of Chaos film.

[Nov 29,2005 12:33pm - Josh_Martin ""]
That fag that played Darth Vader all gay and ruined Star Wars will be playing Varg.

Richard Simmons will be playing Ishan.
[Nov 29,2005 12:37pm - RustedAngel ""]
I had a hand painted emperor E icon banner which Emperor had used on some U.S. dates and I sold it on ebay for like $110
[Nov 29,2005 12:41pm - InventorofEvil ""]
Not me.I dont like Emperor
[Nov 29,2005 1:23pm - Yeti  ""]
wow the shittalking came faster than i expected. surprising?
[Nov 29,2005 1:29pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I don't think making fun of someone dumb enough to pay $50 for an Emperor autograph qualifies as shittalking.
[Nov 29,2005 3:16pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i can't figure out how paying $50 to see one of the most influential metal bands of all time at their only show on the east coast and getting an autograph as a bonus qualifies you as dumb

maybe if they were playing other shows that were cheaper...but your argument has no value
[Nov 29,2005 3:18pm - Yeti  ""]
Josh_Martin said:BornSoVile said:no shit. i also heard they have $100 VIP tickets that earn you an autographed poster and a handshake. ny people told me that this weekend...

Ha! How underground of them. $50 for normal tix, $100 for the Aerosmith style VIP package. Tickets on sale 8 months in advance.

There's really something wrong with the fact that black metal now has rock stars. Euronymonononomous must be rolling in his grave.

no but that is. i paid 50 bux for a ticket and i'm not dumb. i think its worth it to see Emperor. i could give a shit less about the poster and autograph, but that hardly makes them rockstars. i could give a shit about what you think anyways.
[Nov 29,2005 3:44pm - BSV@school  ""]
50 bucks is steep, not to mention beers at the club are at least $7 $8 then hotel/gas, way to much for me to spend. I like Emperor but I've never understood why everyone loves them THAT much. I havn't liked an album after Anthems. maybe I'm way to troo and kvlt or something.
[Nov 29,2005 3:44pm - BSV@school  ""]
but i would actually go to montreal to see them.
[Nov 29,2005 3:59pm - Josh_Martin ""]
The reading comprehension level on this board today is depressing.

Its $50 for a ticket. Its $100 for a ticket plus autograph. Thus, the autograph alone is $50. GET IT?!?!

And yes, anyone who feels that their signature is worth $50 is a fucking rock star. How can you even argue that?
Bands should just be glad that people like them enough to even want their stupid autograph.

Black metal started because people were sick of seeing death metal bands turn into rock stars. Look at black metal now.
[Nov 29,2005 4:07pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
I'm fairly certain you get more than an autograph

and haven't you been arguing like a rock star in like 2 other threads today?
[Nov 29,2005 4:16pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Sorry, an autograph AND a POSTER!!! Oooohhhh. What a bargain!

If correcting little Tommy's mistakes about my band makes me look like a rock star to you, that sucks.

[Nov 29,2005 4:18pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
well you just had that condescending attitude in all of your arguments...that's all i'm saying

hey i bet you get a laminated pass with that VIP package too...that could be a deal breaker
[Nov 29,2005 4:29pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I usually have a condescending attitude toward idiots who start shit with me or my bands.

Black-metal poster shoul be an oxymoron.
[Nov 29,2005 8:05pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
You also get into the club a couple hours before the normal door time. And it being a standing room only club, the great place you get to stand by being there that early is gone when everyone shoves their way in front of you. I think the VIP pack is retarded, and yeah it's pretty un-black metal to be charging $50 for a normal ticket, especially because, at least I'm guessing, there won't even be an opening band. $50 is still cheaper than a plane ticket to Norway or Germany though, so to NY I go.
[Nov 29,2005 8:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
well if there is no opening band, and they deliver a minium 2 hour set...THEN it might worth $50 actually. I'd pay $50 to see a minium 2 hours for countless other bands....
[Nov 29,2005 8:11pm - Kinslayer  ""]
There are 2 NYC shows; the 13th and 14th.
[Nov 29,2005 8:17pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Featuring: Special Guest Openers DEAD SYNDICATE.

Guess I was wrong. I still hope they play for two hours. And Syndicate only for 15 minutes.

And yeah they added a date on the 13th. At this rate they'll be in MA on the 11th and have a whole US tour set up by Feb.
[Nov 29,2005 8:48pm - xsocialmonstrosityx ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:At this rate they'll be in MA on the 11th and have a whole US tour set up by Feb.

Yeah, but the awesome guys from Mortenden and Clangdinkts or whatever's Fury won't be anywhere but the NY show :p I hope they decide to deck themselves out in corpsepaint and take more pictures at the playground
[Nov 29,2005 10:10pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
I got my ticket, there might be a total of seven of me and my friends going. So rad.
[Nov 29,2005 10:48pm - VoidExpression ""]
Got mine for the wife and I a few days ago. Does anyone know who Dead Syndicate is besides random death metal band #438765893047?

And the ticket prices suck!
[Nov 30,2005 12:31am - rigor penis  ""]
ishan looks fat and bloted now
[Dec 13,2005 2:37pm - anonymous  ""]
Heeeey guys. This is John from Dead Syndicate. Sorry if us playing the show pisses anyone off. Weve been doing really well down here in VA and were offered this show. We promise not to dissapoint.
[Dec 13,2005 2:39pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i think emperor sucks.
[Dec 13,2005 2:42pm - anonymous  ""]
Thats cool man...Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
[Dec 13,2005 2:50pm - KeithMutiny ""]
thanks for the acceptance.
[Dec 13,2005 4:00pm - KeithMutiny nli  ""]
KeithMutiny said:i think emperor sucks.

I am dying for Black COCK!!!!
[Dec 13,2005 4:06pm - KeithMutiny ""]
your a genious, clearly you've outsmarted everyone.
[Dec 13,2005 5:08pm - anonymous  ""]
[Dec 14,2005 9:34am - DestroyYouAlot NLI  ""]
KeithMutiny said:i think emperor sucks.

I'd have to say, sir, that that's really not thinking at all. But, hey, you're all entitled to my opinion, right?

Here's some underwear.:tightiewhities:
[Dec 15,2005 12:02pm - anonymous  ""]
Thanks man...i needed a pair.
[Dec 15,2005 1:16pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I'd pay 50 dollars to watch Josh Martin make Emperor cry in person.
[Dec 15,2005 1:53pm - DestroyYouAlot NLI  ""]
The tears would cause whatever disease Mortiis has that makes him look like a "Legend" extra.
[Jan 11,2006 9:58am - anonymous  ""]
emperor are a bunch of jews charging $50 tix and thats before ticket master reams you in the ass for another $15 and all the other expences and im sure merch will be wicked high after the promoter bumps up the price. plus bb kings is a wicked money pit. $10 drinks $10 to sit down at a table per set. death to jews in black metal. theres nothing cool about this show or underground or even remotely black metal and i would and i think anyone else that gives into this and pays all that money is a sucker and should feel like a fool and poser in black metal scene.
[Jan 11,2006 10:28am - Yeti ""]
someones got sand in their vagina
[Jan 11,2006 11:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeti said:someones got sand in their vagina

Aaron should ban you from this board because all your posts are retarded.
[Jan 11,2006 11:18am - This_Is_Heresy ""]
anonymous said: theres nothing cool about this show or underground or even remotely black metal and i would and i think anyone else that gives into this and pays all that money is a sucker and should feel like a fool and poser in black metal scene.

What about people who didnt get to see them when they were originally together? I didn't get to and there for I'm pretty happy to pay the cash to get in. If that makes me a poser...fine. I don't really care. I'm a poser who is gonna get to see Emperor.

[Jan 11,2006 12:58pm - ndeath ""]
I dont like Black Metal so I wont be going to this show
[Jan 11,2006 10:11pm - anonymous  ""]
This sounds like Opie from Nothing But Enemies
[Jan 12,2006 5:28am - armageddanne i Oslo  ""]
I was planning on seeing them at Inferno Fest but the 3 day passes are already sold out and it's fucking expensive so I guess I will blow it. Sucks ass.
[Jan 12,2006 8:44am - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:emperor are a bunch of jews charging $50 tix and thats before ticket master reams you in the ass for another $15 and all the other expences and im sure merch will be wicked high after the promoter bumps up the price. plus bb kings is a wicked money pit. $10 drinks $10 to sit down at a table per set. death to jews in black metal. theres nothing cool about this show or underground or even remotely black metal and i would and i think anyone else that gives into this and pays all that money is a sucker and should feel like a fool and poser in black metal scene.

Nice grammar Opie

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