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[Oct 27,2006 12:47pm - anonymous  ""]
"the biz"
[Oct 27,2006 12:47pm - RichHorror ""]
Every promoter I know books death metal shows. Myself included.
[Oct 27,2006 12:48pm - eddie(nli)  ""]
BlackMetalLady said:very few promoters are booking death metal and such.... it's too risky for them. They prefer radio bands. But, I take that risk. No more talk.... I can't sit here and teach you about the music biz.

fuck you
[Oct 27,2006 12:49pm - RichHorror ""]

best post of the entire thread by far.


I am the best thing to happen to the internet since www.fatchicksinpartyhats.com
[Oct 27,2006 12:49pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
RichHorror said:Every promoter I know books death metal shows. Myself included.

oh please.
[Oct 27,2006 12:50pm - anonymous  ""]
she oh pleased you. are you going to take that shit?
[Oct 27,2006 12:50pm - pam ""]
"the biz" hahahaha

Yeah I know about 20 death metal promoters. You lose. Again.
[Oct 27,2006 12:50pm - eddie(nli)  ""]
BlackMetalLady said:RichHorror said:Every promoter I know books death metal shows. Myself included.

oh please.

you think there's a metal show almost every day of the week for no reason? Do you book them all?
[Oct 27,2006 12:51pm - RichHorror ""]
Dismember/Grave/Vital Remains at the Middle East. Look it up. I'm sure you missed it due to it conflicting with the Hee-Haw marathon.
[Oct 27,2006 12:51pm - pam ""]
pam said:You're gonna be late for work, those dicks aren't gonna suck themselves!

[Oct 27,2006 12:52pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
pam said:"the biz" hahahaha

Yeah I know about 20 death metal promoters. You lose. Again.

Really, why isn't your b/f (husband) playing out on good bills? Bye
[Oct 27,2006 12:54pm - pam ""]
He has. And you're still here.
[Oct 27,2006 12:56pm - RichHorror ""]
You're going to be late for your job at the bank.
[Oct 27,2006 1:00pm - pam ""]
She's in her car thinking off all the things she's going to say to us when she gets home.
[Oct 27,2006 1:01pm - BlackMetalLady ""]

For the record, the bikini picture was taken 6 years ago (I was 29 in that pic and placed Miss Hawaiian Tropic that year). Now I'm 35 and over a decade older than you, Pam. However, I never talked like a pig even when I was your age... and you're a mother! If any of you would like to visit my profile to make fun of me more... http://myspace.com/leighrush Now go have fun and play.
[Oct 27,2006 1:01pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope she slips in a puddle of AIDS and crackers her head open on the corner of the coffee table.
[Oct 27,2006 1:02pm - RichHorror ""]
[Oct 27,2006 1:04pm - pam ""]
No you waited until your were 35 to talk like a pig, but then deleted the comment later.

Now hurry to work pageant queen. There are dry dicks to suck and bands to ruin.
[Oct 27,2006 1:34pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i have been reading everything that goes on in this thread since it started, but haven't commented since i don't believe it's really anything that i have to worry about. but, in the last 50-75 posts it has been made clear that leigh rush, aka black metal lady, may be one of the most unprofessional promoters in new england. i'm not going to toss any witty or insulting comments your way, but if you really want to be known as a professional, keeping such close tabs on situations like this will sully your name.

it doesn't matter that you don't make bands pay to play, it doesn't matter what international bands you bring to maine, and it doesn't matter that you pay out of your own pocket to run ads on radio, tv, or any other form of media. the fact that you take everything said in this thread to heart, even though you have said you will not continue to do so several times, shows that you are weak-minded and easily lead astray from your original goals.

i actually forgot that this thread was intended to inform us all of a goatwhore show. it just seemed like another RTTP battle royale, at the expense of a promoter thinking she's just "doing her job." if you were any kind of decent business woman, you would have left this thread alone looooong ago, except maybe an occasional "bump" to refresh our memories that the show is going on. if you had just kept to yourself and cared only about all the money you're making, your frequent trips to the bank and how many bands absolutely love you (though there is no proof of any of these in plain sight), this thread would be maybe 100-120 posts long, and the concentration of bullshit that has runneth over this thread would not have been so prevalent. in fact, it would have been nothing but hype and info for the show, maybe some constructive criticism here and there with the possibility of a few negative comments. now, it's been on the first 2 pages for a while now, only because it seems that no one here likes you, they are all using you for entertainment because you are an easy target (sorry if i'm ruining anyone's fun, haha).

you think you're special because you book touring bands and have an impressive resume? guess what, you're not the only person in the "scene" to be successful. you're not an authority in music and you're not doing anything that much different than other promoters that just don't like to give themselves a boosted image by saying stupid shit on an internet message board to get their business in the limelight. look at dan dismal, a member of the california band crematorium, and also a growing booking force in the "biz." i've seen many people put him, his band and his company down countless times, but he just sits back and lets it flow because he realizes it's not going to stop him and it's not going to take anything away from him because he's still booking huge shows, fests and entire TOURS. are you booking tours? probably not. so you really should get off of your high horse, no pun intended, take a step back and realize that everything you say on here that may justify yourself and your actions in your own eyes is insignificant hogwash to everyone else. it's all just another reason to not go to your shows, and to make fun of you because you clearly let it get to you. you can lie all you want and try to justify all of your actions, but everyone will see past it.

i don't expect you to heed what i've said, but maybe you'll take into consideration at some point in your career when one day, there will be that one band that you've wanted to book for soooo long, says "oh wait, didn't you spawn massive shit talk on an internet message board?" and back out of working with you because they don't want to take any risks.

and don't pull the old "well i guess i know which band I'M not working with anymore" thing, because it's already been used against me (while i wasn't even in a band, and i still am not in a band for the record) for expressing my views on a subject that i feel is as important to bands, fans of the music and promoters/bookies alike.

sorry to add such a serious, long-winded post to this thread, but i felt it had to be done.
[Oct 27,2006 1:37pm - pam ""]
You're FINISHED in Maine, Mark! FINISHED!
[Oct 27,2006 1:40pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I just lost like 25 minutes that I can never get back
[Oct 27,2006 1:42pm - Coathanger Assault  ""]
Lots of mothers use filthy language. This is New England, you fucking moron. Could you really be this stupid?
[Oct 27,2006 1:44pm - Coathanger Assault  ""]
RichHorror said:Dismember/Grave/Vital Remains at the Middle East. Look it up. I'm sure you missed it due to it conflicting with the Hee-Haw marathon.

I'm sure she missed it because lame Century Media rapcore has-beens weren't on the bill.
[Oct 27,2006 1:46pm - pam ""]
My kid is awesome, she also knows more about Black Metal than "blackmetallady". She spells better, too.

I'd say me and my filthy mouth are doing just fine with her. But if that's all this broad can hit me with, let her.
[Oct 27,2006 1:47pm - pam ""]
Coathanger Assault said:RichHorror said:Dismember/Grave/Vital Remains at the Middle East. Look it up. I'm sure you missed it due to it conflicting with the Hee-Haw marathon.

I'm sure she missed it because lame Century Media rapcore has-beens weren't on the bill.

She's at "work" thinking of a come-back, Rich. Give her time.
[Oct 27,2006 1:47pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
pam said:You're FINISHED in Maine, Mark! FINISHED!

i have only just begun.
[Oct 27,2006 1:50pm - Coathanger Assault  ""]
Here is a link to Miss Hawaiian Tropic 2000 winners, I don't see Leigh Rush anywhere, so she didn't place very far:


Here is a link to the 2001 winners, just in case she can't actually count backwards in years properly. Once again, no Leigh Rush:


And again, because I'm sure she has problems counting, here is the link to the winner of 1999:


Once again, no BlackMetalLady to be found, so she didn't place so well.
[Oct 27,2006 1:51pm - pam ""]
oooohohoho SNAP!
[Oct 27,2006 1:56pm - Coathanger Assault  ""]
Maybe she meant that she qualified for the Maine chapter? With a full set of teeth (and what a set of teeth...) she must have automatically gotten in.
[Oct 27,2006 2:02pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
dreadkill said:in some pictures her body looks alright.

Buried in my backyard.

[Oct 27,2006 2:09pm - mcmahon ""]
i wore a hole in my refresh button.
[Oct 27,2006 2:18pm - anonymous  ""]
the moral of the story is that this thread should be renamed "the biz".
[Oct 27,2006 2:19pm - pam ""]
[Oct 27,2006 2:22pm - dreadkill ""]
i love this thread. rich's hee haw comment was great.
[Oct 27,2006 2:23pm - pam ""]
This is indeed a spectacular thread. Thankyou, Troll.
[Oct 27,2006 2:24pm - dreadkill ""]
BlackMetalLady said:very few promoters are booking death metal and such.... it's too risky for them. They prefer radio bands. But, I take that risk. No more talk.... I can't sit here and teach you about the music biz. However, thank you for keeping my thread in the top 5 for weeks! :D

you have no idea what you're talking about. maybe most promoters didn't book death metal bands back in the mid 90s when you were still somewhat young, but anything remotely metal is thriving now. music that i never thought people would touch a few years ago is pretty much mainstream now.
[Oct 27,2006 2:28pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I found the blackmetallady promo pic she submitted to the miss hawaiian contest.


She is, in fact, a chick with a dick.
[Oct 27,2006 2:28pm - dreadkill ""]
BlackMetalLady said:pam said:"the biz" hahahaha

Yeah I know about 20 death metal promoters. You lose. Again.

Really, why isn't your b/f (husband) playing out on good bills? Bye

did you not notice that his band was mentioned on blabbermouth the other day with a list of a few of the big name metal bands they've played with?
[Oct 27,2006 2:29pm - dreadkill ""]
The Accursed combines a youthful exuberance with all that was good about metal of years past. They have already shared the stage with such extreme music greats as Behemoth, Nile, Beyond The Embrace, Body Count, Nuclear Assault and MOD while playing festivals like the Milwaukee and New Jersey Metalfests and the Northern Aggression festival.
[Oct 27,2006 2:58pm - Mess  ""]
she's obviously new to this shit. this is too funny. anyone with "blackmetal" in their name is a faggot even if she is an ol'hag.
[Oct 27,2006 3:01pm - anonymous  ""]
I love how everyone thinks Pam is cool.
[Oct 27,2006 3:12pm - dreadkill ""]
pam is cool
[Oct 27,2006 3:59pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
anonymous said:I love how everyone thinks Pam is cool.

And you think you are by posting anonymously? Anything you say is useless otherwise. Go suck the Maine she-male dick ass kisser.
[Oct 27,2006 4:57pm - Kevord ""]
Goatwhore is playing with Celtic Frost Saturday November 4th at the Palladium. Even if I lived in Maine I would rather see them on a Saturday night rather than a Monday. Especially with Celtic Frost!!!
[Oct 27,2006 4:58pm - strongblackwoman  ""]
the reason bml works out so much is to make up for her REEEE HAWWWWWW face
[Oct 27,2006 5:04pm - YoCracka!  ""]
[Oct 27,2006 5:06pm - dreadkill ""]
that's amazing
[Oct 27,2006 5:06pm - Kevord ""]
Yeah, That was funny yesterday.
[Oct 27,2006 5:12pm - Redbeard  ""]
I think Pam is the one who really needs to get a Life. This is pathetic ... the reason Pam Bag's on Leigh and I, Is because of a business decission I made! NOT LEIGH! and Two she only know's of Half the story! and 3 maybe if she knew the whole thing maybe she'd shut her mouth, but instead rants on here! PAM WHAT HAVE YOU DONE for the metal community? 0 i also pose the same question to all of you! maybe you should try to work together instead of ragging on this message board and maybe you'll go somewhere!

im done!

[Oct 27,2006 5:14pm - anonymous nli  ""]
an average rttp user:

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