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drummer bored with friends

[Feb 26,2004 3:44pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i hit stuff sometimes fast sometimes slow i prefer metal if it is more fun than work (blast beats are cool but in moderation) lately i been playing rock/hardcore stuff but my guitar player is lazy and thinks he is already a rock star im sick of his shit(anyone wanna buy a peavey XXL head and 4x12)
i been playing for about 4 years im not the best but i dont suck never had lessons but would be alot better with a steady band to play with as anyone would be better through practice.
i also have a 24 track studio if that helps any and if you know of any bands that want to record(cheap)let me know for more details :doublehorns:
[Feb 26,2004 9:34pm - the_reverend ""]
people are fucking retarded if they let a drummer go..
[Feb 26,2004 9:45pm - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
[Feb 26,2004 11:08pm - aliciagrace ""]
You can join my band.
[Feb 27,2004 12:42am - Josh_hates_you ""]
the_reverend said:people are fucking retarded if they let a drummer go..

People are even more retarded to let go of a drummer with a digital 24 track recording studio.(think of the $$ saved on demos and cds-think of the songwriting possobilities if you played in a studio every day) that will find time to practice.make time if need be.likes hc-thrash-metal- punk-jazz fusion-willing to play whatever has a place to play (well my brothers old bedroom its not huge but its warmer than your garage)

granted im not dave lombardo nor do i claim to be but i have seen alot of drummers in local bands that suck as well as alot that put me to shame - either way i just wanna rock
[Feb 27,2004 12:48am - Kalopsia ""]
josh, where are u located?
[Feb 27,2004 1:00am - Josh_hates_you ""]
sutton- shitty little town 15 minutes south of worcester
[Feb 27,2004 1:19am - Kalopsia ""]
damn. i'm located in New Jersey. my death metal band Kalopsia is without a drummer. we have a full length album out for sale, produced by Jean-Francois Degenais (Kataklysm, Misery Index), and we're ready to play out with one problem, NO FUCKING DRUMMER
[Feb 27,2004 2:24am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i dont think im qualified to be in a band along the lines of kataklysm just yet. a local hardcore-metal-punk- thrash-grind -noise-rock whatever band that isnt super technical is more suitable. existing bands or start a new one
[Feb 28,2004 12:10am - Josh_hates_you ""]
ok rather than announcing i want to just play ill make it more specific(i thought long and hard for a minute) i want to start a joke black metal band called my own funeral our first cd will be called ill carry my own damn coffin.i started to write a song called jesus christ is dead and bleeding(....oh my)
[Feb 28,2004 3:08pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you can start a band with me if you want, none of our songs would be longer then 4 minutes.
[Feb 28,2004 3:16pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Sutton? A bit far-ish.

And my stuff's probably slightly more technical than you're looking for (Well, at least a good chunk of it.)
[Feb 28,2004 3:17pm - dyingmuse ""]
shroud still needs a drummer too
[Feb 28,2004 3:18pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I would say go with Shroud of Bereavement, their songs are already written.
[Feb 28,2004 3:55pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Feb 28,2004 4:26pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
join Shroud of Bereavment. they are definitely one of the top 10 bands in MA right now. top 5 even.
[Feb 29,2004 12:11am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i must admit i am not aware of shroud of beraverment but if any one knows if they have a cd or mp3 online to see if i can handle it. and i didnt say i dont want technical stuff but i know my limits can play some shadows fall type shit and lamb of god type stuff but i am just not that caliber drummer yet but a year or two with a solid band and i definately could be
[Feb 29,2004 12:28am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i got motivated enough to search for them---they are cool and not super technical just realy long songs i like joes no longer than 4 minutes idea how bout play it faster and put 4 minutes of music 2 minutes and 7 seconds?
[Feb 29,2004 9:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Hey Josh, where are you from?
[Feb 29,2004 8:35pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
as mentioned peviously sutton which is near worcester
[Feb 29,2004 11:09pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Well, you could probably handle the basic idea of my drums (Not exactly the way I programmed 'em on my computer, though...there's some stuff that is literally not humanly possible [Unless you can find me a guy with three arms] )

The other problem, though, is that a good chunk of my songs are in the 6 minute range (And I have two or three that are 9 minutes or so)
[Mar 1,2004 9:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
want to start a boston based band?
I have a feeling we could get shows pretty easily.
[Mar 1,2004 9:57am - davyp ""]
Josh I play guitar and sing and am looking to start a band if i dont join another one.... I live in North Grosvenoredale CT.... 5 min south of Webster Ma and 15min south of worcester ma... let me know....
[Mar 1,2004 10:01am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
stop sneaking in on my shit, I will boil your face off
[Mar 1,2004 10:11am - davyp ""]
nah you wont
[Mar 1,2004 10:12am - Josh_hates_you ""]
if i am correct from this board it seems as though davyp is in raising kubrick or am i retarded?? either way i remember sarah from that bands way back in the day from millbury. im like 10 minutes from webster - i dont mind a boston based band but the issue is practice space and schedule the further away the more planning that has to go into making practice work--hell i cant keep my guitar player from webster on track how am i supposed to do it with 5 people from boston
[Mar 1,2004 10:24am - Josh_hates_you ""]
im bored its 10:19 am lets rock
[Mar 1,2004 10:28am - davyp ""]
Josh I used to be in RK no i am not..... I am looking and have been looking to start something closer to home and your preety close.... what do you think
[Mar 1,2004 10:40am - Josh_hates_you ""]
works for me -i have a real good guitar player that broke his arm and hasnt been able to play for the past 2 months and a guitar player that cant write- so i need to start again do you work in the day cause i work at ups at nite from 6-11 (no wonder my scheduling sucks)
[Mar 1,2004 10:44am - davyp ""]
im at work right now...... 8-430 every day.... I work in webster though.... weekends are great, so what do you have for a band now just you... are trying to start a whole new band
[Mar 1,2004 10:49am - Josh_hates_you ""]
right now its me
my last band was a pop rock type band(think taking back sunday) that i despised but the guitar player/songwriter formed a cocaine habbit. this left me and a peavey XXL stack--you get out at 4:30 i go in at 6:30--hmm weekends it is
[Mar 1,2004 10:51am - davyp ""]
can i email you personal info
[Mar 1,2004 10:53am - Josh_hates_you ""]
sure do it at
[Mar 1,2004 11:08am - davyp ""]
just emailed you
[Mar 1,2004 12:04pm - davyp ""]
[Mar 1,2004 12:10pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
got that and replied
[Mar 1,2004 12:15pm - davyp ""]
cool thanks
[Mar 1,2004 12:41pm - davyp ""]
Josh I never got you reply, did you send to the correct email address dpottle@commerceinsurance.com... if you could rereply... im sorry
[Mar 1,2004 12:48pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i hit the reply button on the e-mail thing ill try the other thing -im a computer retard
[Mar 1,2004 12:51pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
did it work?
[Mar 1,2004 1:26pm - davyp ""]
no it did not work, something might be wrong w/ my end.... do you have # i can call you at
[Mar 1,2004 1:32pm - davyp ""]
you could also try to change the subject line to just re: i think just calling you would settle this though
[Mar 1,2004 1:45pm - davyp ""]
[Mar 1,2004 1:52pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i sent that e-mail a third time and i put my phone # in it
[Mar 1,2004 2:04pm - davyp ""]
This sucks, my fucking works email sucks... your the second person that cant get through can you call me at the work # i gave you at the bottom of that email, just want to talk about this, and i cant get your email... god this sucks
[Mar 1,2004 2:19pm - davyp ""]
[Mar 1,2004 2:24pm - davyp ""]
[Mar 1,2004 2:29pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
kill people
[Mar 1,2004 2:59pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
me and dave made plans to kill people - the spree starts saturday, your next
[Mar 1,2004 4:21pm - davyp ""]
Yes and killing we will do

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