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Who Wants to Play a Show at Bender's in Wistahhhh?....

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Nov 19,2008 5:04pm - grizloch ""]
if at all possible can Psytoxia get in on that gear shareage? pretty please?
[Nov 19,2008 5:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i gotta discuss it with my band members but i'm sure we can work it out.
[Nov 19,2008 5:47pm - grizloch ""]
sweet, whatever we don't have to bring is bonus points, thanks a ton
[Nov 19,2008 8:36pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I hear that...I'm hoping I don't have to borrow my dad's truck for this. Bringing all necessary gear in a Corolla would=win.
[Nov 20,2008 8:43am - RustyPS ""]
this show is gonna be DA SEXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[Nov 20,2008 9:29am - CC_NLI  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Horrifying Condiments wrote our first song today. It is called "Dicks Dicks Dicks: The Boner Of The Beast."

what is this a composted re-run on steroids?
[Nov 20,2008 9:48am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Haha, pretty much. Only more grind and less effort/costumes.
[Nov 20,2008 9:58am - archaeon ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:all ages until 10pm. meaning everyone under 21 has to leave. the show can continue however with the elder folk.


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