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Massholes fucking suck.

[Sep 9,2006 1:58am - Hoser ""]
Massholes fucking suck.

Saw a pile of you assholes up here in York Beach, ME tonight. Too bad your state sucks so badly that you all come here to be rude prick drivers and act like you own the world........BTW nice accent...idiots. Sound like uneducated assclowns. Stay out of our state...we loathe you, make fun of your stupid license plates...and we joke about you in restaurants.

Massholes = Stupid rude pricks......NOBODY likes you. And, your gay plates give you away hard.
[Sep 9,2006 1:59am - the_reverend ""]
moustache wax!
[Sep 9,2006 2:00am - the_reverend ""]
hey hoser, where is your moose plate?
oh wait, you gave up your right to live free or die and moved to vacationland.
[Sep 9,2006 2:10am - mostahthat ""]
[Sep 9,2006 3:04am - thegreatspaldino ""]
oh yeah, wow... you didnt make this post like 2 months ago or anything. people from every state are gay and there are others that dont fit the stereotype and are cool. wether or not you choose to acknowledge that is your choice and your opinion.
[Sep 9,2006 3:06am - sacreligion ""]
[Sep 9,2006 3:22am - fishcakes ""]
if you like your state so much then don't leave it ever to play shows. see how you makeout.
[Sep 9,2006 4:39am - pam ""]
you can kiss this masshole's ass, pal. ;)
[Sep 9,2006 5:54am - Troll ""]
[Sep 9,2006 6:03am - Troll ""]
Yeah BTW why didn't you just post this in your other Masshole thread? I like that thread!

Think I'll bump that bitch up!
[Sep 9,2006 9:52am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Man, every time you commit incest, one of these guilt threads goes up, I just know it!
[Sep 9,2006 10:16am - dugnli  ""]
dick drivers with stupid accents OR inbred toothless cow fuckers.

take your pick folks.
[Sep 9,2006 11:25am - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
you people worry waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much about people from other states if you dont wanna see tourist move alllllll the way out to the middle of the woods grow your own food and get over it.......i gotta deal with asian people snapping pictures alllll over the train constantly do i bitch? no casue you wanna know what you cant do shit about it
[Sep 9,2006 11:40am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It's a thinly veiled excuse for racism, basically.
[Sep 9,2006 12:01pm - niccolai ""]
Don't blame massholes for the tourism, blame the other snowhicks that make tourism videos and air them in MA that saying

"please come visit us, our citizens are too poor to make the state any money and our land has nothing to offer us. BUY OUR TEESHIRTS!"

without other NE tourism, good luck paying property taxes and running virtually any buisinesses.

Why don't you bitch about Mexicans instead? it's not like Massholes "terk yer jerbs"
[Sep 9,2006 12:46pm - TheFilthyFrenchman ""]
how do you circumsize someone from Maine? Kick his sister in the chin
[Sep 9,2006 12:48pm - niccolai ""]
That's actually a common misconception frenchman, most of them have very few (if any) teeth.
[Sep 9,2006 12:49pm - niccolai ""]
[Sep 9,2006 9:23pm - Hoser ""]
Maine rules...NH rules...Mass is a shithole, with the exception of Pam. She is the biggest sweetheart....too bad she has to pay your taxes....she's a doll.
[Sep 9,2006 9:58pm - niccolai ""]
the response I pretty much expected.
[Sep 9,2006 10:05pm - contagion ""]
TheFilthyFrenchman said:how do you circumsize someone from Maine? Kick his sister in the chin

that made me laugh out loud.

i hate maine.
[Sep 10,2006 12:33am - anonymous  ""]
niccolai said:[img]

you can find her in downtown lowell,mass.but not maine
[Sep 10,2006 1:21am - horror_tang NLI  ""]
Hoser said:Massholes fucking suck.

Saw a pile of you assholes up here in York Beach, ME tonight. Too bad your state sucks so badly that you all come here to be rude prick drivers and act like you own the world........BTW nice accent...idiots. Sound like uneducated assclowns. Stay out of our state...we loathe you, make fun of your stupid license plates...and we joke about you in restaurants.

Massholes = Stupid rude pricks......NOBODY likes you. And, your gay plates give you away hard.

Suck a masshole dick, fucko!
[Sep 10,2006 1:37am - mostahthat ""]
soccer blue.
[Sep 10,2006 7:31am - Troll ""]
babyshaker not logged in said:you people worry waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much about people from other states if you dont wanna see tourist move alllllll the way out to the middle of the woods grow your own food and get over it.......i gotta deal with asian people snapping pictures alllll over the train constantly do i bitch? no casue you wanna know what you cant do shit about it

Well ,you can't bitch about the people that make cars,stereos and tvs.
[Sep 10,2006 7:32am - Troll ""]
oh and don't forget Pokemon
[Sep 10,2006 9:49am - rotivore ""]
Hoser said:Massholes fucking suck.

Saw a pile of you assholes up here in York Beach, ME tonight. Too bad your state sucks so badly that you all come here to be rude prick drivers and act like you own the world........BTW nice accent...idiots. Sound like uneducated assclowns. Stay out of our state...we loathe you, make fun of your stupid license plates...and we joke about you in restaurants.

Massholes = Stupid rude pricks......NOBODY likes you. And, your gay plates give you away hard.

you mean.....Massholes = Stupid rude pricks......NOBODY likes you. And, your gay plates give you away haaaaaad.

[Sep 10,2006 11:52am - dreadkill ""]
fuck maine. the maine accent sounds like an extra retarded version of the mass accent.
[Sep 10,2006 11:55am - pam ""]
Hoser said:Maine rules...NH rules...Mass is a shithole, with the exception of Pam. She is the biggest sweetheart....too bad she has to pay your taxes....she's a doll.

Sweet? Are you sure you're talking about me?
[Sep 10,2006 11:57am - dreadkill ""]
are you a doll?
[Sep 10,2006 12:14pm - pam ""]
[Sep 10,2006 12:18pm - dreadkill ""]
a chucky doll?
[Sep 10,2006 12:20pm - pam ""]
I'm not THAT ugly, Ken.
[Sep 10,2006 12:22pm - dugnli  ""]
Hoser said:Maine rules...NH rules...Mass is a shithole, with the exception of Pam. She is the biggest sweetheart....too bad she has to pay your taxes....she's a doll.

she's not going to sleep with you.
[Oct 12,2011 4:19pm - mass hole  ""]
fucking moose blowing sister fucking rot gut drinking hill billy pieces of shit: how do they work?
[Oct 12,2011 4:20pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

Hoser said:Massholes fucking suck.

Saw a pile of you assholes up here in York Beach, ME tonight. Too bad your state sucks so badly that you all come here to be rude prick drivers and act like you own the world........BTW nice accent...idiots. Sound like uneducated assclowns. Stay out of our state...we loathe you, make fun of your stupid license plates...and we joke about you in restaurants.

Massholes = Stupid rude pricks......NOBODY likes you. And, your gay plates give you away hard.

maybe I'll go eat worms
[Oct 12,2011 4:25pm - Lamp ""]
I'm so glad Hoser doesn't post here anymore.
[Oct 12,2011 4:27pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
I wonder if he ever realized or not that no matter where you are from in the US, the license plate says the name of your state, because it reads like he didn't get that when he initially posted this
[Oct 12,2011 4:30pm - Ho5er  ""]
I got nowhur to plug in the cumputer in the double wide and we dont get no cellular telephone survice up in these parts
[Oct 12,2011 4:33pm - Mark_R ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:I wonder if he ever realized or not that no matter where you are from in the US, the license plate says the name of your state, because it reads like he didn't get that when he initially posted this

[Apr 18,2012 2:59pm - anonymous  ""]
Screw the red sox and their annoying fans. And no I'm not a Yankees fan either. And masshole accents are almost as annoying as jersey.
[Apr 18,2012 3:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Luckily here in Mass we have state healthcare so I can call the waaaaambulance for you.
[Apr 18,2012 3:02pm - KEVORD ""]
Why would someone sign out for that. The Red Sox do suck and our accents are terrible.
[Apr 18,2012 3:12pm - quintessence ""]
Some massholes from Framingham stayed at my hotel the other day and decided to leave their poor elderly dog alone in a hotel room for 9 hours. The staff decided to take it upon ourselves to take dog out for walks and look after it because it started howling and whining. Fucking scumbags didnt even say thank you or show any sort of guilt about it. The dog didnt even seem happy to see them and wanted to stay with us. lol.

[Apr 18,2012 3:17pm - the_reverend ""]

KEVORD said:Why would someone sign out for that. The Red Sox do suck and our accents are terrible.
funny you say that cause their IP is only a couple numbers off your ip.
[Apr 18,2012 3:25pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Hmm, we should discuss this discovery at the next rttp shareholders meeting.
[Apr 18,2012 3:36pm - DukeManjunk ""]
every person from maine i've ever encountered talked like elmer fudd
[Apr 18,2012 4:51pm - YearoftheDragon  ""]
The shitforbrains Jersey-ish accents basically halt at the Connecticut River, and Western MA is quite different than Boston & vicinity
[Apr 18,2012 4:58pm - the_reverend ""]
Oh, you are from boston east jersey?
[Apr 18,2012 5:02pm - YearoftheDragon  ""]
No, praise Allah

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