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can anyone recommend any creepy-ass ambient music

[Feb 15,2005 12:22pm - litacore ""]
none of that Windham Hill shite, I mean dissonant moans from hell heard whilst lurking 'alone' in the dark forest kinda shite (I'm so picky!)>:]

my leads so far:
some Painkiller (Ambient mode)
latter-day Burzum
[Feb 15,2005 12:22pm - Christraper ""]
[Feb 15,2005 12:23pm - dreadkill ""]
coil is a good choice, also go with ulver
[Feb 15,2005 12:24pm - litacore ""]
that new Xasthur sucks, I've given it many chances and it's just plain weak, I hope his other CDs are better
[Feb 15,2005 12:26pm - litacore ""]
BTW, your Black Metal / Black Ambient suggestions are VERY welcome here
[Feb 15,2005 1:13pm - reuben ""]
Check out Exuma, I just dug some out of my collection the other day, It's this fucked up Voodoo folk music from the 70's, totally strange satanic world beat. not metal but just as evil.
[Feb 15,2005 1:14pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Feb 15,2005 1:16pm - litacore ""]
yeah I don't need strictly metal, just creepy

that reminds me I have an audiotape of the Jonestown mass suicide, I should dig it out and fall asleep to that tonight
[Feb 15,2005 1:16pm - Jay_Hawkins ""]
For Black Metal / Black Ambient stuff, check out Persefone, Agalloch, and Frantic Bleep (bad name, cool band).
[Feb 15,2005 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]
contagious orgasm?
anything on :ant-zen: or hymen records.
[Feb 15,2005 1:18pm - Christraper ""]
forgotten woods
[Feb 15,2005 1:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Some burzun shit.
[Feb 15,2005 1:20pm - reuben ""]
I'll trade a copy of Exuma for a copy of the Jonestown tape
[Feb 15,2005 1:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
predator soundtrack.
[Feb 15,2005 1:28pm - litacore ""]
the Jonestown tape I copied off my friend in High School

it's basically him preaching through a very distorted microphone while in the background you can hear mothers screaming as they are being forced at gunpoint to make their kids drink the Kool-Aid

he begs them to calm down. Repeatedly. Crazy fuck.

but the creepiest part is the MUSIC HE HAS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND, it's very kum-ba-ya, bad church choir music which sounds like it's being played on a Victrola that's been warped by a sledgehammer blow

neverthless, anyone wants it, lemme know. It was taped off a 12" but you can probably only find THAT fucker in certain morbid circles
[Feb 15,2005 1:31pm - paganmegan ""]
I must hear this Jonestown tape, at some point
[Feb 15,2005 1:33pm - Christraper ""]
i want to hear this
[Feb 15,2005 1:34pm - K  ""]
In Slaughter Natives. Fucking awesome. Bob got me into it.
[Feb 15,2005 1:35pm - litacore ""]
haha, you'd hate it, you kinda have to use your imagination because it's a bunch of distorted voices

but I do recommend it neverthless. Too bad I don't have the Bud Dwyer suicide video, but Kreator sampled it in 'Karmic Wheel'
[Feb 15,2005 1:42pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Dark Muse
Funerary Call
older Xasthur material
Dead Can Dance
old Thorns (demo stuff)
Dissecting Table
Vidna Obmana
Steve Roach
Mike VanPortfleet (amazing!)
Michael Stearns
Sunn O)))

I can go on.
[Feb 15,2005 1:45pm - litacore ""]
please do, when you feel like it, I am taking note
[Feb 15,2005 1:46pm - FecesForJesus ""]
You would probablly like Blunt Aus Nord.
[Feb 15,2005 1:47pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
and I will.

Aphex Twin (albeit, one album called Selected Ambient Works vol II)
Death in June (not ambient, but creepy as hell and I love it)
BRIAN ENO. (I can't believe no one mentioned this guy for creepy ambient)
[Feb 15,2005 1:47pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Blut Aus Nord is THE SHIT. Get them now.
[Feb 15,2005 1:47pm - the_reverend ""]
Dissecting Table not very ambient, but good choice.
[Feb 15,2005 1:49pm - the_reverend ""]
and if you are going to listen to Dissecting Table,
also do some mezbow, masonna, and all the zornian things.. like naked city, torture garden, masada, masada chamber...
[Feb 15,2005 1:49pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
the_reverend said:Dissecting Table not very ambient, but good choice.

I know it's not ''ambient''. Larissa just said ''creepy'' after a while, so I figured why not. He's an ass kicking machine.
[Feb 15,2005 1:51pm - FecesForJesus ""]
Im telling you, Blun Aus Nord is the way to go.
[Feb 15,2005 1:53pm - litacore ""]
early Swans too
[Feb 15,2005 1:54pm - litacore ""]
Strep_Cunt said:the_reverend said:Dissecting Table not very ambient, but good choice.

I know it's not ''ambient''. Larissa just said ''creepy'' after a while, so I figured why not. He's an ass kicking machine.

yeah creepy works, doesn't have to be droney, just void-ey and dark, like how the reverb on Bathory 'Under the Sign of the Black Mark' sounds
[Feb 15,2005 2:01pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
well Dissecting Table isn't really ''void'' like the reverb on that Bathory album, more like cold and calculating machinery black ambient. You'd probably really like Sunn O))) then.

Also, i can't believe i forgot Velvet Cacoon. That's a perfect combination of black metal and ambient music. It sounds like black metal vapor.
[Feb 15,2005 2:04pm - litacore ""]
Strep_Cunt said:It sounds like black metal vapor.

hahaha, I am SO there

now all I need is a bottomless pocketbook and x-ray vision:stupidflanders:

[Feb 15,2005 2:14pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
cul de sac
tribes of neurot
Tim Hecker
Surface of Eceyon
SubArachnoid Space
Steffen Basho-Junghans
Mike Patton
Glenn Jones
the Body

and the greatest in noise Angelo Badalamenti the soundtracks that man puts together are amazing and pure genius !
[Feb 15,2005 2:15pm - litacore ""]
oh i remember cul de sac

holy cow and sleep chamber too!
[Feb 15,2005 2:30pm - GoatCatalyst  ""]
Don't know if it necessarily fits the context of what you're looking for, but Devil Doll is quite a creepy listen. "Dies Irae" is my favorite.
[Feb 15,2005 3:24pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
litacore said:oh i remember cul de sac

holy cow and sleep chamber too!

Sleep Chamber was the shit. John Zewizz was the man, and so were Women of the SS/Women of Sodom. Too bad Cynthia von Buhler had to pussy out and do ''Countess''
[Feb 15,2005 3:28pm - damnose ""]
yay, sleep chamber

when they found half a swedish nanny in a dumpster around here a few years ago, didn't they question john zewizz because of his "occultish" and "morbid" leanings? poor guy, just wanted to keep a few human skulls around his basement!
[Feb 15,2005 3:36pm - litacore ""]
damnose said:yay, sleep chamber

when they found half a swedish nanny in a dumpster around here a few years ago, didn't they question john zewizz because of his "occultish" and "morbid" leanings? poor guy, just wanted to keep a few human skulls around his basement!

oh yeah, I remember that half nanny

I didn't know about the Sleep Chamber connection though

what a fine region we live in for music!
and half-nannies--
[Feb 15,2005 4:22pm - hunterhunter ""]
Sleep Research Facility
[Feb 15,2005 4:30pm - the_reverend ""]
if you like cul du sac, check out
I went to college with (and sort of high school) with the kid that runs it.
[Feb 15,2005 4:40pm - litacore ""]
hmm--at first I thought it was the record distribution company from the 80's
[Feb 15,2005 5:17pm - BobDead  ""]
In Slaughter Natives
Shinjuku Thief
Atrium Carceri
Raison D'etre
Coph Nia
Desiderii Marginis
Archon Satani
Deutsch Nepal
Tertium Non Data
Diamanda Galas -"Saint of the Pit"
Throne of Drones comilations

Dark ambient/Dark Industrial/neo classical crossover stuff...
[Feb 15,2005 5:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
KillerKadoogan said:cryostasium

[Feb 15,2005 6:13pm - Crucifire ""]
Tangerine Dream=Stratosfear and Rubycon.
[Feb 15,2005 6:55pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
also if you cut out the vocals or in some cases don't the Beach Boys rock too. Ha !
[Feb 15,2005 7:19pm - BornSoVile ""]
Abruptum will always be classic.
[Feb 15,2005 7:23pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
[Feb 15,2005 7:28pm - MASlayer  ""]
profanum, pazuzu & abruptum
[Feb 15,2005 8:04pm - anonymous  ""]
contagious orgasm
[Feb 15,2005 8:05pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
the Silent Hill soundtracks... The resident evil remake soundtrack.
[Feb 15,2005 8:08pm - arsonick ""]
i agree, the silent hill soundtracks are extremely good ambient mixes of
weird, creepy, dark, and soothing
minus the pop rock they have sometimes.

isnt SunnO))) that band that makes people naucious with their live sound
[Feb 15,2005 8:12pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
the Sh4 ost is awesome... i like everything on it.. m,inus that guys voice in one of the songs... but yeah. SH music kicks ass.
[Feb 15,2005 8:30pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
arsonick said:i agree, the silent hill soundtracks are extremely good ambient mixes of
weird, creepy, dark, and soothing
minus the pop rock they have sometimes.

isnt SunnO))) that band that makes people naucious with their live sound

yeah def not, they might bore an audience to death but i have never heard of anyone getting sick just from the music !

loose bowels maybe Ha !
[Feb 15,2005 10:21pm - Abbath ""]
ambient music is amazing, porcupine tree's early stuff is amazing
[Feb 16,2005 1:03am - thegreatspaldino ""]
also if you want some good, non-creepy, epic, dragon-slaying ambient-ish soundtrack music.... listen to Mortiis - "The Stargate" such a fucking bad ass album. perfect for your slumber.
[Feb 16,2005 3:51am - Arillius ""]
rapoon, blut aus nord, krohm, many others
[Feb 16,2005 1:34pm - litacore ""]
what nights are good for WZBC (90.3FM)'s 'No Commercial Potential'? It plays every weeknight from like 8 to midnight or so. This was the place I first discovered Xenakis and lots of sick-ass drone music.

sometimes they play really bad annoying techno, I much prefer dirge and drone to yo-baby's and house beats
[Feb 16,2005 1:46pm - dyingmuse ""]
darkened soul

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