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Olde Crow looking for vocalist

[May 19,2009 1:29am - Murph ""]
Ah, this shit is so awesome!

When you're ready to play out, definitely hit us up (MAST www.myspace.com/mastusa)
[May 19,2009 10:03am - sinistas ""]
Fuck yes. Can't wait to hear more!
[May 19,2009 10:11am - arilliusbm ""]
sweet troll. sounds great. any plans for studio work with this?

also, a little off topic, but someone was wondering what the availability was of that place you had the Coos County Fest at and if we could set up a black/heathen/death metal show there.. any info would help!
[May 19,2009 11:06am - Troll ""]
We'll go into the studio when we tighten things up.

I'll get you a contact for the Eagles field asap!
[May 19,2009 5:35pm - SIBZdxe  ""]
ooooooooohhhhhh fuck yes

[May 19,2009 7:19pm - BlackoutRick ""]
still need vocals?
[May 20,2009 10:57am - Troll ""]
We're good man. We got the Goathead back.


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