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Best Type O Negative Album

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[Jan 11,2005 3:11pm - BornSoVile ""]
this band continues to amaze me. i never really liked them when i was younger or moreorless first heard them, but everything they've done i fucking love and still grows on me.
[Jan 11,2005 3:13pm - paganmegan ""]
A toss up between bloody kisses and october rust
all previous albums rule too
a band I used to play in covered christian woman
[Jan 11,2005 3:27pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Slow Deep and Hard, duh.

I remember buying that when it first came out. Carnivore was and is my favorite band ever. It took a little while to grow on me because it was quite a bit different from Carnivore but after seeing them live a few times in '91-'92 I began to love it. Type O shows were a lot cooler before all the goth fags got into them.
Bloody Kisses is great too though. That was another one that took a while to grow on me because it was so different from SD&H. Again, seeing the material done live made it all click. I was going to college in NYC at the time and Type O would play out almost every weekend. I must've seen them over 20 times during the Bloody Kisses era. I know I've seen them play every song live from that record.
October Rust was pretty boring. I really like Die With Me and one other song but most of that record was plodding gayness that didn't go anywhere. You can tell they were doing too much coke at the time. Downers make you creative, uppers just make you numb.
World Coming Down, I thought was a pretty good return to form. Total fucking depressing doom. There was some filler but songs like White Slavery and Who Will Save the Sane made up for it.
Life is Killing Me, best album since Bloody Kisses. I love the way Peter Steele writes songs. Perfect combo of Black Sabbath and the Beatles.
[Jan 11,2005 3:31pm - suckreligionNLI  ""]
everything type o has ever put out is amazing.
[Jan 11,2005 3:36pm - reuben ""]
Bloody Kisses, although slow deep and hard is way up there.. Life is Killing me was a big let down
[Jan 11,2005 4:15pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
They make me wanna slit my wrists
[Jan 11,2005 5:04pm - dread_104 ""]
no ifs ands or buts about it
[Jan 11,2005 5:36pm - Sinistas ""]
Life Is Killing Me is my favorite. Great, great songwriting
[Jan 11,2005 5:38pm - anonymous  ""]
paganmegan said:

a band I used to play in covered christian woman

[Jan 11,2005 6:01pm - moran ""]
They're one of those bands that I just can't decide which album is my favorite. I really can't decide.
[Jan 11,2005 8:15pm - SickFuckerRedneckTrucker ""]
"Bloody Kisses" has been my personal soundtrack to many wild nights.
[Jan 11,2005 8:28pm - Skullet  ""]
I have to be honest, I love Carnivore, one of my favorite bands and Retaliation is one of my favorite albums ever. But I just cant get into Type-O after hearing Carnivore. Maybe I just havent heard enough of it to understand why people like them so much.
[Jan 11,2005 8:42pm - nate ""]
I have to admit that on my left shoulder I have an O-Negative symbol tattoed on it. I have always been a fan of these guys and see em everytime I can I got the tattoo 10 years ago and it's still as dark as it was the day I got it.
[Jan 11,2005 9:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Josh_Martin said:Slow Deep and Hard, duh.

This is true.

[Jan 11,2005 9:38pm - dunwich ""]
It's difficult for me to pick out a favorite, but the one that I find myself listening to the most is Slow Deep and Hard. I'd say that I like them all about equally...just depends on my mood.
[Jan 11,2005 10:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
I voted Life is Killing Me. I don't own SDaH or OotF or WCD. One of the few bands I can listen to at anytime and always getting caught up in the album. Do they have a dvd or vhs?
[Jan 11,2005 10:40pm - Kessaris ""]
Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity pretty much summed up my life for a good portion of 2004. With that, I voted for the album that that is on. 3 Headed Monster covered it in their first show at FPC, I sang it...fucking hilarious. Best 30 seconds of my life...not really
[Jan 12,2005 3:31am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
I like em all...but October Rust has a great vibe throughout the whole cd.

Life is Killing Me is also fantabulous
[Jan 12,2005 8:37am - Lincoln ""]
Which one had the "Day Tripper" cover on it?
[Jan 12,2005 1:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
interesting results!
[Jan 12,2005 1:41pm - paganmegan ""]
Lincoln said:Which one had the "Day Tripper" cover on it?

World coming down
[Jan 12,2005 1:59pm - swamplorddvm ""]
every thing BEFORE life is killing me is good. I picked Slow, deep and hard. but I also like Bloody kisses alot.

"There is no pain like that of desire, is there no difference between women and fire?.." What a great song.
[Jan 26,2005 12:54pm - seattlemetal ""]
Duh, world coming down
[Jan 26,2005 12:56pm - seattlemetal ""]
no... fuck... that's not what i meant... damnit i was trying to reply to the guy who wanted to know what album "Day Tripper" was on, good song, but Bloody Kisses was better
[Jul 20,2006 1:09pm - sacreligion ""]
this could use a bump
[Jul 20,2006 1:15pm - ShadowSD ""]
I'd say October Rust, but it's a tough call. Bloody Kisses is excellent, and Life Is Killing Me is great too. World Coming Down took a while to grow on me because it's less consistently melodic, but it's got some really good stuff on it as well. Getting baked and covering Type O is one of our favorite things to do.
[Jul 20,2006 1:17pm - ShadowSD ""]
paganmegan said:a band I used to play in covered christian woman

I think I might have heard of that band ;)
[Jul 20,2006 1:23pm - Yeti ""]
thats a difficult decision. each is equally amazing in its own light. i've heard alot of negative feedback about World Coming Down, but i dont think that album is one iota less amazing than any of the others. but overall October Rust captured their essence. Bloody Kisses seems almost like a collection of random songs they wrote instead of a progressing full length. i am not knocking it in any way shape or form, it just feels that way. October Rust flows consistently from song to song. Life is Killing Me is sheer brilliance. that album is definitely their most complex in terms of song writing. oh man, i could go on and on about the wonders of Type O Negative.
[Jul 20,2006 1:24pm - Yeti ""]
and Slow Deep and Hard is the angriest album ever written.
[Jul 20,2006 1:30pm - ShadowSD ""]
Did you guys ever hear us cover World Coming Down? That was the most recent Type O cover we started playing out, but I don't think you guys heard us do it...
[Jul 20,2006 1:30pm - Yeti ""]
no but that would be awesome. we have been discussing doing "We Hate Everyone". i loved when you guys did Wolf Moon and Green Man.
[Jul 20,2006 1:31pm - Yeti ""]
my current favorite Type O song is definitely All Hallow's Eve. that fucking song is awe inspiring.
[Jul 20,2006 1:33pm - sacreligion ""]
if you hear back from laurel about aug. 11 you should do it then
[Jul 20,2006 1:38pm - ShadowSD ""]
Depends on the length of our set... World Coming Down is over ten minutes long (we did it in a half hour set once, and ended up playing a total of three songs, ha). But if not then, definitely at the party on Aug 26. It would be wicked cool if you guys did We Hate Everyone too, we could each bust out a Type O cover for the stoned and drunken audience.
[Jul 20,2006 1:39pm - sacreligion ""]
hehehehe...is that definite?
[Jul 20,2006 1:45pm - sinistas ""]
I want to cover Type O so bad. Damnit.
[Jul 20,2006 1:52pm - ShadowSD ""]
The party is definite, I've already started spreading the word. Just like the 11th, I still have to nail down the enigmatic Laurel, but my gut says that one way or another, we will definitely play both shows; both myself and Casey are going through gig withdrawal after four months without a show, and we'll make it happen one way or another.
[Jul 20,2006 1:57pm - sacreligion ""]
[Jul 20,2006 2:16pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I love every Type O album, but the 2 that are on constant rotation are Life is Killing me and Slow Deep and Hard. For the past 2 years my life has had a scary resemblence to the song "Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity", so that and "The Dream is Dead" are 2 of my favorite Type O songs.
[Jul 20,2006 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
my favorite song from Life is Killing Me is either ...A Dish Better Served Coldly or IYDKMIGTHTKY.
[Jul 20,2006 8:54pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Origin of the Feces is their best.They turned to shit after Bloody Kisses
[Jul 20,2006 9:18pm - sinistas ""]
off of LIKM, I have to go with Anesthesia.
[Jul 21,2006 10:41am - Yeti ""]
vomitthesoul said:Origin of the Feces is their best.They turned to shit after Bloody Kisses

you'll burn in Hell for that
[Jul 21,2006 10:44am - pam ""]
Slow Deep and Hard is probably my FAVORITE, but I think October Rust was a masterpiece. I love all their albums, though I haven't listened to Life is Killing Me too many times...
[Jul 21,2006 10:44am - Yeti ""]
you should get on that.
[Jul 21,2006 10:46am - pam ""]
If I'm gonna listen to Type O, I'd rather listen to Slow, Deep and Hard...
[Jul 21,2006 10:47am - Yeti ""]
i would love to see video footage of Peter recording the vocals for that album. he gets so pissed and freaks out. especially on "Xero Tolerance"
[Jul 21,2006 10:49am - pam ""]
Any video footage of him is a good time. What an asshole.
[Jul 21,2006 10:54am - sinistas ""]
haha, Peter Steele is great. I was listening to Retaliation this morning, such awesomeness.
[Jul 21,2006 1:05pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Can't get into Life is Killing Me. Title track is good.
[Jul 22,2006 4:36pm - sphincter  ""]
type o depresses me,i don't like em
[Jul 23,2006 11:00am - ShadowSD ""]
I have to admit, Type O is darker than Inspector Gadget.
[Jul 23,2006 12:05pm - sphincter  ""]
ShadowSD said:I have to admit, Type O is darker than Inspector Gadget.

shut up
[Jul 23,2006 12:07pm - Dankill  ""]
In some ways a highly underrated band.
Bloody Kisses and October Rust are my favs, but all their albums were quality.
[Jul 23,2006 3:27pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Type O Negative blows.
[Jul 24,2006 11:25am - Josh_Martin ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Type O Negative blows.

How shocking that a christian doesn't like a band that thinks religion is stupid.
[Jul 24,2006 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
Kenny Hickey is one of, if not the most underrated guitarist of all time. hell, they all are. Peter is an amazing bass player and is usually only recognized for his singing. Josh is a scary ass genius. i liked Sal's drumming on Bloody Kisses, but for the direction they went, Johnny Kelly's is definitely perfect for it.

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