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So i just found out that a stupid bitch i went to school with got an abortion recently

[Mar 25,2005 5:44pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
killerkadoogan said:Joe/NotCommon said:a bunch of us that she doesnt know should go to that restaurant and make tons of abortion jokes to ourselves, but loud enough for her to hear them, just to see if we can make her cry.

i think that's a fantastic idea

i'll go in disguise just so i can be a part of this tom-foolery

"I'll have a side of the fetus fries!"
[Mar 27,2005 10:25am - killerkadoogan ""]
i want the steak, but i want it pre-cut

on second thought, i want you to suck it into a vaccuum that'll chop it up into little tiny bits, and then i'll eat it.
[Mar 27,2005 11:22am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
killerkadoogan said:i want the steak, but i want it pre-cut

on second thought, i want you to suck it into a vaccuum that'll chop it up into little tiny bits, and then i'll eat it.

hahahah, I fucking love this forum.
[Mar 27,2005 11:27am - PatMeebles ""]
Bob, what school did you go to?
[Mar 27,2005 11:36am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
paganmegan said:there really should be a policy where the reproductive organs of idiots are surgically removed

I agree, can I watch the surgery when they start with you?
[Mar 27,2005 11:37am - Scoracrasia ""]
I can smell her cunt

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