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Local Band Appreciation: Abhorred

this is a thread about [abhorred]  ______________________________________
[Dec 11,2004 1:39am - the_reverend ""]
abhorred (Chelmsford/Lowell, Ma)... well... what can you say, their self proclaimed bio
"We play extreme metal. Thank you, and fuck you."

For a little while, I had heard the name, but handn't yet seen them until feb 2004 at the all asia.
Immediately, I was impressed by them. A metal band with vocals that you could actually understand?
sounds good to me. by the first time seeing them, I already knew some of the lyrics.

and 3 songs, 1 minute? brillant!

since then, I've seen them like 12 times.
their story starts in Aug/sept 2003. the Johns (vocal and drums) and Ben (guitar) started to jam out.
then a month or so later, they added Eric (guitar) the male model.

Previous to Abhorred, Eric (guitar) and John (drummer) had a band together that "went nowhere for about a year prior to abhorred" which broke up about a month before the beginnings of Aborred.
when they began, they "started out as basically strictly old school grind (repulsion, old napalm, terrorizer, etc...) then we tried to blend old school metal with newer stuff out there". I definitly notice the napalm death influences. but I also see a flavor of Patera's cowboy cd. Their newest song works in solient green/bongzilla style stoner riffs. when they bust them out, John (vocals) ends up on the ground, slowly screaming is vocal raw as the music slows down. This band is completely evolving. each show they played is claimed by someone as their "best" show yet.
Currently, they are working on their new cd.
What is it missing?
the bass tracks... buuuuut.. what hasn't been mentioned above?
that's right a bassplayer. in steps the head banging, bass playing, "hahrt"-having savior to bands, Josh (ascendancy). he will be pulling the double duties with Ascendancy, playing bass with Abhorred.

In Spring 2003, Abhorred signed to Not Common records.
their full length will be on in early 2005.
There is a listening party for their new cd Jan 14th at the Armageddon Shop in Providence Ri.

Abhorred @ the last chopping block show
[Dec 11,2004 9:34am - pessimist ""]
wait, you're not supposed to appreciate us yet. we haven't done anything...

Oh, and the cd listening party is the 28th of January now, not the 14th...
[Dec 11,2004 10:31am - KeithMutiny ""]
badass... i like abhorred
[Dec 11,2004 11:40am - assuck ""]
pessimist said:wait, you're not supposed to appreciate us yet. we haven't done anything...

I was thinking the same thing, but thank you Aaron. This was a welcome surprise when i woke up.

[Dec 11,2004 12:38pm - Dissector ""]
[Dec 11,2004 4:42pm - iren_the_Viking ""]
oh god, dissector abhorred tour, zombies raped your mass-hole, i cant taste it, and it taste good!
[Dec 11,2004 4:52pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Dec 11,2004 5:00pm - keith@heathers  ""]
i wanna go to the show friday, hopefully i can make it, im lookin forward to it
[Dec 11,2004 6:48pm - Joe/WorldEater  ""]
[Dec 12,2004 4:29pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Dekota is a peculiar one....showing up incognito at an Abhorred show.....sly devil.
[Dec 12,2004 7:10pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Where are these guys from??
[Dec 12,2004 7:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Abhorred is from Lowell, Dekota is from Waltham
[Dec 12,2004 7:25pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
I'd like to play shows with 'em. We're from Schenectady, NY. I live in Shittsfield, MA, though.
[Dec 12,2004 7:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You should, they are a great band to watch live.
[Dec 12,2004 7:33pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Anyone know if anyone from that band chats on this board?
[Dec 12,2004 7:33pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah, they all do, particularly Benjamin, his screen name is Assuck
[Dec 12,2004 7:36pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Cool, thanks. I'll have to send him a message.
[Dec 12,2004 7:38pm - the_reverend ""]
assuck, pessimist, and abhorred
[Dec 12,2004 7:39pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If you get them to NY and/or Pittsfield, then I can help you get into Boston. Do you have AIM? I use to have a friend in Pittsfield and I want to see if you know her.
[Dec 12,2004 7:42pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Awesome. I don't have AIM, but if you want my email I'll give it to ya.
[Dec 12,2004 7:43pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
yeah, what is your email?
[Dec 12,2004 7:45pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Also, just so you know, Abhorred is not playing any shows until march
[Dec 12,2004 7:46pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
www.spectorcd@nycap.rr.com. We've got other contact information on our website, too.
[Dec 12,2004 7:54pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Cool. We can definately set somethin' up in March.
[Dec 12,2004 8:19pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
We can set up shows at this place called The New Age Cabaret, in Albany, or Saratoga Winners in Lathem. Its hard to get people to come out to shows at Winners, the owners don't promote for shit, and its kinda way out there...
[Dec 12,2004 8:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't think they would want to play this Winners place then haha, specific dates you would need to run by the band though.
[Dec 12,2004 8:33pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Sure. How far in advance would they need a date? say....a month?
[Dec 12,2004 8:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm the dude that plays bass.
Saratoga Winners is fucking awesome! That was the best club I've seen in Albany.
[Dec 12,2004 8:59pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Its a nice club...but it's hard to draw at that place. We'd have better luck at drawing more people at the New Age Cabaret in Albany, better location, better promotion.
[Dec 12,2004 9:13pm - BornSoVile ""]
what about the Hudson Duster? Don't they do all ages shows there?
[Dec 12,2004 9:15pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
I don't know if its ALL ages, maybe 16+. It may be hard to get in there for now, they're usually booked up a month or two in advance. That place is really booming right now for shows.
[Dec 12,2004 9:18pm - BornSoVile ""]
Whatever's clever bro. I fucking love Albany. A bunch of us are heading out to Sick Shit Fest. I'm trying to organize people for Cryptopsy trips to Cohoes and Poughkispie.
[Dec 12,2004 9:20pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Sweet. One of the Guys who put the shitfest together said we were in...if anyone cancells.
[Dec 12,2004 9:23pm - the_reverend ""]
valentines seemed cool to me
[Dec 12,2004 9:26pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Valentines is cool. I've never played there, though. Ever hear of Northern Lights?? Thats a nice place, too.
[Dec 12,2004 10:20pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Blood-Obsessed said:I don't know if its ALL ages, maybe 16+. It may be hard to get in there for now, they're usually booked up a month or two in advance. That place is really booming right now for shows.

I usually book shows in Boston 2-3 months in advance.
[Dec 12,2004 10:28pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Keep us in mind. 2-3 months in advance is enough for us.
[Dec 13,2004 12:24am - BornSoVile ""]
I love all three of those clubs. Great sound too. Northern Lights and Winners is so big it's easy to be empty though.
[Dec 13,2004 12:27am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, northern lights was cool... but empty.
[Dec 13,2004 12:32am - El Justin  ""]
I think Saratoga Winners and Northern Lights are cool when they're packed, otherwise it usually can be pretty depressing. I say get the New Age for this type of show, they are a lot easier to work with in these situations as opposed to Winners, Northern Lights, Valentine's etc. Valentine's is super expensive to rent out too.
[Dec 13,2004 12:37am - BornSoVile ""]
whatever's clever, Albany is an easy drive.
[Dec 13,2004 12:40am - El Justin  ""]
yo josh you guys should stay up at ernie's place for sickshit fest, i think screaming afterbirth and a bunch of other out-of-towners coming to the show are staying there for the night. plus that night is my birthday so lots of beer will be consumed.
[Dec 13,2004 5:05pm - BornSoVile ""]
nice bro! Al was saying we're gonna stay there. I think Robdeadskin is comming too! Abhorred should join me in partaking in the real NY scene instead of this Long Island shit!
[Dec 13,2004 5:11pm - assuck ""]
i'll talk to you about that at practice josh

[Jan 31,2005 10:53am - timMa ""]
i saw these guys play with kubrick and kevorkians angels at all asia and they tore that place up...did a nasty cover of war ensemble too. vocals blend perfectly with the guitars and drumming is incredible. haven't seen them with the bass player yet, but i'm sure it adds to the mix perfectly...rock on
[Jan 31,2005 10:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i was at that all asia also, it was my first time seeing abhorred
[Jan 31,2005 10:59am - litacore ""]
I'm siked for the CD you guys. Jizz on a special copy just for me, heh
[Jan 31,2005 11:00am - assuck ""]
litacore said:I'm siked for the CD you guys. Jizz on a special copy just for me, heh

10 steps ahead of you
[Jan 31,2005 11:00am - assuck ""]
bloodmask completely stole that all asia show, though
[Jan 31,2005 11:00am - litacore ""]
hahahaha! *splortch!*

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