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Someone you'd like to make out with...

[Oct 23,2003 3:13am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I make little houses out of bones.
[Oct 23,2003 3:39am - MyDeadDoll ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:I make little houses out of bones.

I make big bones... nevermind...

[Oct 23,2003 4:29am - thegreatspaldino ""]
retzam said:Bump


You know you want her.

[Oct 23,2003 10:14pm - retzam ""]
Devin said:i think arch enemy are still goin great. and angela's fuckin foxy!

Foxy is such a kickass word. I am going to go put the moves on some ladies by calling them foxy. You know what? I really should, cause that would be kickass!
[Oct 23,2003 10:16pm - retzam ""]
Man it would be even funnier if I was stoned. Picture Jim Breuer as Brian from Half-Baked:

"Wow, you are foxy! Your a fox!"

That would be fucking hilarious. Too bad it wouldnt work.

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