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Exodus, Full Blown Chaos, Scars of Tomorrow, Subzero at Mark's Showplace Monday Night

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Apr 26,2006 9:31pm - anonymous  ""]
New England Concerts
Full Blown Chaos
Scars of Tomorrow

Also Playing
Blackout Frenzy
Below the Rise
Fractured Silence
Synthetic Mindset

Doors at 4pm ... Show is 18+... Cover is $20

If your 21+ you get into the stripclub all night for free.

If you cant see these bands play the Metal Fest at the Palladium check them out at a small night club....

tickets available at the door or thru strawberries or www.etix.com
[Apr 27,2006 8:57am - EAB Booking  ""]
20 bucks???
[Apr 27,2006 3:32pm - anonymous  ""]
Also Mike HSU from Waaf 107.3 will be there hosting the night and giving away prizes.
[Apr 27,2006 4:53pm - EAB Booking  ""]
20 bucks????
[May 1,2006 9:57am - metal_church101 ""]
Yes, $20 at the door. You might be able to pick up tix from the bands in advance for $15. Not bad since getting them at Strawberries is something like $24.99

Show up early and stay late!!!!!
[May 1,2006 10:30am - Crotalus - Steve  ""]
Are you going, Rev?

This show is gonna friggin' RULE. I can't wait.

[May 1,2006 10:32am - dreadkill ""]
the only locals i've heard of on that bill are blackout frenzy and crotalus. why would no name bands like fractured silence, etc. get on this bill over more established new england bands with drawing power? sounds fishy.
[May 1,2006 10:58am - mcmahon ""]
i'll probably go
[May 1,2006 11:19am - Hammer  ""]
Yeah, there's like 39,865 local bands playing this thing. WTF is up with that?
[May 1,2006 11:55am - Cecchini @ UML  ""]
dreadkill said:the only locals i've heard of on that bill are blackout frenzy and crotalus. why would no name bands like fractured silence, etc. get on this bill over more established new england bands with drawing power? sounds fishy.

because bands agree to sell 500 bucks worth of tix to play marks.
[May 1,2006 12:59pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Cecchini @ UML said:dreadkill said:the only locals i've heard of on that bill are blackout frenzy and crotalus. why would no name bands like fractured silence, etc. get on this bill over more established new england bands with drawing power? sounds fishy.

because bands agree to sell 500 bucks worth of tix to play marks.

Yup. More like $750 for this one. But hey, It's fuckin Exodus and Full Blown.
[May 2,2006 1:22am - mcmahon ""]
This was the first marks show i have been to where all the bands had good mixes! unbelievable.

For those that didn't make it:
Scars of Tomorrow was decent. They pleaded for people to purchase merch for gas money home. I threw them a few singles after the show that I would have spent on beer. Subzero cancelled due to lack of funds. Full Blown Chaos had one of the first sucessful continious pits at marks. I was impressed. The bouncers got the shit kicked out of themselves by jumping into it. I think Exodus was expecting mayhem during their set but security kept everyone on a tight leash. Great show, though attendence was lacking a bit.

Thanks for the beers Below the Rise and Blackout Frenzy.
[May 2,2006 2:14am - mOe ""]
i actually went to this...i kept yelling for Pirhana but Exodus didnt play it
[May 2,2006 2:25am - anonymous  ""]
I was thinking of that on the way home, no fucking Pirhana!!! WTF! Oh well, they did a good show considering the 37 people in the building.
[May 2,2006 1:13pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Exodus Kicked fuckin ass!!!! I didn't know Paul Bostaph was drumming for them. He rules. Full Blown kicked ass as usual. Awesome show.
[May 2,2006 1:54pm - Jugulator ""]
Decent show last night.All the openers SUCKED balls except Crotalus.Full Blown Chaos were definitly the worst of the openers.Fuck that tough guy/jump da fuck up shitcore metal!!! Exodus could have played longer also.
[May 2,2006 3:15pm - metal_church101 ""]
mcmahon said:

Thanks for the beers Below the Rise and Blackout Frenzy.

Any time bro. What's a good metal show without beer?

[May 2,2006 3:19pm - metal_church101 ""]
Crotalus kicked ass (as usual) last night. I still like their cover of Painkiller by Priest better than The Trooper by Maiden.

It was funny to see the bouncers trying to stop the mosh during Full Blown Chaos. During the last song of Full Blown, everyone errupted into the pit and the bouncers couldn't do anything (and were stuck in the middle of it.) It was pretty funny.

Also caught Below the Rise with their newer lineup (haven't seen them since Sept.) They def sound better and had a great set.
[May 2,2006 3:19pm - Jugulator ""]
anonymous said:New England Concerts
Full Blown Chaos
Scars of Tomorrow

Also Playing
Blackout Frenzy
Below the Rise
Fractured Silence
Synthetic Mindset

Doors at 4pm ... Show is 18+... Cover is $20

If your 21+ you get into the stripclub all night for free.

If you cant see these bands play the Metal Fest at the Palladium check them out at a small night club....

tickets available at the door or thru strawberries or www.etix.com

Once again to many fucking opening bands.Im sick of this shit!!! Exodus got screwed over because of this.They could have played another 4-5 songs.
[May 2,2006 3:23pm - metal_church101 ""]
Club owners always do that for $$$$$. That's nothing new.

I think Exodus was more pissed because people weren't allowed to pit.
[May 2,2006 3:42pm - mOe @ work  ""]
all i know is there was some band playing when i got there that was playing "For Whom The Bell Tolls" almost chord for chord, but just with different words...the rest of their set just sounded like they were playing old megadeth and metallica songs but with their own words to 'em
[May 2,2006 3:44pm - Jugulator ""]
That would be Crotalus
[May 2,2006 3:45pm - Jugulator ""]
metal_church101 said:Club owners always do that for $$$$$. That's nothing new.

I think Exodus was more pissed because people weren't allowed to pit.

I think the club lost money last night
[May 2,2006 3:55pm - anonymous  ""]
I didn't think all the opening bands sucked at all.
[May 2,2006 3:58pm - mOe @ work  ""]
Jugulator said:That would be Crotalus

wow, thats sad
[May 2,2006 4:04pm - anonymous  ""]
I don't know if the club lost money, a lot of people came and went. WTF was with half the crowd leaving after Full Blown Chaos?? Definitely a lame metal scene around here, it's sad but metalcore is definitely more popular. Exodus didn't get screwed for time(there was a good 20 minutes left), they just didn't want to end up playing for a totally empty club.
And if Mark's isn't going to allow a little pit action, they shouldn't be booking these kinds of bands. period.
[May 2,2006 4:11pm - the_reverend ""]
wait... so 6 bands paid $750 to play? that's 37.5 tickets from each band.
total $4500
which is probably about what a night of this package costs.
any at the door was $20 per head gravy.
plus the bar proceeds.

I'm sorry, but that's highway fucking robbery from this club. in order for all the bands not to loose money, that's 225 pre-sale tickets that would need to be sold. like the bands or not, that's is ripping off artists. I know artists need a fire lit under their asses to get them out there and promoting shows/their band, but $750 is a stiff fucing fire.
[May 2,2006 4:11pm - metal_church101 ""]
It's always like that in there. It's hard for any band to compete with the T & A going on next door. They leave the strip club part to come over, see there band, and then right back over to the strip club.
[May 2,2006 4:24pm - mOe @ work  ""]
yea that's how i feeel...they're defnitly going to turn people off of going to shows there if they dont allow pitting...one of the guys i was hanging with was wearing a certain style hat thats i guess associated with hardcore attire, and so were the people he was there hangin out with. Security asked him and his friends to get the fuck out because they thought they were FSU. Thankfully the guys explained that they werent FSU and security left em alone. But they definitly do need to lighten up on the no moshing, or just not have heavy bands play. Because as stupid as it sounds, the pit is a part of extreme music.
[May 2,2006 4:34pm - the_reverend ""]
they don't have the right license to allow dancing.
[May 2,2006 4:34pm - Sacreligion ""]
yeah we definitely only had to pay $375 to play that mushroomhead show and it's the same deal for suffocation...i don't know why this show would be so much more unless exodus has a ridiculous guarantee(actually now that i think about it a few of those bands probably wanted a lot of $$)

hell we didn't even sell all our tickets and the guy didn't mind
[May 2,2006 4:36pm - Jugulator ""]
metal_church101 said:It's always like that in there. It's hard for any band to compete with the T & A going on next door. They leave the strip club part to come over, see there band, and then right back over to the strip club.

The strip club part is so LAME.Whats the point in tipping a stripper if their not gonna spread their legs for u.The hottest grl there last night was the cute waitress Amanda
[May 2,2006 4:43pm - metal_church101 ""]
mOe @ work said:yea that's how i feeel...they're defnitly going to turn people off of going to shows there if they dont allow pitting...one of the guys i was hanging with was wearing a certain style hat thats i guess associated with hardcore attire, and so were the people he was there hangin out with. Security asked him and his friends to get the fuck out because they thought they were FSU. Thankfully the guys explained that they werent FSU and security left em alone. But they definitly do need to lighten up on the no moshing, or just not have heavy bands play. Because as stupid as it sounds, the pit is a part of extreme music.

I agree. It totally kills everything.

[May 2,2006 6:06pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Yeah, I don't think I wanna play there anymore. No moshing sucks and now we're fuckin broke.
[May 2,2006 6:06pm - Sacreligion ""]
it's only worth it if you absolutely know that you can get the people to go...which is hard to do considering where it's located
[May 2,2006 6:10pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Yeah, the place is fuckin hot as well!! We were in and out of our van smokin herb and there was always a fuckin cop strolling by in the apartment parking lot looking all shady. They have a little sting operation where they bag drunks coming out of Marks. Fuck pigs!!
[May 2,2006 6:14pm - Sacreligion ""]
haha...i didn't even notice that last time we were there...but then again i spent most of my time getting drunk and looking at boobs
[May 2,2006 6:25pm - danny p nli  ""]
i woulda loved to crack one of those security guys over the head had i been there.
[May 2,2006 6:56pm - Jugulator ""]
BlackoutRick said:Yeah, I don't think I wanna play there anymore. No moshing sucks and now we're fuckin broke.

I dont care if theres no moshing there.You can smoke in there and they book old school bands.Plus when theres no moshing I dont have to worry about getting kicked or elbowed in the face by some mallcore poser.I cant fucking wait til SFU comes there!!!


[May 2,2006 7:17pm - Cecchini @ work and not nli... punks  ""]
It was 500 for us when we opened for Sonata Arctica.... We managed to sell well past our minimum, but the running around and chasing down people to get money was dumb. So many people would just rather buy at the door.
[May 2,2006 9:17pm - dreadkill ""]
[May 2,2006 9:21pm - EAB Booking  ""]
holy shit, some of you guys paid 500 bucks to play this show? Shit.. thats a ton.

How did Scars of Tomorrow do at this?
[May 2,2006 11:07pm - mOe nli  ""]
SOT were one of the worst bands i've ever seen...they all seemed like nice dudes but musicly they kinda stank up the place
kinda jump-da-fuck up numetal parts coming from guys wearing hardcore/metal attire...i was kinda wierded out
[May 2,2006 11:14pm - dreadkill ""]
[May 3,2006 3:33am - Demon Burger  ""]
As an audience member at Mark's, I've never had a complaint when seeing a show there. I don't give a hot fuck about moshing, and personally, I'm pretty fuckin' happy they DON'T allow it. However, I can totally understand people's issue with it.

As for being in a band PLAYING at Mark's...

It'd be nice if the club started treating the opening bands with respect. I don't expect the club to bend over and kiss our feet, but for fuck's sake...cut us a fucking break. We just paid a hefty amount to play the damn show. We get nothing in return - so to speak. Making us remove our "in the band" wrist bands as soon as we get off stage so that we can no longer go outside and come back in is fucking RIDICULOUS!!! We have equipment that needs moving. We have merch that needs moving. We have legit reasons for needing access to the outside. Leave us the fuck alone.

Also, getting stopped at the door ON MY WAY OUT of the club at the end of the night because I had a bottle of water in my hands is ALSO ridiculous! Dude, it's 1:00 am. I just got finished playing/seeing a show. You are now forcing us out of the club, but "OH SHIT!!! He's got a bottle of water in his hands....and......OMG, he's ABOUT to walk out the door to the parking lot with it!!!! Stop him and correct the situation!!!!". Chill the fuck out, guy.

And while I'm on the subject...can we NOT book 9 million local bands for every show? How about we stop offering the national acts well above what they normally make just to get them there, then shake down local bands for $750 to make up for it, disguising it as an "opportunity" to get your band on a major show. This "opportunity" used to be based on TALENT.....NOT how much cash you're willing to pay.

THAT's the shit that sours the FUCK out of a night that should otherwise, be a badass time. I've played a ton of clubs over the years now opening for major national acts.....including the Palladium. NO other club treats local support as bad as Mark's Showplace. NONE. If they keep that shit up, they're gonna start driving the scene away from there, and eventually, will end up losing all the shows they used to be able to get.
[May 3,2006 9:53am - the_reverend ""]
are you guys talking about jarrod's place?

SOT's guitarist looks gay. a black dude with black eyeliner on, tight pants, and a beyond boy band hair cut.
[May 3,2006 10:04am - SteveOTB ""]
Man that sounds fucking rediculous. I'm glad we didn't get on the Crytopsy & Cattle Decapitation show. We can't afford that much money if our lives depended on it. Hell the most we've ever been paid to play a show is $20.00; we'd all have to work full time jobs just to play the thing.
[May 3,2006 10:43am - EAB_Booking ""]
jesus, sounds like this place sucks.
[May 3,2006 10:44am - EAB_Booking ""]
mOe nli said:SOT were one of the worst bands i've ever seen...they all seemed like nice dudes but musicly they kinda stank up the place
kinda jump-da-fuck up numetal parts coming from guys wearing hardcore/metal attire...i was kinda wierded out

Did people come out to see them though? Curious how they'll draw on our June 14th date

[May 3,2006 10:54am - anonymous  ""]
SOT= A black emo kid on guitar.

Now I have seen it all.

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