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News Article: bush thinks intelligent design should be taught.

[Aug 2,2005 1:54pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 2,2005 1:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Aug 2,2005 2:19pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I can't wait to see how Hoser defends this idiocy.

[Aug 2,2005 2:22pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
talk about intelligent design. just don't mention the naughty parts about Adam and Eve doing the nasty in front of the kids.
[Aug 2,2005 2:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i remember in one speech addressing the nation he said something about achieving god's will...how did no one throw the constitution at him?
[Aug 2,2005 3:26pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
if this was to happen, do you really think that both evolution and "intelligent design" would be taught equally? hell no. the theory of evolution would be cast out and "intelligent design" would become the reason we are all here. A.A.R.R. will arise.
[Aug 2,2005 3:27pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Aug 2,2005 4:22pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
Why can't people just say "I don't know how life started. Nobody knows." since no person does know.

The whole thing is a waste of paper and webspace, and very aggravating.

I'm not an athiest either.
[Aug 2,2005 4:29pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
less message board posting, more church burning
[Aug 2,2005 4:30pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Aug 2,2005 4:31pm - paganmegan ""]
dan_bloodblister said:less message board posting, more church burning

[Aug 2,2005 4:33pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
For this to even be considered in the 21st century is simply disgusting. This regime of maggot throwbacks needs to end, and so does Christianity.
[Aug 2,2005 4:33pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Didn't he also bypass the senate and just approve Bolton as UN ambassador himself?
[Aug 2,2005 4:35pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
hey, if michael bolton is good enough for paul stanley, hes good enough for me!!
[Aug 2,2005 4:38pm - BornSoVile ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Didn't he also bypass the senate and just approve Bolton as UN ambassador himself?

Wha, wha, whattt???
[Aug 2,2005 4:53pm - nate ""]
BornSoVile said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Didn't he also bypass the senate and just approve Bolton as UN ambassador himself?

Wha, wha, whattt???

yeah he used what is called a "recess" appointment. It's not uncommon for a president to do it. Clinton did it 160+ times... Reagan had almost 280 "recess" appointments... it's used quite a bit...

[Aug 2,2005 5:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
Judge Lance Ito used to everyday for 2 years, hahah, hahah, hah. Clinton is the living legend of the 90's.
[Aug 2,2005 5:18pm - RavenousDestruction ""]
There are lots of schools that teach relgion. People who want thier kids to learn that dumb shit should just sent them to a private school that teaches it and leave the public schools alone.
[Aug 2,2005 5:23pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Josh_Martin said:I can't wait to see how Hoser defends this idiocy.

[Aug 2,2005 5:32pm - Josh_Martin ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Josh_Martin said:I can't wait to see how Hoser defends this idiocy.



[Aug 2,2005 5:40pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I hate bush. He's a religious moron. plain and simple.
[Aug 2,2005 5:46pm - swamplorddvm ""]

The only watchmaker that exists. or at least the only one I know of.:satancross::stupidflanders:
[Aug 2,2005 6:04pm - hoser ""]
Ok, Joshua "The liberal media runs my life" Martin:
"Baaaaa......" - ooh, was that a sheep?

If you don't agree to the teaching of any form of religion in schools, i.e. seperations of church and state....fine. I have no problem with that.

However, if you believe that teaching kids religion as a new perspective, just because you're a "follow the metal crowd" type, then you're an idiot. If we didn't teach our kids as to the various different cultures and theories and religions, then we may as well all call blacks niggers, italians would be wops, jews would be fucking scum, get the picture? I'm not defending Bush, but he has a pretty valid point. The only time a liberal wants to open their mind is when they can benefit from it.

[Aug 2,2005 6:07pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
uhh i dont have any personal vendetta against you, but what you just wrote doesnt make a lick of sense.
[Aug 2,2005 6:15pm - hoser ""]
Sure it does. I am just bad at writing it. What I'm getting at is the fact that if we don't want to open our kids minds up to religion, then why open their minds up to racial differences and equality? Why open their minds up to anything? We may as well live in the Dark Ages.
[Aug 2,2005 6:15pm - swamplorddvm ""]
You know where kids can learn stuff like intelligent design? CHURCH!!!
[Aug 2,2005 6:18pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I guess it depends at what age we start to teach kids about this argument. Young kids are really dumb, I think middle school might be a good time to start learning about BOTH view points.
[Aug 2,2005 6:21pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
religion should be taught in history class, not science class.
[Aug 2,2005 6:23pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I think opponents of intelligent design don't want this to open the floodgates to having to waste kids time by teaching every goddamn religion's view on creation. And being intolerant of religious incursion on secular life is a good idea. Look at how muslims are fucking up europe with their demands for public schools that are segregated by gender and how they silence opponents of their assbackward ways through assassination (i.e. Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh) before turning around and portraying anyone who opposes them as fascist nationalists.
[Aug 2,2005 6:23pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
and by religion, i mean all religions so kids can gain cultural perspectives...not judeo christian inteligent design.

do you know how many creation stories there are? why not teach all of them alongside evolution?

its just pushing the judeo christian agenda. im by no means a lefty or against the government or any of that shit - but this is plain fucking retarded.
[Aug 2,2005 6:28pm - anonymous  ""]
dan_bloodblister said:religion should be taught in history class, not science class.

wtf u talking about!?!?!??! religion should not be taught in history class, it should b taught in religion class
[Aug 2,2005 6:30pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
dan_bloodblister said:and by religion, i mean all religions so kids can gain cultural perspectives...

[Aug 2,2005 6:33pm - anonymous  ""]
o ok then ur right

[Aug 2,2005 6:35pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I think that intelligent design is "not a christian" thing. I just think that christians use it to back their story up. So the'll probably just claim it as and overall alternative to evolution. I disagree with whoever uses it.
[Aug 2,2005 11:41pm - retzam ""]
hoser said:The only time a liberal wants to open their mind is when they can benefit from it.

And the only time a conservative opens their mouth is to say something stupid about liberals.

It's a bad idea to introduce this view into science education because there is nothing scientific to back it up. It's not like kids can't go pick up a bible or visit a church if they want to learn about this.
[Aug 3,2005 12:14am - anonymous  ""]
hoser said:Sure it does. I am just bad at writing it. What I'm getting at is the fact that if we don't want to open our kids minds up to religion, then why open their minds up to racial differences and equality? Why open their minds up to anything? We may as well live in the Dark Ages.

Are you kidding? Because one is a matter of reality, human rights, science, and the other, religion, is fiction, or at the very least is entirely subjective.
[Aug 3,2005 12:20am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i wonder if the recent uprising in christian involvment...in everything essentially(they always have, but recently i'm pretty sure they've been getting more active with controlling things especially with Bush at the helm of the nation) will result in a civil war of sorts? maybe not a war...but there may be a very harsh split in the population of the US...given that about 1/3-1/2 are devout christians and the rest are either atheists, agnostics, or in a religion shunned by christianity
[Aug 3,2005 1:00pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
i agree that teaching children all facets of culture in order to keep them from being ignorant is a good idea. but that is at the discretion of the parents. i went to a public school, and in an english class we did an excercise called "the bible through literature". they werent preaching the bible, but were more teaching it as a novel. see Bush will say it should be ADDED to the curriculum, but thats more of a way of saying it will be force fed to kids. if they want to learn religion, go to church.
[Aug 3,2005 1:05pm - eddie ""]
anonymous said:dan_bloodblister said:religion should be taught in history class, not science class.

wtf u talking about!?!?!??! religion should not be taught in history class, it should b taught in religion class

i was taught several religions in history class.
[Aug 3,2005 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]
kids need to just learn how to be white and die. THIS IS FUCKING AMERICA!
[Aug 3,2005 1:26pm - eddie ""]
i have a lot to say on this issue, but honestly i could give a shit. who cares? we learn greek mythology in school. isnt it the same thing? it only matters if you believe it. which is a personal thing-which is nobodies business but your own.

i love the intolerance on both sides. fucking hypocrites

[Aug 3,2005 1:33pm - the_reverend ""]
you learned greek mythology in science class? wow.. that sucks.
[Aug 3,2005 1:58pm - brian_dc ""]
as long as intelligent design is treated as one freakin' theory and not the answer, it's fine by my liberal ass.
[Aug 3,2005 2:23pm - eddie ""]
well since other theorys are being taught along side it how can it be the answer

yeah, we were doing stuff that barely counted a sciences, constellations and such.
[Aug 3,2005 2:28pm - brian_dc ""]
evolution is often taught as if it is truth (sure it may be) and that has always bugged me. I wouldn't put it past the people likely to write the textbooks on intelligent design to put a bias on it.

that's why I'd be concerned.
[Aug 3,2005 2:33pm - eddie ""]
brian_dc said:evolution is often taught as if it is truth (sure it may be) and that has always bugged me. I wouldn't put it past the people likely to write the textbooks on intelligent design to put a bias on it.

that's why I'd be concerned.

that probably because there was only one theory being taught. If 2 or 3 are being taught the science course will be be objective
[Aug 3,2005 2:56pm - Josh_Martin ""]
hoser said:Ok, Joshua "The liberal media runs my life" Martin:
"Baaaaa......" - ooh, was that a sheep?

If you don't agree to the teaching of any form of religion in schools, i.e. seperations of church and state....fine. I have no problem with that.

However, if you believe that teaching kids religion as a new perspective, just because you're a "follow the metal crowd" type, then you're an idiot. If we didn't teach our kids as to the various different cultures and theories and religions, then we may as well all call blacks niggers, italians would be wops, jews would be fucking scum, get the picture? I'm not defending Bush, but he has a pretty valid point. The only time a liberal wants to open their mind is when they can benefit from it.

As poorly written as that is (my God you are stupid), I think I see what you are attempting to say.

So, you really believe Bush is doing to this to "open minds"? You don't think this is just pandering to the religious right nazis who got him elected? Hey, I have some property on the moon you might be interested in buying.
Well, as long as the creation theories of ALL religions (including those dreaded muslims) is taught, and not just the moronic, Christian, "God created the world in 6 days" bullshit, maybe this could be passed off as a mind opening subject. But I don't see that happening.

Basically, not only is Bush at war with Roe v. Wade, now he's going after the Scopes Monkey trial too. Bush is trying to make this coubtry into one big bible belt. Fuck him and fuck anyone that voted for him (unless you're really really rich, than I can understand why you voted for him, otherwise you are dumb as fuck)

[Aug 3,2005 3:09pm - paganmegan ""]
One thing I think people are missing is that religious ideas shouldn't be taught in a Science class because there is no evidence to support the ideas. I don't think it should be respected because the bible is just a book, and a book that has been translated dozens of times, and was only third hand information to start with. It can't rival scientific theories that have actual evidence to support said theories.
It's just the Bush agenda in action: pushing judeo-christian thinking on everyone
[Aug 3,2005 3:11pm - Josh_Martin ""]
The bible should be taught in literature class along with Moby Dick, Hamlet, and other works of fiction.
[Aug 3,2005 3:13pm - paganmegan ""]
exactly. Anyone who puts stock in that book is fucking retarded

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