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An open letter to women who wear tight black pants...

[Mar 9,2012 9:14am - anonymous  ""]
This short letter goes out to all of the beautiful women who are now wearing tight black pants, leggings, or any other kind of tight pants which accentuates their ass.
While we appreciate looking at your ass and checking you out while you walk, this is torture. I can't reiterate enough how hard it is to watch your bottom jiggle with each step and not get aroused in the process. We can make your ass out, see your curves, see your crack, see everything. Might as well just be pantless because all it takes is one good picture of your ass and a simple invert feature on photoshop to see what it really looks like.
So my question to you is: how do you expect us not to rape you?
Sadly, the young girls wear these pants all of the time and it's hard to not check out a 14 year old now.
Stop flaunting your legs and ass if you don't want a stranger's dick up it. Either that or don't wear pants.
Thank you,
[Mar 9,2012 9:51am - orktouros  ""]
[Mar 9,2012 9:57am - OP iz Necslarak Bastaril NLI  ""]
Have some self control. This is why god gave you hands and public bathrooms.
[Mar 9,2012 10:08am - posbleak ""]

Do go on~
[Mar 9,2012 10:09am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
FWIW, the tyranny of the male gaze is some childish bullshit. You can't have it both ways.
[Mar 9,2012 10:10am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ITT: sexual frustration
[Mar 9,2012 10:11am - Burnsy ""]
I totally support women wearing those pants. Instead of raping them, I like to do this thing called um... talking to them.
[Mar 9,2012 10:12am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Mar 9,2012 10:13am - Chernobyl  ""]

Burnsy said:I totally support women wearing those pants. Instead of raping them, I like to do this thing called um...consentual intercourse.
[Mar 9,2012 10:14am - dreadkill ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:FWIW, the tyranny of the male gaze is some childish bullshit. You can't have it both ways.
only the male gays is real
[Mar 9,2012 10:14am - anonymous  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:ITT: my sexual frustration
[Mar 9,2012 10:15am - posbleak ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:FWIW, the tyranny of the male gaze is some childish bullshit. You can't have it both ways.

You rule, DYA

Yoga pants are a gift to humankind, also a big fan of those compression tights that I see on the Brazilian hotties jogging around my neighborhood
[Mar 9,2012 10:17am - Burnsy ""]

posbleak said:Brazilian hotties

There's a Brazilian restaurant by my house. The waitresses wear these pants and... it's just great.
[Mar 9,2012 10:17am - Burnsy ""]
Yeah, that too Cher haha.
[Mar 9,2012 10:19am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yes, clearly women deserved to be raped because they wear tight pants. OP is full retard.
[Mar 9,2012 10:21am - anonymous  ""]

largefreakatzero said:Yes, clearly women deserved to be raped.
[Mar 9,2012 10:26am - Josh_Martin ""]

Burnsy said:I totally support women wearing those pants. Instead of raping them, I like to do this thing called um... talking to them.

[Mar 9,2012 10:26am - xmikex ""]
I'm appalled by this thread and demand more photos.
[Mar 9,2012 10:28am - Burnsy ""]

Josh_Martin said:
Burnsy said:I totally support women wearing those pants. Instead of raping them, I like to do this thing called um... talking to them.


[Mar 9,2012 10:30am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
^ hahahaha
[Mar 9,2012 10:36am - Yeti ""]
i for one welcome our new yoga pants overlords. these pants make looking at the common public something other than revolting. one of my favorite games is "Guess What's Underneath?". if i see underwear lines, you lose. if i see full-butt underwear lines, you are a prime candidate for the stockade.
[Mar 9,2012 10:37am - arktouros ""]
[Mar 9,2012 10:38am - Chernobyl  ""]
Josh just throws em out of the car!
[Mar 9,2012 10:39am - RustyPS ""]

orktouros said:[img]

.................I need a minute
[Mar 9,2012 10:42am - Burnsy ""]
[Mar 9,2012 10:43am - Chernobyl  ""]

Burnsy said:[img]

Ah naomi, havent browsed her in awhile
[Mar 9,2012 10:44am - Yeti ""]
good. fuck.
[Mar 9,2012 10:47am - arktouros ""]
[Mar 9,2012 10:52am - posbleak ""]

Burnsy said:
There's a Brazilian restaurant by my house. The waitresses wear these pants and... it's just great.

[Mar 9,2012 11:08am - sigh  ""]

arktouros said:http://www.reddit.com/r/yogapants/

Well there goes my productivity for the day.
[Mar 9,2012 12:10pm - DukeManjunk ""]
girls in hotpants+rock climbing harness=camel toe city.
[Mar 9,2012 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
look at all those hotpants.
[Mar 9,2012 12:52pm - PC police  ""]
[Mar 9,2012 1:05pm - Yeti ""]
[Mar 9,2012 1:15pm - DukeManjunk ""]
[Mar 9,2012 1:16pm - RustyPS ""]

DukeManjunk said:[img]
Is that the pink ranger?
[Mar 9,2012 1:22pm - DukeManjunk ""]
her names alex puccio, she could probably benchpress my fat ass. no care. she'd still get it.
[Mar 9,2012 5:05pm - quintessence ""]

Chernobyl said:
Burnsy said:[img]

Ah naomi, havent browsed her in awhile

RIP the best ass in porn. She got HIV a while back. Retired... haha
[Mar 9,2012 5:09pm - Burnsy ""]
Haha wow, I did not know that.
[Mar 9,2012 5:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lulz. 'Brosiery' and 'mantyhose'


[Mar 9,2012 5:44pm - Chernobyl  ""]
I see nothing on google about naomi having HIV
[Mar 9,2012 5:53pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]


DMDR is a GGFH song, red harvest just covered it. FAILURE
[Mar 9,2012 6:33pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]
Black Stretchy Pants = greatest invention since the peep hole
[Mar 10,2012 12:35am - frankovhell  ""]
Maybe it was a rumor. I read it online so whatever. Anyways she is retired from porn and that makes me sad.
[Mar 10,2012 12:52am - frankovhell  ""]
The starbucks girls who work at the bistro in my hotel wear those black pants for their uniform. THANKFULL.

Also dude you suck at google. dat ass got AIDS It still is probably worth the risk....
[Mar 10,2012 1:18am - Chernobyl  ""]

frankovhell said:The starbucks girls who work at the bistro in my hotel wear those black pants for their uniform. THANKFULL.

Also dude you suck at google. dat ass got AIDS It still is probably worth the risk....

Ah...interesting but odd there isnt
More spotlight on this
[Mar 10,2012 1:18am - Chernobyl  ""]

frankovhell said:The starbucks girls who work at the bistro in my hotel wear those black pants for their uniform. THANKFULL.

Also dude you suck at google. dat ass got AIDS It still is probably worth the risk....

Ah...interesting but odd there isnt
More spotlight on this
[Dec 7,2012 2:58pm - HAMBONE  ""]
[Dec 7,2012 11:27pm - the_reverend ""]
I would like to see how this all ends.
[Dec 7,2012 11:32pm - Burnsy ""]
Dunkin donuts arena tonight. Yoga pants galore.

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