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i'm dying

[May 12,2004 4:14pm - retzam ""]
"carina took me out for carpeting and ice cream last night too~"

Is it me, or does was this supposed to be a sexual induendo?

If it is, then I don't think Carina noticed.
[May 12,2004 4:19pm - succubus ""]
ummm no, i do not have much of a carpet
we bought carpeting and ice cream
as for other stuff...well ask the neighbors
[May 12,2004 4:21pm - the_reverend ""]
that big bald 661 guy was really sweaty.
[May 12,2004 4:26pm - retzam ""]

Sorry for my sexual conundrum of a mind, but that sentence was too good to go unnoticed.

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