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Free puppy

[Feb 13,2009 10:25am - Mess ""]
we might be looking to get another minpin tomorrow. this one was in an abusive home. the dickheads tried cropping it's ear and fucked it all up. so one ear is chopped to shit and the other is long. we're going to see it tomorrow. it's freeeeee... not like my other one. she was a fortune. i've seen pics of it and i got a feeling i'm going to want to bring it home.
[Feb 13,2009 10:30am - xmikex ""]
Sad puppy thread is full of sad puppies.
[Feb 13,2009 10:33am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I thought this was about a puppy that got locked up on some bullshit charges. STAY STRONG, PUPPY BROTHA
[Feb 13,2009 12:00pm - brodown ""]
I think the best way to deal with animal control issues is simply to throw strays into a turkey fryer and eat them.

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