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Most groundbreaking album of all time

[Oct 28,2003 12:52pm - BronzeBronson ""]
MY fav:

Whats' yours?
[Oct 28,2003 1:18pm - the_reverend ""]
that's a killer cd.
I bought it used at a flea market when I was little.
unfortunately, the cd in the case was shy english or something like that.
[Oct 28,2003 1:24pm - phantos ""]
"of all time" is a bit much for me...

but there are some awesome sleepers out there.
like... Voivod Nothingface
[Oct 28,2003 4:40pm - eiregoddess76 ""]
Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
[Oct 28,2003 4:48pm - RustedAngel ""]

MC Hammer.
[Oct 28,2003 5:41pm - George ""]
most groundbreaking ever? i have no idea

but i just got deadringer by rjd2
fucking amazing
[Oct 28,2003 5:43pm - retzam ""]
What was the first rap record?
[Oct 28,2003 5:45pm - George ""]
scratch that

the white album by the beatles is the most groundbreaking album of all time
[Oct 28,2003 5:56pm - retzam ""]
The white album definately wasn't groundbreaking (not saying it doesn't kick ass, just wasn't groundbreaking). A groundbreaking album by the Beatles would be Introducing The Beatles, which was the first Beatles LP to hit America. However, my choice for more most groundbreaking album of all time would probably be Elvis Presley's self-titled debut LP that came out in March of 1956 (you know, motha fuckin Blue Suede Shoes 'n' shit).
[Oct 28,2003 6:27pm - George ""]
i hate elvis

go listen to some delta blues
elvis was the cracker's version of blues since america is a bunch of racist fucks
[Oct 28,2003 7:05pm - retzam ""]
George said:i hate elvis

go listen to some delta blues
elvis was the cracker's version of blues since america is a bunch of racist fucks

Haha, I didnt say I like Elvis, I am neutral on the subject. I had to look up the info I posted.
[Oct 28,2003 7:12pm - Terence ""]
anything by Parliament Funkadelic. BRING ON THE FUNK
[Oct 28,2003 7:32pm - the_reverend ""]
it's all about the jelly roll.
and if you hve to ask what that means... you'll never understand.
[Oct 28,2003 7:41pm - phantos ""]
the_reverend said:it's all about the jelly roll.
and if you hve to ask what that means... you'll never understand.

mmm.. jelly roll. little Debbie makes those sweet and tastey things. I love 'em.
[Oct 28,2003 7:46pm - the_reverend ""]
nice, cracker...
[Oct 28,2003 7:53pm - phantos ""]
since we are getting all crazy here... we should talk about Monk.
that mf was a genius in my book. a generation after the era of Morton( and another medium)... but non-the-less incredible and groundbreaking. He played notes that werent on the board. but he would chord around them to create the gap for your mind to fill. and the sickening sweet synchopations. brutal and prodigious.

sorry Rev.. sometimes I cant avoid the pun.
[Oct 28,2003 8:04pm - cousinit  ""]
black sabbath - black sabbath
[Oct 28,2003 10:00pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Most ground breaking albums id have to say are either
Repulsion- horrifed (without this band there wouldnt be any death / grind bands)
Napalm death- F.E.T.O ( Its more intense and straight out then scum )
[Oct 29,2003 3:05am - BornSoVile ""]
Death Metal - Cryptopsy-None So Vile, best dm album of the 90's, pushed the fold.
Black Metal - Burzum-Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, minimalistic rapture, black metal finds nihilism.
[Oct 29,2003 11:02am - litacore ""]
for me, it's a tie between
VENOM-Black Metal + BASTARDS-Monticello

The latter is way out of print, so there ya go.
[Oct 29,2003 11:14am - thegreatspaldino ""]
the first album ever made is the most groundbreaking
[Oct 29,2003 11:49am - litacore ""]
thegreatspaldino said:the first album ever made is the most groundbreaking

Robert Johnson's in there somewheres--
[Oct 29,2003 11:55am - xmikex ""]
Slayer - Anything and everything they ever did until that dracula 2000 song.
[Oct 29,2003 12:41pm - joe/notcommon ""]
what about motorhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Oct 29,2003 1:42pm - dyingmuse ""]
TURN LOOSE THE SWANS MY DYING BRIDE thats all i have to say
[Oct 29,2003 1:44pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Oct 29,2003 1:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
the beatles did do some great shit but...i dont know my dying bride are still the best
[Oct 29,2003 1:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
ehh who cares, they still suck.

my dying bride.

*yawn* cook food, shower, eat *yawn*
[Oct 29,2003 2:33pm - dyingmuse ""]
RustedAngel said:ehh who cares, they still suck.

my dying bride.

*yawn* cook food, shower, eat *yawn*

are you fucking with mdb? thems fighting words

[Oct 29,2003 3:33pm - litacore ""]
egads, what the fuck's wrong with me



hahahaha that cover is silly. I love it.
[Oct 29,2003 3:35pm - retzam ""]
litacore said:egads, what the fuck's wrong with me



hahahaha that cover is silly. I love it.

Your use of the word egads made me orgasm.
[Oct 29,2003 6:05pm - Ninkaszi@work  ""]
Blasphemy "Fallen Angel Of Doom"
Mysticum "In Streams Of Inferno"
Venom "Welcome To Hell"
Beherit "Drawing Down The Moon"
all Slayer up to 90
Thorns "demo/reh"
all Burzum
Necromantia "Crossing The Fiery Path"
Sodom "In The Sign Of Evil"
Bathory "S/T"
Incantation "Onward To Golgotha"
all Godflesh except the last one
all Swans
first two Napalm Death, and Carcass
Repulsion "Horrified"
Sarcofago "INRI"
[Oct 29,2003 6:07pm - dyingmuse ""]
i thought it was the 1 most ground breaking album?
[Oct 29,2003 6:08pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Most groundbreaking album of all time:

Groundbreaking... earthquake... c'mon now won'tcha hey.
[Oct 29,2003 6:09pm - dyingmuse ""]
hell yeah i fucking love that album you are so right
[Oct 29,2003 6:10pm - retzam ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Most groundbreaking album of all time:

Groundbreaking... earthquake... c'mon now won'tcha hey.

I am convinced that kid is a heroin addict. Look at him, he always looks like he is dying.
[Oct 29,2003 6:12pm - Ninkaszi@work  ""]
"i thought it was the 1 most ground breaking album?"

It's impossible for me to pick one, so I just listed a bunch. If I was forced with a gun to pick one, then it would be Venom "Welcome To Hell" because I think it's the first real extreme metal album.
[Oct 29,2003 6:12pm - 2cool  ""]
KrisKross "DA BOMB"
[Oct 29,2003 6:14pm - dyingmuse ""]
good call i loved venom when i was a kid. now that im a musician myself i have realized that they were and still are awefull musicians. i have many albums on record of theirs if anyone wants to buy them
[Oct 29,2003 7:13pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Dyingmuse, do you have an original press of Welcome To Hell on vinyl? If so, how much you want for it?
[Oct 29,2003 7:48pm - thornnvine ""]
NWA straight out of compton. that album fucked more shit up than any metal album did across the board.

[Oct 29,2003 9:26pm - BronzeBronson ""]
Let's see....

This Heat deceit

Throbbing Gristle def. broke down some noise barriers

Venom Black Black Metal def. made people listen

Must agree w/ Phantos about VoiVod Nothingface

and of course

Captain Beefheart safe as Milk
[Oct 29,2003 9:27pm - BronzeBronson ""]
Straight out of Compton def. woke a bunch of people up
[Oct 29,2003 10:00pm - dyingmuse ""]
not sure if its original or not...you mean first pressing? i do have the double album from hell to the unknown. possessed,at war with satan,canadian assault,offical bootleg and black metal
i have some king diamond ones too
[Oct 29,2003 10:41pm - George ""]
RustedAngel said:fuck THE BEATLES.

hahahaha you like pantera but hate the beatles. brillant!
[Oct 30,2003 3:35pm - retzam ""]
George said:RustedAngel said:fuck THE BEATLES.

hahahaha you like pantera but hate the beatles. brillant!

Yeah, you are pretty brillant yourself.
[Oct 30,2003 3:46pm - Beakey ""]
The Beatles have never done anything groundbreaking at all.

Pantera had "5 Minutes Alone" which is, in my opinion, the most groundbreaking song in the history of music.
[Oct 30,2003 3:49pm - cruelty ""]
Pantara=most everrated thing since the beatles
[Oct 30,2003 3:53pm - Beakey ""]
The Beatles were not overrated.
But Pantera is one of the worst bands of all time.
They are the Blood For Blood of metal.
[Oct 30,2003 4:43pm - retzam ""]
Beakey said:The Beatles were not overrated.
But Pantera is one of the worst bands of all time.
They are the Blood For Blood of metal.

I agree. Pantera is like getting your penis chopped off while watching tranny porn and drinking spoiled milk mixed with fishheads.
[Oct 30,2003 4:49pm - Beakey ""]
retzam said:Beakey said:The Beatles were not overrated.
But Pantera is one of the worst bands of all time.
They are the Blood For Blood of metal.

I agree. Pantera is like getting your penis chopped off while watching tranny porn and drinking spoiled milk mixed with fishheads.

[Oct 30,2003 5:12pm - Cruelty.  ""]
I dont think I could possably say enough bad things about Pantara
[Oct 30,2003 5:56pm - Devin ""]
Pantera were groundbreaking, but for the worse apparently. I think their music is awesome, but most of the metal that followed sucks.

Groundbreaking...hmm... The Beatles (the White Album), Black Sabbath, Master of Puppets.
[Oct 30,2003 6:23pm - brad  ""]
David Bowie-man who sold the world, Ziggy Stardust
Dido-life for rent

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