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New name for Nasum

[Feb 23,2005 12:15am - armageddonday ""]
KeithMutiny said:if i die, i hope people make everlasting joke threads about me...

If you die? what you think you're Immortal or what?
[Feb 23,2005 9:56am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I will take my own life when I decide I am done living.
[Feb 23,2005 10:15am - armageddonday ""]
I'll most likely do the same, with a needle in my arm....hopefully it'll work the first time, don't really want to end junkie, I have enough to deal with booze and weed.
[Feb 23,2005 11:56am - norwellbob ""]
All these posts are making my head swim...

You know, instead of floundering and drowning.


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