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... could this country get any worse?

[Aug 20,2004 9:32am - The Number 12 Looks Like Your Uncle Lenny  ""]
The Nicaea Room
Within The Fray
The Hostage Heart
Invocation Of Nehek

Saturday, September 18th

@ The WAG on 38 Harlow ST. Worcester, MA

$5 7pm

Proceeds benefit local EMT's

[Aug 20,2004 11:49am - Josh_hates_you ""]
scenesters are gay....................this show will be a breeding ground for scenesters
[Aug 20,2004 11:51am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Within the Fray? more like Within the GAY! HAR HAR HAR!
[Aug 20,2004 11:53am - vivi ""]
emt's are gay and i abhor everything they stand for. fuck saving lives. benifits should go to local arsonists.
[Aug 20,2004 12:25pm - powerkok ""]
the niceaea room leaves before the show is over.
[Aug 22,2004 12:18pm - The Number 12 Looks Like Your Uncle Lenny  ""]
Everything you all have said is true. Which makes this the perfect show to go to! Theres nothing better than a horrible horrible show to complete your evening. Something to look back at and laugh about... in any case, it shold be a decent show.
[Sep 8,2004 12:42am - anonymous  ""]
yeah...we had all had to work the next day jackass...and we r not metalcore
[Sep 8,2004 12:48am - ArrowHead ""]
powerkok said:the niceaea room leaves before the show is over.

What's your point? You expect a band to like your music just because they play a show with you?

[Sep 8,2004 1:36am - powerkok ""]
anonymous said:yeah...we had all had to work the next day jackass...and we r not metalcore

we all had to work the next day too and we live in nh. so thats no excuse.and I never said you were metalcore. I actually said u guys were a decent band.crayon cock.

and arrowhead...you dont have to like the band to stick around and show support. I stay at every show until the bitter end...unless im puking sick.
[Sep 8,2004 1:39am - powerkok ""]
anonymous said:yeah...we had all had to work the next day jackass...and we r not metalcore

and log in if ya wanna talk shit on here or no one will care.
its a fact.
eat my bum out.
[Sep 8,2004 2:24am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
ya i think that is a problem with a lot of bands today they don't know how to show respect for all the other bands on the bill even if they don't like them, the other bands watched your band so give them the same respect,it's common sense
[Sep 8,2004 11:34am - rimhole ""]
powerkok said: eat my bum out.


[Sep 8,2004 11:40am - Mike FOD  ""]
ArrowHead said:powerkok said:the niceaea room leaves before the show is over.

What's your point? You expect a band to like your music just because they play a show with you?

No shit, huh? I know so many people who feel obligated to say they like a band just because they're friends, or are on the same bill. You can like someone(s) and not like the music they create.
[Sep 8,2004 1:22pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah. SCENES ARE GAY. You know SCENES?????!!!!!!!!!
[Sep 8,2004 1:25pm - ASSUCK ""]
goddamn scenes
[Sep 8,2004 1:30pm - powerkok ""]
its not about lik,ing the bands...its about being one of 30 people at a show, sitting thru the whole thing, then having 10 people leave, then 5 more..by the time the last band plays theres 6 people there.

that sucks.
support local metal...means you STAY and support it. LIKE IT OR NOT!
[Sep 8,2004 1:32pm - powerkok ""]
all these ppl that are so 'underground' metal and 'obscure' that dont stay for the whole show, are posers, that say one thing and live another.
you think I dont have better ythings to do, than sit and listen to bands I dont care for?
I do, but I stay regardless.
[Sep 8,2004 4:02pm - ArrowHead ""]
Supporting local music is a fan's job. I'm not your fan, I'm your goddamned peer. I play to play, not so I can be someone's built in audience. How about you just don't headline shows your band can't draw it's own fans to?
[Sep 8,2004 4:37pm - cdan ""]
ArrowHead said:Supporting local music is a fan's job. I'm not your fan, I'm your goddamned peer. I play to play, not so I can be someone's built in audience. How about you just don't headline shows your band can't draw it's own fans to?

haha, spoken like a true masshole. good man.

the nicea room guys are good shits, they tried out for Pillory. i tried to get in touch with them about doing a show before, but no response, what the fuck nicea?
[Sep 8,2004 5:34pm - powerkok ""]
ArrowHead said:Supporting local music is a fan's job. I'm not your fan, I'm your goddamned peer. I play to play, not so I can be someone's built in audience. How about you just don't headline shows your band can't draw it's own fans to?

so what youre saying is, just because you play in a band, you dont have to support local metal? and that since youre in a band, youre not a fan of any other bands?
And you are NOT my peer, you are an asshole. I respect my peers, and since I dont respect you, I am not.
with your attitude, you will go nowhere except back on here, looking for a new band when yours realizes youre a selfish prick.
and as far as drawing fans, that was our first show ever, in a tiny buffet room, 50 miles from our hometown...I didnt really expect many of our fans to show, but in fact we did draw 30 people regardless.

you must really think you are the shit, to say the stupid shit youre saying.
Im here to tell you that you are not.
[Sep 8,2004 5:45pm - JoJo Dancer  ""]
I think people should support local music, if you leave after your band on shows you play, then you will miss bands that you may not know and could like. On top of that, the 'scene' is not very big, it looks better if entire shows do good, instead of a constantly fluxuating crowd. So that goes more towards fans then the other bands on the bill, but is still something they should keep in mind.
Also, bands who leave early, atleast on my shows, dont get paid. I am sure bands who book shows wouldn't be interested in booking bands again who don't stick around. Seems like common courtesy to me, but then again nobody cares what I think because I am awesome.
[Sep 8,2004 5:46pm - powerkok ""]
I agree 100 percent joey my boy.
common courtesy exactly.
[Sep 8,2004 5:46pm - powerkok ""]
and yes, you are awesome.
[Sep 8,2004 5:50pm - JoJo Dancer  ""]
I remember bostons dead where I stuck around even though I was afraid you and Hoser were going to rip me in half. McCracken had my back, but well, your arms are as wide as his shoulders.
[Sep 8,2004 5:51pm - ArrowHead ""]
powerkok said:
you must really think you are the shit, to say the stupid shit youre saying.

No, I don't. My band just played a tiny show in NH in front of absolutely no one. Even bandmembers, except a select few, didn't stick around to hear us. I play music because I love it, and I had a good time irregardless. I would love it if there had been people there to see it, but I would never get pissed at the bands if one of them left early. It's a gig, not a union. If I go to a show, and don't like the last band, I go home. I'm old, tired, and usually work in the morning. Same goes if I'm playing a show.

Music is music. It's not about loyalties or obligations. It's about what you like and don't like. If you want people to stick around out of social obligation, don't play metal shows. Play all ages hardcore shows.

But actually, going back to it all, I guess I DO think I'm the shit. What, are you one of those faggots who isn't PROUD to be who they are? It's taken me a lifetime to be who I am. It's not like I attacked you in my post, I gave you honest advice.
[Sep 8,2004 5:53pm - JoJo Dancer  ""]
A lifetime? How old are you?
[Sep 8,2004 5:58pm - ArrowHead ""]
28. That's a lifetime for me. That's not the point, anyone should be proud of themselves.
[Sep 8,2004 5:59pm - JoJo Dancer - mysterious man of forbidden desire  ""]
I am wicked proud of myself, but I am only 23, so there is plenty of time for self loathing later.
[Sep 8,2004 6:02pm - powerkok ""]
oh trust me man, I am VERY proud of who I am...and I NEVER said I was pissed about it. I just dont agree with it. I too, love my music, and only am in it for that. hands down. youre right in that sense. However, why play a show if no ones there, thats just a glorified practice that you have to lug all of your gear to.
In your case, I listened to your song last night and I respect it. its not my kind of music, but I would stay to see you regardless.
think about this, maybe the metal 'scene' here would be a bit bigger and better if everybody stayed till the end...like jo said, you never know what band youre missing, and also missing the oppurtunity to get more shows with that band.
[Sep 8,2004 6:04pm - JoJo Dancer - mysterious man of forbidden desire  ""]
I feel so young and reckless
[Sep 8,2004 6:06pm - ArrowHead ""]
Here's the thing. I usually hunt down mp3's of a band before I play with them. If I never heard a band before, I'll stick around and check them out. However, if I already know the music, and it's not my thing, I'd rather be unloading, and going to bed.
[Sep 8,2004 6:07pm - cdan ""]
dude, under normal circumstances I'd agree with the common courtesey thing, but look at the homos that we played with last weekend


don't tell me you wouldnt leave early?
[Sep 8,2004 6:07pm - ArrowHead ""]
For instance, I stuck out the entire boston's dead show the other night, because I like BOE. I ended up digging the other band that night, who I'd never heard, and grabbing a CD.
[Sep 8,2004 6:10pm - powerkok ""]
I think we all would...lol.
but I figure, hey, fuck it, im already here.
Whatever man, were all im this together, and in the words of a famous snl skit...
"you are black and I am white
you are blind as a bat, and I have sight
so lets be amigos, negro, lets not fiiiight."
[Sep 8,2004 6:11pm - ArrowHead ""]
Did you just call me a negro?
[Sep 8,2004 6:15pm - powerkok ""]
no, joe piscopo called eddie murphy a negro.

I wouldnt call you a negro...I have WAYY better names than that.
[Sep 8,2004 6:16pm - powerkok ""]
your 28 and youve never seen that skit?
[Sep 8,2004 6:22pm - powerkok ""]
did you just call me a faggot?
[Sep 8,2004 6:24pm - powerkok ""]
cdan said:dude, under normal circumstances I'd agree with the common courtesey thing, but look at the homos that we played with last weekend


don't tell me you wouldnt leave early?

I would stay for them soley based on their bloody girl bassist.
were they horrible?
[Sep 8,2004 6:43pm - ArrowHead ""]
powerkok said:did you just call me a faggot?

No. I called people that aren't proud of themselves faggots. Are you ashamed of yourself?

Besides, Negro is worse than faggot. I happen to like fried chicken.

[Sep 8,2004 6:55pm - powerkok ""]
Im not ashamed of myself at all. are you?
are you seriously trying to provoke me? because man, lemme tell you something...I am in no mood, and I hold a grudge for a very long time.

your statement about the fried chicken is more racist than faggot or negro combined.
lets drop it before it escalates into a whole different thing.
[Sep 8,2004 6:55pm - KeithMutiny ""]
I was one of I think 4 people that watched Akela in cumberland RI last week... hahaha... i just wanted to input...... mmmmmmmmm input
[Sep 8,2004 7:05pm - ArrowHead ""]
Man, what the fuck are you getting mad about?

I work in the restaurant industry, and that comment about fried chicken is more statistic than stereotype. Trust me, I'm the guy that orders the food.

[Sep 8,2004 7:25pm - powerkok ""]
Im a cook myself. Im really not mad at all.
[Sep 8,2004 7:28pm - Hooker ""]
Slow motion for me, slow motion for me, move in slow motion for me,
Slow motion for me, slow motion for me, move in slow motion for me

[Chorus (Soulja Slim X2)]
Uhhh, I like it like that, she working that back, I don't know how to act,
Slow motion for me, slow motion for me, Slow motion for me, move in slow motion for me,

[Verse 1 (Soulja Slim)]
I'm a dick thrower, her neck and her back hurting,
Cut throat will have her like a brand new virgin,
Its like when she gets used of it, then you start serving,
Hop on top and start jiggy-jiggy jerking,
Slow down for me, you moving too fast,
My fingers keep slipping, I'm trying to grip that ass,
Keep being hard headed and I'ma make you get on me,
Got a human up disguise but my face is a doggy,
If You loving my bark, let me bury my bone,
I got four or five bad married bitches at home
One of my bitches fell in love with that outside dick,
That outside dick keep them hoes sick, like

[Chorus X2]

[Verse 2 (Juvenile)]
Its like I got the world in my palm, your girl up under my arm
She fucked up from the charm,
She love the way the dick stay hard from 12 till early in the morn,
fine bitches if you listening you heared me i'm strong,
If you going through your cycle I ain't with it i'm gone,
you must've heared about them hoes that I beat up in my home,
They wasn't telling the truth baby you know they was wrong,
Now, make it official and drink some of that Dom,
I don't mind buying blue, you riding too, don't be asking a nigga question bout where I'm driving you,
Lil mamma my shit together I ain't jiving you,
I don't think that nigga could do you better than I could do, you know
The Juvenile from cross the street by the derby,
Same nigga used to be runnin' with Rusty and Kirby,
Can a playa from tha nolia get a chance with it,
but I can't bounce with you without using my hands with it

[Chorus X2]

[Verse 3 (Soulja Slim and Juvenile)]
[Soulja Slim]
Slow Motion, she open, I'm hopin' she don't leave my dick broken,
with brush burns and swollen, I'm toting she don't wanna make me out and believe her,
I guarantee I'ma see ya when I see ya,
And just don't holla out my name like we was all in,
Yo pussy throwback, and you know that,
So stop stunt'n, slow motion for a real nigga,
I'm gone off that incredible potion and i'ma deal with you

I like how them Victoria Secrets sit in that ass,
Lemme pour some more hyp and hennesy in ya glass,
Would I be violating, If I grabbed me handfull,
I'm knowing whats happening, all I want is a sample,
Who you wit ? I'm in a rental today,
Its going down at the Hamptown Inn and I remember the way,
Less money we spend on bullshit, the more for the weed
Whats it gonna take for you to come in slow motion with me like,
[Sep 9,2004 12:13am - anonymous  ""]
wow hi.
[Sep 9,2004 8:57am - RimHole ""]
This kids got flare. He's right kids, it really IS all about team work. And if we all pull together, we'll takes this crazy mixed up world... we'll stop in it's tracks.. and we'll say "Hey, You!' and it's gonna turn around and be like "Oh hi." and we're gonna realize that everything is alright... aaaalriiiight.
[Sep 9,2004 9:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Is this thread a big fight about fried chicken? Why don't I get you both some watermelon and kool aid and we can share?
[Sep 9,2004 9:37am - anonymous  ""]
bored with this thread already.
[Sep 9,2004 7:42pm - rimhole ""]
yeah. no. hm. come to our shitty show... thats what this thread is about... SHIT.


The Nicaea Room
Within The Fray
The Hostage Heart
Invocation Of Nehek

Saturday, September 18th

@ The WAG on 38 Harlow ST. Worcester, MA

$5 7pm

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