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CSDO appreciation thread

[Dec 27,2004 11:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Great band, Eric rules, end of story.
[Dec 27,2004 11:58am - Kalopsia ""]
and you accuse ME of making stupid posts
[Dec 27,2004 12:02pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah, and you just made another one.
[Dec 27,2004 12:02pm - BornSoVile ""]
hah, for a second I thought it read CSSO appreciation, i was wrong so wrong.
[Dec 27,2004 12:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
I'm wearing my CSDO zip-up hoodie right now....

wait, it's RTTP, sorry.
[Dec 27,2004 7:10pm - Kalopsia ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Yeah, and you just made another one.

..............................*waiting for joe to make sense..................................*
[Dec 27,2004 7:37pm - tbone_r ""]
................*waiting for you to shutup...................*
[Dec 27,2004 8:24pm - Kalopsia ""]
too fuckin bad
[Dec 27,2004 8:31pm - Al Ravage  ""]
One of the best thrash bands in the area...they have quite the drummer, that guy is insane
[Dec 28,2004 1:08am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Thanks Al and Joe........... Mike will be playing with us on New Years Eve at the Bombshelter........ Let me know if you'd like to come up. I'll take care of you guys You'll be on my list........
[Dec 28,2004 1:11am - succubus ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Mike will be playing with us on New Years Eve at the Bombshelter........ ....

the rev announced that on his radio show =)

[Dec 28,2004 1:17am - tbone_r ""]
i've never heard them. but i was under the impression that everyone on this board hated them.
[Dec 28,2004 1:19am - tbone_r ""]
hey tom (ra) i was on myspace, and you know how they always show 3 new myspacers on the top? i think you were one of them. it was weird
[Dec 28,2004 2:09am - RustedAngel ""]
tbone_r said:hey tom (ra) i was on myspace, and you know how they always show 3 new myspacers on the top? i think you were one of them. it was weird

are you fucking kidding me? SO THAT'S WHY I'M GETTING 10000000000 PEOPLE TRYING TO ADD ME?!!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA :shocked::middlefinger:
[Dec 28,2004 2:12pm - tbone_r ""]
i dont think i've ever seen a familiar face on there, now you can fuck tons of myspace sluts
[Dec 28,2004 2:19pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Speaking of appreciation....

I would *appreciate* if people on this board would stop bringing up CSDO on here, You don't like eric posting on here yet you keep bringing his band up, you know he stops by every once in a while to see who is talking shit about him, so why bother to keep fueling the fire ,if you stop trashing CSDO maybe he will not start shit with everyone on here. just a thought
[Dec 28,2004 2:19pm - RustedAngel ""]
they are all like 15-17 and from CA. hahahah, no thanks.
[Dec 28,2004 3:06pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am not trash talking them, I think his band rules.
[Dec 28,2004 3:17pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
No your not,but alot of people do,and that is why he is always on here now
[Dec 28,2004 3:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
yeah but those people have a bad taste in music
[Dec 28,2004 10:01pm - malettey ""]
i saw CSDO a few months ago, they were okay, good to see a band kickin it old school like they do, but i think their songs are too long for their style, they were just too drawn out....decent show though. i noticed when the singer was talking in between songs, almost every time, he mentioned something about jacking off. kinda funny.
[Dec 28,2004 10:32pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
CSDO is cool; everytime I've seen them, they've sounded really good and I've had a good Thrashin' time. I wanna see the vid that was shot at Jarrod's, I forget who else was on the bill - but it was for some CSDO MTV2 thing and Eric wanted the place to go nuts. Unfortunately only about 10 of us were into it, but it was fun.

RustedAngel said:are you fucking kidding me? SO THAT'S WHY I'M GETTING 10000000000 PEOPLE TRYING TO ADD ME?!!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA :shocked::middlefinger:

Now you know what it feels like.
[Dec 28,2004 11:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
BestialOnslaught said

RustedAngel said:are you fucking kidding me? SO THAT'S WHY I'M GETTING 10000000000 PEOPLE TRYING TO ADD ME?!!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA :shocked::middlefinger:

Now you know what it feels like.

I was laughing about it, I think it's hillarious. It's not hard to click delete faggo.
[Dec 29,2004 2:16am - BestialOnslaught ""]
In most cases, I'd agree, but even the sight of your logo on my friends request page put me instantly to sleep each time you tried to add me. Quite an inconvenience.
[Dec 29,2004 2:17am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Anyway, back to the topic at hand...

[Dec 29,2004 8:45am - RustedAngel ""]
BestialOnslaught said:In most cases, I'd agree, but even the sight of your logo on my friends request page put me instantly to sleep each time you tried to add me. Quite an inconvenience.

yea yea yea...keep liking CSDO and bumping into their other 9 fans at their shows.

[Dec 29,2004 10:30am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I've always liked them.
[Dec 29,2004 12:28pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
And just for the record Tom,Eric likes your band,he even went as far as to say you are one of the better Death Metal bands around, You on the other hand just have a big mouth and don't know when to quit,he said.
[Dec 29,2004 12:43pm - RustedAngel ""]
the only time I say anything is on this message board...this is my home, at age 40 or whatever he is he should be grown up enough to ignore it. ESPECIALLY over the internet.
[Dec 29,2004 12:51pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i had my issue with eric..i wanted to kill him..at gasm i confronted him and told him he was being a dick.. He was sorry for shit said and told me he loved my band ...we got to talkin and shit...we talk on the phone often...he's a real good guy...and he got us a show at a great club in bradford...and he has offered me others...he knows alot of people..and yeh!..he can be a little concieded..but tom he told me your band kicks ass(which it does) and he wanted to talk and shake your hand...mabye you should take him up on that..just my two cents bro..im glad i did...better to have friends than enemies!!
[Dec 29,2004 1:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
I've pretty much dropped it, I don't care what he does as long as it's not claiming to be the savior of metal in new england. hahah.
[Dec 29,2004 2:49pm - tbone_r ""]
he doesnt like his band, who the fuck cares?
[Dec 29,2004 6:15pm - blow‘n chunks on cunts  ""]
this band sucked swollen donkey balls 15 years ago. tell that yeti lookin fuck who scribles on guitar to shave his back and quit gang bangin his planet of the apes lookin sister
[Dec 29,2004 6:16pm - blow‘n chunks on cunts  ""]
whats up zera the monkey fucker
[Dec 29,2004 6:31pm - eddie ""]
i like them, listening to them now a matter O' fact

i just hate the name.
[Dec 30,2004 1:46am - Jellyfish ""]
BestialOnslaught said:


[Dec 30,2004 8:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Thanks Al and Joe........... Mike will be playing with us on New Years Eve at the Bombshelter........ Let me know if you'd like to come up. I'll take care of you guys You'll be on my list........

I'd take you up on that offer, but I refuse to set foot inside that place.
[Dec 30,2004 3:28pm - Arrik ""]
tbone_r said:i've never heard them. but i was under the impression that everyone on this board hated them.

Everyone?... No ,only 3 underdevelpoed little fags who post shit on this board and cower in Eric's presence....oh yeah and theres the guy in N.J who admitss he jacks off on stuffed animals...

What Kalopsia does:
i masturbate stuffed animals while wearing a lobster suit filled with crabs. oh yea, and play bass guitar (still with the lobster suit on)

[Dec 30,2004 3:32pm - Arrik ""]
RustedAngel said:I've pretty much dropped it, I don't care what he does as long as it's not claiming to be the savior of metal in new england. hahah.

So what? Its true.
[Dec 30,2004 3:35pm - swamplorddvm ""]
no ONE is "THE" savior of ne Metal.
[Dec 30,2004 3:38pm - Arrik ""]
O.K Swamplord point well taken, Ill clarify,,
not metalcore, rap metal or death metal ,,THRASH METAL ..and Eric never claimed that,,only alot of people whos opinion matters
[Dec 30,2004 3:41pm - Arrik ""]
Mike Justian will be playing drums with Candy Striper Death Orgy This Friday ( 12/31) at the Bombshelter ( 97 Eddy Rd., Manchester, NH ..go to www.mapquest.com if you need directions...)
CSDO is a a fantastic band. Dynamic thrash/death/doom metal at it's finest.

There is plenty of room in each song for Mike to do what he does..(some of his best playing is with CSDO.)

you don't want to miss this!!

[Dec 30,2004 5:43pm - Kalopsia ""]
Arrik said:RustedAngel said:I've pretty much dropped it, I don't care what he does as long as it's not claiming to be the savior of metal in new england. hahah.

So what? Its true.

you think "imulate" is a real word, so your opinions are null and void
[Dec 30,2004 5:52pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Arrik said:oh yeah and theres the guy in N.J who admitss he jacks off on stuffed animals...

What Kalopsia does:
i masturbate stuffed animals while wearing a lobster suit filled with crabs. oh yea, and play bass guitar (still with the lobster suit on)

is it worse to do it on stuffed animals, or live animals?
[Dec 31,2004 1:23am - Kalopsia ""]
KeithMutiny said:Arrik said:oh yeah and theres the guy in N.J who admitss he jacks off on stuffed animals...

What Kalopsia does:
i masturbate stuffed animals while wearing a lobster suit filled with crabs. oh yea, and play bass guitar (still with the lobster suit on)

is it worse to do it on stuffed animals, or live animals?

well it depends on what kind of worse you mean. legally it's worse to masturbate live animals. mentally it's worse to do stuffed animals

[Dec 31,2004 2:24am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
I'd take you up on that offer, but I refuse to set foot inside that place.

Oh quit being a retard and go.....:doublehorns:
[Dec 31,2004 3:39am - eddie ""]
Todd said:Joe/NotCommon said:
I'd take you up on that offer, but I refuse to set foot inside that place.

Oh quit being a retard and go.....:doublehorns:

don't do it joe its a trap!
[Dec 31,2004 5:26am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
a trap,haha,hey now i'm just "trying" to be nice,Figure i'd give it a shot for new years,hell,It may even be my New Yea's resolutin
[Dec 31,2004 5:27am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
[Dec 31,2004 5:27am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
[Jan 6,2005 4:00pm - Pat_from_dover  ""]
Candy striper is the best metal band in New Engalnd.
End of story.

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