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whats with women these days?

[Nov 15,2004 10:58pm - KeithMutiny ""]
how come it seems every girl i've met in the last, like, 4 years thinks theyre some artsy genius? Most of them are about as deep as a puddle but want it to appear they're some sort of twisted novel. I just don't understand... or maybe its just me, thats why i made this post... anyone else notice this?
[Nov 15,2004 11:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Women don't even acknowledge me because I am hideous, I should go into hiding inside the bell tower.
[Nov 15,2004 11:33pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha yeah, they all think they're fucking poets...
[Nov 15,2004 11:44pm - BornSoVile ""]
They like to play games with multiple people. Cockteasers out of metal!!!
[Nov 16,2004 12:03am - dirteecrayon ""]
BornSoVile said:They like to play games with multiple people. Cockteasers out of metal!!!

[Nov 16,2004 12:46am - dreadkill ""]
sometimes you need to talk to them with your fists.
[Nov 16,2004 1:25am - the philsopher  ""]
Keith thank God for you. I thought I was the only one who noticed that!!!!
[Nov 16,2004 2:03am - the_reverend ""]
metal chicks are easy...
[Nov 16,2004 3:06am - tomx at work  ""]
yeah, no shit. go check out myspace, itll make you want to vomit glass.
[Nov 16,2004 8:39am - RustedAngel ""]
MOST girls are not into metal, if they are it's because their boyfriend or ex-boyfriend got them into it. Usually if they're hot, they have a boyfriend already. Usually they smoke and drink which is kind of a turnoff for me, especially smoking. If it's not that they are depressed and hate the world for no good reason.
[Nov 16,2004 8:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Girls who hate themselves and are on drugs are my type.
[Nov 16,2004 9:41am - succubus ""]
too many messed up chicks wanting to be my friend...i just want to be left alone
[Nov 16,2004 9:45am - dan.  ""]
post n00bz
[Nov 16,2004 9:45am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
send those chicks my way Carina, I will be there rock
[Nov 16,2004 9:47am - lynneaus ""]
oh so thats the way u feel bout me carina eh? lol
[Nov 16,2004 9:51am - succubus ""]
oh please
now every girl on here is going to think that...

and it's not the case...if i love you, then you know this does not apply to you

i am sick of headcaess though
[Nov 16,2004 10:04am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I know who she means
[Nov 16,2004 10:07am - succubus ""]
do you... now?


you may "Think" you know...but only i know
[Nov 16,2004 10:07am - ram_girl ""]
succubus said:too many messed up chicks wanting to be my friend...i just want to be left alone

(*BooHoo*) (*Sob-Sob*)

Sooo, is that how you feel.....GREAT!!!
I'm so depressed....I thought we were friends...I think I'll go walk into oncoming traffic on 495 now!!!
[Nov 16,2004 10:07am - lynneaus ""]
i know im just fucking with you.

i agree the artsy poetry farts are annoying... i fear im becoming one of them... but my metalness always superseeds!!

[Nov 16,2004 10:09am - succubus ""]
ram_girl said:succubus said:too many messed up chicks wanting to be my friend...i just want to be left alone

(*BooHoo*) (*Sob-Sob*)

Sooo, is that how you feel.....GREAT!!!
I'm so depressed....I thought we were friends...I think I'll go walk into oncoming traffic on 495 now!!!

i know you are kidding....esp since i told you what happened before i posted this


[Nov 16,2004 10:12am - ReturntotheShit ""]
aawww poor metal guys can't get laid...and you think were the sad depressed ones....
[Nov 16,2004 10:17am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
ReturntotheShit said:aawww poor metal guys can't get laid...and you think were the sad depressed ones....

You can have sex with me, but it will cost ya. this booty aint free girl
[Nov 16,2004 10:23am - ReturntotheShit ""]
[Nov 16,2004 10:30am - ram_girl ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:ReturntotheShit said:aawww poor metal guys can't get laid...and you think were the sad depressed ones....

You can have sex with me, but it will cost ya. this booty aint free girl

Ya, a baloney sandwich and some turkey and gravy flavored soda should be adequate payment for service rendered!
[Nov 16,2004 11:54am - korpse-l- ""]
the_reverend said:metal chicks are easy...

wish i could find me one of them rare species of women. i always end up with one of those chicks that seems like they could be into atleast some form of real music but when you get in the car they change the station to some hardcore black stuff. that's when i don't say a word and just let the door fly and push her out on the highway doing atleast 80mph. don't beleive me? take a ride on 93 north.
[Nov 16,2004 12:23pm - succubus ""]
yer looking in the wrong places
[Nov 16,2004 12:30pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
girls suck. let's kick them all in the throat.
[Nov 16,2004 12:45pm - korpse-l- ""]
succubus said:yer looking in the wrong places

don't think there is a right place.
[Nov 16,2004 1:34pm - Christraper ""]
Girls are insane. Guys just want sex. Thats really all it comes down to. Girls dont know what the fuck they want. Theyll party with you and your friends for the first month or so and then they start trying to change you. Thats the part i dont understand. Like why the fuck did you want to be with me in the first place if you dont like the shit im into. Fuckin wierd man. I dont go and find girls in Abercrombie and try and turn them into metalheads. I mean if they like me and all thats fine, whatever. Im not too picky. If youre hot, youre hot and chances are ill like them too but why do girls hook up with me and then try to turn me into someone im not after they fucking meet me for the first time when im shitfaced drunk and most likely breaking something. Its happened to me with the last three girlfriends ive had. Theyll be cool at first and ok to hang out with your friends but then they get all motherly and disapproving of everything we do after awhile. Like i said, girls dont know what they fucking want.
[Nov 16,2004 2:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
christraper....... amen.....

and for the record... returntotheshit, whoever you are, gettin laid is not the complaint, i have no problem with that, its the quality im concerned with, id just like to meet a girl who can be herself and not bullshit everyone into thinking shes something that she is NOT... and maybe you know first hand
[Nov 16,2004 2:16pm - Lincoln ""]
Christraper said:Girls are insane. Guys just want sex. Thats really all it comes down to. Girls dont know what the fuck they want. Theyll party with you and your friends for the first month or so and then they start trying to change you. Thats the part i dont understand. Like why the fuck did you want to be with me in the first place if you dont like the shit im into. Fuckin wierd man. I dont go and find girls in Abercrombie and try and turn them into metalheads. I mean if they like me and all thats fine, whatever. Im not too picky. If youre hot, youre hot and chances are ill like them too but why do girls hook up with me and then try to turn me into someone im not after they fucking meet me for the first time when im shitfaced drunk and most likely breaking something. Its happened to me with the last three girlfriends ive had. Theyll be cool at first and ok to hang out with your friends but then they get all motherly and disapproving of everything we do after awhile. Like i said, girls dont know what they fucking want.

Amen brother.......amen.
[Nov 16,2004 2:20pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah getting laid is not the problem, there's enough sluts around.
What I don't get at all is when a girl hook up with a musician and then bitch when the guy wants to practice, wtf is she expecting really? That drives me nuts, I never did that, never will and I always somehow managed to go out with musicians. It happens to so many of my friends. This is just not cool.
Christraper, girls don't know what they want. Agree, I'm one of them...especially the maternity bullshit, it's like I swear I'll never have kids, but man sometimes my body/brain join together into this huge force that drives me nutcase for a week or so....and that force tell me "Make a baby"....I fucking hate that.
[Nov 16,2004 2:26pm - KeithMutiny ""]
sick of sluts, sick of trends, sick of scenewhores, sick of dumb cunts, sick of fakes, whatever happened to bein happy with who you are and caring for someone for who THEY are? I havent ventured very far from New England, but i hope this is a local thing, and the world over is not seein it the same way I am, cause if thats the case, I/we are fucked... i guess im just fed up lately and this shits been really pissin me off
[Nov 16,2004 2:28pm - succubus ""]
KeithMutiny said:sick of sluts, sick of trends, sick of scenewhores, sick of dumb cunts, sick of fakes

me too and i want them to fuck off and leave me alone
[Nov 16,2004 2:30pm - Lincoln ""]
KeithMutiny said:sick of sluts, sick of trends, sick of scenewhores, sick of dumb cunts, sick of fakes, whatever happened to bein happy with who you are and caring for someone for who THEY are? I havent ventured very far from New England, but i hope this is a local thing, and the world over is not seein it the same way I am, cause if thats the case, I/we are fucked... i guess im just fed up lately and this shits been really pissin me off

And a big Amen to you too my friend....you people are hittin' the nail right on the head with this.
[Nov 16,2004 2:38pm - armageddonday ""]
I think this is a human thing. we're all the same pieces of shit.
[Nov 16,2004 5:04pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Nov 16,2004 5:05pm - Lincoln ""]
Ok....keep going then...
[Nov 16,2004 5:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
thats it, seriously, so much shits be gettin too me... im makin a spoken word album... anyone wanna chime in?
[Nov 16,2004 5:13pm - Lincoln ""]
You could call it "Whats up with women these days?" It could be like a spoken word comedy thing.....
[Nov 16,2004 5:15pm - SUKmyBITS  ""]
i don't want to let this die either

scene whores FUCK YOU
[Nov 16,2004 5:16pm - SUKmyBITS  ""]
oh i'm not trying to be anonymous i just did a word play with my regular screen name succubus
[Nov 16,2004 5:26pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hahaha... now i get it... i was like, godam anon's
[Nov 16,2004 5:28pm - KeithMutiny ""]
OH for the record, it wont just be women, it'll be hardcore kids, political bullshit, northshore residents, old farts, and in general every fuckin thing that ive ranted about in the last year... it may have to be a double disk
[Nov 16,2004 6:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
I really wish someone could prove me wrong here... i never thought so much into this until i wanted to find someone to settle down with, and its fuckin sickening... PLEASE some chick prove me wrong...
[Nov 16,2004 6:07pm - armageddonday ""]
Dude, I don't believe in settling down. Even when EVERYTHING is right, there's always something that would fuck the whole shit up. So unless both parties are willing to work very hard for it, I can't really see how you can stay with the same person until you get old (I mean very old).
[Nov 16,2004 6:11pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i can try dammit, hahaha
[Nov 17,2004 5:25pm - KeithMutiny ""]
EHXIBIT A .... the recent thread i burst a vein on... and reminded me to bump this fucker
[Nov 17,2004 5:45pm - armageddonday ""]
Dude, you need to move on and forget about this. I don't how long you guys broke up but really move on this is just not healthy.
[Nov 17,2004 5:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im actually just really really bored right now... thats pretty much the issue

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