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MEtal chicks who don't really like metal.

[May 10,2010 2:28am - i_am_not_me ""]

they have been broughten.
[May 10,2010 3:19am - josh_hates_you ""]

i_am_not_me said:THE LULZ

they have been broughten.

[May 10,2010 3:28am - Doomkid ""]
screw metal chicks, its really all about the:
[May 10,2010 5:06am - Snli  ""]

Arrowhead%20NLI%20NLI%20for%20real said:Two words, actually, mr. sensitive.

It's proven, not proved.

But then, I'm such an idiot I should never have caughten that.

Actually both are correct...Look it up genius
[May 10,2010 7:08am - Samantha ""]
This thread has nothing to do with Metal Thursday. Nope, not at all... No Metal Thursday here.


Oh, crap! Did I do that? :HAHAHA:
[May 10,2010 7:11am - BloodeyeBetty ""]
HAHAHA! you guys are such dicks.
I am NOT a lesbian. and Im 36,24,36. sooo not a fatty.
In fact. I am the sexy.
Hatahs drink dat haterade. Gamer chics are hawt.
[May 10,2010 7:13am - BloodeyeBetty ""]
That is gonna be a good fucking show. I Heart Bog of the Infidel, and Fires of Old. Gonna go listen to Haxen now.
[May 10,2010 7:36am - RichHorror ""]
Fun facts I just learned: This broad's self-confessed first "metal" band was Coal Chamber and she dated Joe Christianni.
[May 10,2010 7:53am - Yeti ""]
the idea of a "metal chick" gives me heartburn. if you can't be just a cool, down to Earth person who likes music without broadcasting who you think you are, or want to be, on a message board where that sort of thing will get you chained to a ridicule-pedestal for all of eternity, then please, stay in your sewing circle of ego-strokers.
[May 10,2010 7:57am - arktouros ""]

goatcatalyst said:preppy broads with no idea what a teitanblood is ftw
rich crust punk girls taking history tests ftw
[May 10,2010 8:26am - arilliusbm ""]
Few things in this thread.
a.) no, im not this girl. Shame on you for thinking I'd troll such nonsense.
b.) girl, you're going to be demoralized horribly on this site if you continue to post here
c.) snli is a righteous twat who refuses to log in and reveal his identity
d.) this thread legitimately sucks because this broads a tool
e.) metal chicks are morons who were probably fondled by their relatives at one point
[May 10,2010 9:12am - the_reverend ""]

RichHorror said:Fun facts I just learned: This broad's self-confessed first "metal" band was Coal Chamber and she dated Joe Christianni.
I sense jealousy at her dating history. Did you know that Joe Christianni has a WWFMD (What Would Freddy Mercury Do?) bracelet.
[May 10,2010 9:19am - xmikex ""]
Hai gurl,


whoz ur hot friend?
[May 10,2010 9:37am - BloodeyeBetty ""]
HAHAHA, as stated previously, this is just for fun. rag on me, do it, its all funny to me.
My first show was coal chamber, When I turned 18. who fucking cares haha, I LOVE coal chamber. almost as much as I love joe christiani.
the girl picture, is my 13 year old cousin, we were on a family trip to the ocean ;-)
go fuck yo couches. lamos.
[May 10,2010 9:38am - horror_tang ""]
[May 10,2010 9:40am - BloodeyeBetty ""]
hahaha for hating threads like these, there are an awful lotta comments, which again, is entertainment. way bettah then facebook.
[May 10,2010 9:48am - BloodeyeBetty ""]
Down to earth means not stuck up. For the record. I am soo not stuck up. in fact, the elitist fucks who insist on talking shit, are the ones furthest from earth. Everyone has their on tastes, I have a plethora of them. I used to think I used to be punk rock as a youngster, then I was a goth chick, who fell for industrial...then I fell for metal.
get ovah yourselves.
[May 10,2010 9:51am - arilliusbm ""]
[May 10,2010 9:57am - reimroc ""]
can someone explain what the fuck is going on in this thread?
[May 10,2010 9:59am - ARKTOUROS ""]
for the record, lindsey was nothing but nice to me when i met her last week.

and WHO THE FUCK is this Snli entity, he'd have nothing but a smug angry face staring at the wall during a greasy lesbian orgy.
[May 10,2010 10:04am - arilliusbm ""]
Is BloodEyeBetty single and/or attractive, and/or want to know experience the Arilgasm?
[May 10,2010 10:05am - josh_hates_you ""]

BloodeyeBetty said:and Im 36,24,36. sooo not a fatty.
In fact. I am the sexy.

I am calling you out on this. There is NO WAY you have a 24 inch waiste. im guessing 38 - 32 - 38. I do have tape measure.
[May 10,2010 10:06am - ARKTOUROS ""]
I'm only interested in the Arilgasm if I can download it.
[May 10,2010 10:08am - ouchdrummer ""]
I just watched some of lindsey's youtube channel, she's funny. And she seems nice, ya'll a bunch of women hating assholes.
[May 10,2010 10:18am - josh_hates_you ""]
whatever you see in the youtube channel is how she actually is. obnoxious. She's good people though.

She's been known to rock joe christianni's world. she might be down with the arilgasm.
[May 10,2010 10:20am - ouchdrummer ""]
i didn't think it was obnoxious, but the kind of humor i like does generally border on irritating.
[May 10,2010 10:21am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I didn't read this thread, but I'm very disappointed there are no nudes.
[May 10,2010 10:28am - josh_hates_you ""]
lindsey likes to randomly show up at my house. Yesterday like 3 minutes after having sex with a fwb, the girl went outside for a butt, im still naked in bed and the next thing I know lindsey comes walking into my room "JOSSSSHHHHHYYYYYY" wtf?
[May 10,2010 10:31am - i_am_not_me ""]
Fair enough, I'll jump in on the whiteknighting and vouch for Lindsey's awesomeness through my brief discussions with her.
[May 10,2010 10:33am - Yeti ""]
wait a minute, that's who this is? she is indeed a very nice person, however this thread is not the vibe i get when i talk to her.
[May 10,2010 10:34am - Yeti ""]

josh_hates_you said:lindsey likes to randomly show up at my house. Yesterday like 3 minutes after having sex with a fwb, the girl went outside for a butt, im still naked in bed and the next thing I know lindsey comes walking into my room "JOSSSSHHHHHYYYYYY" wtf?

fat white bitch?
[May 10,2010 10:34am - arilliusbm ""]
is she just one of the worcester scenesters who think black metal is all rad and cool now?
[May 10,2010 10:34am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

BloodeyeBetty said:36,24,36


[May 10,2010 10:34am - ouchdrummer ""]
[May 10,2010 10:52am - MassOfTwoSlits nli  ""]

the_reverend said:fact: all girls are lesbian.

[May 10,2010 10:55am - ARKTOUROS ""]

josh_hates_you said:lindsey likes to randomly show up at my house. Yesterday like 3 minutes after having sex with a fwb, the girl went outside for a butt, im still naked in bed and the next thing I know lindsey comes walking into my room "JOSSSSHHHHHYYYYYY" wtf?

yeah, not cool, a guy's room is his only sanctuary, especially after ejaculation.
[May 10,2010 11:05am - sinistas ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
BloodeyeBetty said:36,24,36



My favorite karaoke song ever.
[May 10,2010 11:05am - metal_church101 ""]

arilliusbm said:
e.) metal chicks are morons who were probably fondled by their relatives at one point

[May 10,2010 11:07am - GUY ""]
[May 10,2010 11:09am - arilliusbm ""]
it's a douchebag statement but could honestly be the truth for more than half of them.
[May 10,2010 11:18am - BloodeyeBetty ""]
Josh you fuck face lol. I have worked out every damn day for two months now. I used the tape measurer, and I am a liar. haha. I am 38, 28, 36. There. Fair. Black metal is amazing. as is DOOm, and death, and thrash. I have been edumacated by the best. senior Joshy, and monsieur air guitar.
Black metal rules.
[May 10,2010 11:19am - BloodeyeBetty ""]
and for the record ;-) I am 5'4.
[May 10,2010 11:37am - arilliusbm ""]
black metal is horrible
[May 10,2010 11:53am - BloodeyeBetty ""]
who the fuck are you to judge what people like? Imma girl faaaag, I love instrumentals, and black metal is make sweet fuck to me. It appeals, to my soul.
[May 10,2010 11:54am - BloodeyeBetty ""]
and HEY! who the fuck are you to make fun of someone for being fat? A girl have to be 120 lbs to be sexy? I think not. I am a very happy 160. Im not gonna apologize for loving food. im a healthy bitch.
[May 10,2010 11:55am - xmikex ""]

thread sucks.
[May 10,2010 11:56am - RichHorror ""]
[May 10,2010 11:57am - Eli_hhcb ""]
Ravioli rituals meme lulz
[May 10,2010 12:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]



[May 10,2010 12:02pm - xmikex ""]

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