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NotCommon Records on permanant hiatus

[Jul 19,2005 11:38pm - xsuffocationx  ""]
don't worry guys, seriously, in two months when no one gives a shit about Joe Not Common, he'll realize he's a nobody and run back to booking shitty shows so he can feel important again.
[Jul 19,2005 11:44pm - RichHorror ""]
If not for Joe, there would be no 24-7 IWEIPH/Abhorred/Dissector homo lovefest.
[Jul 19,2005 11:44pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
xsuffocationx said:don't worry guys, seriously, in two months when no one gives a shit about Joe Not Common, he'll realize he's a nobody and run back to booking shitty shows so he can feel important again.

but he's not stopping the shows, he's just cutting down on it.
[Jul 19,2005 11:47pm - blue ""]
all i know is if it wasnt for joe, lots of touring bands wouldnt have made boston a stop on a lot of their tours.

misery index/arsis
impaled/aborted/leng tche/malignancy
the hidden hand
dead to fall/the end

and an assload more.
[Jul 19,2005 11:55pm - Dissector ""]
RichHorror said:If not for Joe, there would be no 24-7 IWEIPH/Abhorred/Dissector homo lovefest.

Couldn't have put it better myself.
[Jul 19,2005 11:55pm - xsuffocationx  ""]
hahaha I'm sure some of those bigger bands wouldn't find someone else to book the show....
[Jul 19,2005 11:56pm - RichHorror ""]
Maybe, but they wouldn't have such fabulous facial hair.
[Jul 19,2005 11:57pm - Dissector ""]
I doubt it considering those "bigger" bands are still on a tight budget so it's not like they can play the Palladium or something plus not many people here give a shit or are willing to put an effort into a show like that.
[Jul 19,2005 11:58pm - blue ""]
xsuffocationx said:hahaha I'm sure some of those bigger bands wouldn't find someone else to book the show....

sure as hell not in boston. i dont think that you know, but relapse books A LOT of tours. and joe for the past couple years has been the pretty much only guy they go to for boston shows. otherwise, they wouldve with gotten booked at the palladium or not at all. im sure as involved as you are in booking tours, you should know this.
[Jul 20,2005 12:08am - brian_dc ""]
xsuffocationx said:hahaha I'm sure some of those bigger bands wouldn't find someone else to book the show....

maybe, but probably not, seems like Joe was proactive where most other people in this area just sit around and wait for things to happen without actually making it happne. Fact is...he got them and you didn't... so why do you care so much that you need to continue on being an asshole about this?
[Jul 20,2005 12:12am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
xsuffocationx said:You're acting like you're a fucking prophet. You booked tons of shitty shows, and ran a shitty label that no one outside of RTTP knows of. Honestly, who is going to give a shit about this other than the 10 kids on this board who jock you? The answer is no one pedro, no one

Cough, cough, Relapse distribution, cough, cough, Conifer reviews on various metal sites, cough cough go back to gaystate rock and talk about how awesome hot topic is with all your faggot friends

[Jul 20,2005 12:45am - Al_Ravage ""]
I think it's clear why notcommon needs to soldier on.
[Jul 20,2005 1:09am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
again, like I said in my previous post. There are about 10 RTTP kids who jock Joe Not Common, and not surprisingly you have all jumped to his defense, which makes him even more pathetic. Who are you guys to back him up?? You're even bigger nobodies. Why would I take your word on anything or even take you seriously? Secondly, you saying "what have you done for metal?" you assuming Joe Not Common has accomplished something. News flash, shitty shows, shitty label, and having ten kids from a message board jock you does not equate any form of success.

I try not to get too heated about these things, but just about everything you have said here is worthless excrement.

You imply we are pathetic, and nobodies, yet you are the one here who is clearly an anonymous troller, who has nothing better to do than cause meaningless conflict by antagonizing Joe and his supporters who are simply giving him a send-off and some appreciation. And there are many more than ten people who appreciate what he has done. You can't judge that by a single fucking thread on a scene message board...

I couldn't care less what Joe has 'done for metal'. I don't know him personally and I've only seen a show or two that he put on. But at least he puts on some shows, and I'm willing to bet he's put on more successful shows than you have, and the man has booked a lot of intriguing bands, including an upcoming show with Sabbat (JPN)?!? I thought I read. So as far as I'm concerned, that kicks ass. Regardless of what you might think, there are people who are very happy they got a chance to see these shows. And his label is not shitty, there have been some interesting releases by bands like Conifer...

If you can't put your money where your mouth is and come out of your anonymous mystery toolshed, just what validity do you think your statements possess? All you do is take jabs from your secure little hideyhole, like any dime-a-dozen, flagrant internet fuckwad.
[Jul 20,2005 1:15am - ninkaszi  ""]
joe has done a lot of good things. no doubt about it. in my opinion, i think he should keep doing what he does.

joe, what brought this on?
[Jul 20,2005 1:20am - RichHorror ""]
ninkaszi said:joe, what brought this on?

He took a big hit with the fest.
[Jul 20,2005 1:35am - RichHorror ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I wonder who will snag SIN OF ANGELS now?

Anyone with half a brain.
[Jul 20,2005 6:22am - Notorious_DUG  ""]
don't people understand . . . people that take shit and post anonymously don't care about validity of their statements or being right or wrong. They come in their pants when we get all defensive and fight back. That's the only reason. That is their sole purpose and they win every time. I thought we'd know this by now instead of making ourselves look more retarded then they are.
[Jul 20,2005 6:24am - Notorious_DUG  ""]
holy christ my grammar sucks at 6:20 in the morning.
[Jul 20,2005 7:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The majority of the bigger tours I brought to Boston were not coming here, I went out of my way to get them here. If whoever is posting that all those shows I've booked were shitty is serious, then he obviously doesn't like metal. I've booked every kind of band; death, grind, doom, sludge, thrash, black metal, noise, heavy metal, stoner, and various bizarre sub-genres that have emerged.

Anyways, I am not going to stop booking shows so fuck him, I could care less if he comes to shows I book or not. However, I bet he does and thats why he logged out to post.
[Jul 20,2005 10:43am - Jesus_Slaves ""]
i like what that guy Ray from Sin of Angels said. i would like to somehow play a show with you guys. we arent black metal, but we are huge fans of it, and plus who cares about styles. i would love to play a show with Exploding Christ, Sin of Angels, and Abhorred. when we are finally able to release our album, we are going to be putting together cd release parties. that would be an excellent lineup.
[Jul 20,2005 11:04am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
xsuffocationx said:again, like I said in my previous post. There are about 10 RTTP kids who jock Joe Not Common, and not surprisingly you have all jumped to his defense, which makes him even more pathetic.

How would you know if this is the only messageboard you XvisitX.

Who the fuck uses "jock" as a verb?
[Jul 20,2005 11:16am - Josh_Martin ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Who the fuck uses "jock" as a verb?

Wretched Asylum members.
[Jul 20,2005 11:23am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
sinofangels-ray said:joe your a good guy and you have booked some good shows introduced Sin of Angels to boston

as far as this scene talk goes weather you have been around for 20 years like some of us old folk or your just starting to get into the scene it's what you make of it. I'm hearing all this talk of "i'll start booking but Where' just do it. in your back yard your grandmas kicthen your local hall because if ya can't draw there no clubs are gonna let ya book a show or no promoters will touch you. you need to prove your worth kiddies and I think Joe, Liz jess all have by having balls enough to doit but maybee just maybee there sick of seeing the same 20 or so people at shows shit they can do that by just haveing parties at there houses and playing cd's of the bands they booked not to mentiion duded like the Rev who come out and shoot and review all these shows for nothing except enjoyment and to get it to the masses so lets stop WHINING and have some show prove our worth get new faces and have a blast shit lets staert having show at rehersal spaces again. some of the best shows I've seen when I was a kid was at rehersal spaces ....

Amen, brother.

Joe, this is sad news. I wish you the best. You rocked this scene, and I hope sometime soon you can rock it again. Thank you for all you did.

[Jul 20,2005 11:25am - Ol_No.7 ""]
Good, now RK might accually be able to play a show infrot of kids who dig music, instead infront of 21+ metal snob crowds of 10 or less.
[Jul 20,2005 11:26am - anonymous  ""]
you said it, brother
[Jul 20,2005 11:48am - Josh_Martin ""]
Ol_No.7 said:Good, now RK might accually be able to play a show infrot of kids who dig music, instead infront of 21+ metal snob crowds of 10 or less.

I didn't know Joe forced his bands to only play his shows. What a tyrant.

All the people shittalking Joe are making RK look like the biggest bunch of losers ever. According to the shittalkers Joe is the only person in NE that will book RK and Joe is the only label anywhere that will sign them.
I feel bad that RKs fans think so little of them.

[Jul 20,2005 1:02pm - shatteredliz ""]
Hey Joe--you really have done a lot around here for metal. Thanks!

Keep up the shows. I'm already getting psyched for the 2nd Annual New England Doom and Grindcore Festival!
[Jul 20,2005 1:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Is Raising Kubrick even a metalcore band? I think it's funny that these idiots spent the last 3 years arguing that the shitty screamo music they listen to was hardcore and/or grindcore and now they've come out and adopted a band like RK to fly the metalcore flag.
[Jul 20,2005 1:49pm - Josh_Martin ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Is Raising Kubrick even a metalcore band?

I don't know, I've never heard them.
But they have some of the stupidest fans I've ever seen of any band ever (and I was in Anal Cunt for 6 years) A Raffi audience would score higher on an IQ test.

[Jul 20,2005 2:18pm - moran ""]
This sucks Joe. To all of you who are saying that his shows have a shitty turn out don't know shit. The majority of the shows that he has booked my band on have sold out. That includes Middle East, O'Brien's, and Dee Dee's. So shut the fuck up. My band was there at the beginning of Not Common, and seeing what he turned it into is pretty fucking impressive. He helped us do a lot of shit that we never would have accomplished on our own, and I thank him for it. I've had some great fucking times at his shows, and so have a lot of other people. And why do all of you waste your time putting the kid down? Do you really have nothing better to do?
[Jul 20,2005 2:32pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Who the fuck uses "jock" as a verb?

[Jul 20,2005 2:43pm - niccolai nli  ""]
I didn't personally like the stuff the NC put out...

But I do thank Joe for the orgasm anthem.
[Jul 20,2005 3:44pm - Ol_No.7 ""]
Yes, RK is lame, but i'm friends with them so i'd like to see them go somewhere.
[Jul 20,2005 4:13pm - BornSoVile ""]
RK plays so many shows that Joe DOESN'T BOOK, for the sake of your own personal integrity and theirs, SHUT UP.
[Jul 20,2005 4:17pm - brian_dc ""]
BornSoVile said:RK plays so many shows that Joe DOESN'T BOOK...

for example...tonight 8PM at Club Giza in Providence
[Jul 20,2005 4:17pm - brian_dc ""]
that'll be 12 bucks please
[Jul 20,2005 4:53pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Who the fuck uses "jock" as a verb?


DeOdiumMortis said:All I know is everyone keeps saying "jock" like it's a verb. I think that's where your problem is starting. I don't know what the fuck it's supposed to mean, which means it's a new "hip" word usage.

hahaha that's some funny shit. I never saw that thread before. I think I'd die happy if I never heard that word again, though. That's for sure.

[Jul 20,2005 4:55pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
BornSoVile said:RK plays so many shows that Joe DOESN'T BOOK, for the sake of your own personal integrity and theirs, SHUT UP.

haha no shit huh? what a great friend this guy is.
[Jul 21,2005 3:22am - ravenousdestruction ""]
paganmegan said:I think saying "everything will be ok" and then sitting on ones thumbs achieves nothing. THere needs to be someone booking shows in the place of everyone who is not in order for it to continue. Moreover, there needs to be better turnouts for the shows, so people will be less afraid to book them. Then clubs will be less hesitant. So everyone needs to get off their ass

Everything will be ok, really it will be.

I've been here for fifteen years and I've seen the scene have it's ups & downs. It's in no danger of falling apart.

If it means that much to the people who love it they will step up and book shows.

If not, there will be less shows.
So be it, there will still be shows to go to and with less choices more people at them.

I think the scene is spread to thin. Sometimes there are to many shows to choose from on a single night which effects the turnout for all the shows.

For example there are two festivals on the same night this month
The Stone & Steel Festival and The Coo County Chaos Fest.
This will effect the turnout at both shows.

As far as poor attendance at shows is concerned I don't think a matter of people being to lazy to get off their ass, I think it has more to do with there being to much going on in one night.
[Jul 21,2005 3:47am - blue ""]
Ol_No.7 said:Good, now RK might accually be able to play a show infrot of kids who dig music, instead infront of 21+ metal snob crowds of 10 or less.

cmon man, this really isnt necessary to be getting into. this really isnt your matter, no offense. you know very well that joe has gotten us tons of shows that have done great, and if it wasnt for him we wouldnt have gotten the exposure we have. just because you got kicked out of one of joes 21+ shows for bringing a certain underage someone inside certainly doesnt give you all the facts about what joe has and has not done. seriously man, dont make us all look bad. the kids are watching.
[Jul 21,2005 3:58pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
too many people take themselves too seriously
[Jul 21,2005 4:02pm - Ol_No.7 ""]
i didnt get kicked out, conor did. and it was a dick move, but thats not the fuckin reason hes a face down baby.
[Jul 21,2005 4:38pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Pull up your huggies and just beat him up by the slide.
[Jul 21,2005 4:47pm - Jeff Pierce/PIV  ""]
Joe = fag
Dissector = fags
Subjugate = fag
Bestialonslaught = fag
Abhorred = fags
Watchmaker = fags
Kevorkians angels = fags
Josh Martin = fag
Grief = fags
Candy striper death Orgy = fags

Now if you'd all just die/breakup/suck dick for skittles the scene would be a much better place!
[Jul 21,2005 4:48pm - Jeff Pierce/PIV  ""]
Ol_No.7 said:i didnt get kicked out, conor did. and it was a dick move, but thats not the fuckin reason hes a face down baby.

I was there and saw conor get kicked out.
[Jul 21,2005 5:13pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Jeff Pierce/PIV said:
Joe = the star of all my homoerotic fantasies
Dissector = the soundtrack to my homoerotic fantasies
Subjugate = the director of my homo erotic fantasies
Bestialonslaught = the producer of my homo erotic fantasies
Abhorred = catering service to my homo erotic fantasies
Watchmaker = camera crew for my homo erotic fantasies
Kevorkians angels = set designers for my homo erotic fantasies
Josh Martin = writer of my homo erotic fantasies
Grief = rest of the cast and crew of my homo erotic fantasies
Candy striper death Orgy = fags, but not gay enough for my homo erotic fantasies

Now if you'd all just show up to the set on time and do your job the scene would be much closer to my vision! aaaaaaand ACTION!

[Jul 21,2005 5:28pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
Jeff Pierce/PIV said:Joe = fag
Dissector = fags
Subjugate = fag
Bestialonslaught = fag
Abhorred = fags
Watchmaker = fags
Kevorkians angels = fags
Josh Martin = fag
Grief = fags
Candy striper death Orgy = fags

Now if you'd all just die/breakup/suck dick for skittles the scene would be a much better place!

i am on this list why exactly? not that i mind as i am in good company haha

who the hell is Jeff Pierce?
[Jul 21,2005 5:36pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
some asshole
[Jul 21,2005 6:07pm - Bradster  ""]
what does PIV mean? Penis in vagina? i don't like skittles btw
[Jul 21,2005 7:33pm - eddienli  ""]
your mom

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