Now Find a show to go to! Oct 7 (Tue) - WATAIN(Sweden), WITHERED(GA), BOOK OF BLACK EARTH(WA), COLD NORTHERN VENGEANCE, REVOCATION, BLESSED OFFAL, IPSISSIMUS - Middle East (Cambridge, MA) 10/7 WAITAN @ MIDDLE EAST DOWNSTAIRS[views:91899][posts:399]Middle East (Cambridge, Ma) - [blessed_offal][book_of_black_earth][cold_northern_vengeance][ipsissimus][randomshots][revocation][watain][withered] [show listing] _____________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 4:42pm - the_reverend ""] I will when I get down there unless robin does it before moe. |
_________________________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 5:44pm - DEATH FIEND sli sli sli ""] aril said:haha from the middle east's site: Tue 10/7 Ammonia Booking presents Watain (fr. Sweden), Withered (fr. GA, Prosthetic Records), Book Of Black Earth, Cold Northern Vengeance, Revocation, Blessed Offal (members of Panzerband), Ipissimus – 18+ $15 adv / $18 DOS NOTE: 7pm doors I want to listen to Panzerband its sort of like dave matthews band, with more cocaine and roman salutes |
_____________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 5:57pm - the_reverend ""] is there a sox game? |
______________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 6:05pm - boblovesmusic ""] TONIGHT! THERE WILL BE BLOOD!!! |
_____________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 6:27pm - quintessence ""] Leaving from Worcester now, can't fucking wait , see you guys there! I'm already a little drunk... |
______________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 6:39pm - NuclearWinter ""] All greased up and ready to drink beer. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 7:38pm - the_reverend ""] Watain 11:30-12:30 Withered 1035-1110 Book Of Black Earth 950-1020 Cold Northern Vengeance 910-935 Revocation 825-855 Blessed Offal 750-810 Ipissimus 715-735 |
_____________________________ [Oct 7,2008 7:41pm - Mess ""] whoa, have fun cunts |
_____________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 9:00pm - the_reverend ""] that's what she said. Ipissimus: crippled metal. Hail satan for that why don't you! Stepping back from the stage made them sound really good. Otherwise they were too spread out on the stage to hear them properly. They went over a littlde in time, but then they were rushed to fast off the stage. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 9:01pm - the_reverend ""] Blessed Offal: they were a bit slower than I expected. Still good, but I was expecting more DM than a slower BDM band. The took a wicked long time to set up and then really got rushed... |
_____________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 9:11pm - the_reverend ""] Revocation: jeepers what a response these guys got. These was eveb a mosh pit. These guys were very well suited for the stage. They even had people yelling for another song. With the speakers covered in plastic, they would rip off their shirts and wrassled around on the ground during their set covered in olive oil. Er.. Wait, that didn't happen. No homo. |
_____________________________ [Oct 7,2008 9:19pm - Mess ""] these was eveb a mosh pit [img] |
______________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 10:16pm - the_reverend ""] Cold Northern Vengeance: I thought eric was in eurpoe with grief. Oh well, the song that paul just sang during was very viking metal. Reminded me a lot of amon amarth. I didn't know that keith was on bass. He and andrew dropped their instruments folr the last song and CNV was three members. Their set seemed extremely short. They played 3 songs. viking metal. then black metal. then a bard metal track. |
______________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 10:36pm - the_reverend ""] I can't believe out of the whle post you pull out the typo Book Of Black Earth: what a weird mixture of band members. The drummer from skarp, a guitarist from these arms are snakes. What else? They were pretty much what I expected from them. RIYL nachtmystium. The set was pretty uneventful. The crowd had a huge hole in the middle of it during their set. |
______________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 10:38pm - the_reverend ""] nobody cares said there are no flash signs in the bathroom. hope to hell not. |
_________________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 11:02pm - bobnomaamrooney ""] Oh man I want some pizza so fucking bad, do you think Watain would call me out for ruining black metal if I went and grabbed a slice? I'm pretty bored by Withered |
______________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 11:18pm - the_reverend ""] im super starving, but pizza ruins hardcore not metal. doo eet up.. er... as long as you can stomach the rancid smell |
_________________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 11:22pm - bobnomaamrooney ""] So which foodstuff ruins metal? |
______________________________________ [Oct 7,2008 11:26pm - the_reverend ""] probably cotton candy. tuff to be all grim when you are eating cottom candy. |
______________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 12:30am - goatcatalyst ""] The sound for Watain was like a cruel joke. Fucking ATROCIOUS. At least they took that fucking delay off Eric's voice after 45 minutes. Last year's show was 1000 times superior. |
______________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 12:33am - the_reverend ""] former poster dirtycrayon and I were talking about the same thing. |
_________________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 12:57am - bobnomaamrooney ""] It also sucked that most ofthe songs were from Sworn to the Dark. It's a fine album on its own, but alongside songs from the previous releases its flaws are emphasised |
________________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 1:01am - bobnomaamrooney ""] Listening to the Ipsissimus demo in the car, really liking it. You guys seem to have a slight Merrimack influence, which is fucking excellent. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 1:13am - goatcatalyst ""] Same EXACT setlist (ok maybe it was shorter),sloppy / slowed down playing, no blood, no stench, no dead shit on stage, the mic stand looked more like Steven Tyler's than something dreadful and Watainian. ... And that fucking delay! I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Thorough bum-out. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 1:35am - goatcatalyst ""] PS- thanks Bob and everybody who bought a CD and/or shirt and got there early enough to catch us. And a HUGE thanks to Robin for giving us a chance and booking a really fucking killer show. As butt-hurt as I am over Watain's set, I dug the fuck out of all the New England bands and Withered. Book of Black Earth was kinda "meh", but all in all - I had a killer fucking night, despite the cripple factor. Great meeting and hanging with a bunch of you scoundrels. Time to take some pills and sleep the two hours back to CT. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 2:10am - the_reverend ""] no stench? was your nose crippled too? they smelled like rotting dead things. robin kept comparing it to different types of pussy... |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 2:10am - the_reverend ""] pictures btw |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 2:20am - goatcatalyst ""] That was NOTHING. I remember being thoroughly violated by the stench last time around. The club already smelled of warm genitals by the time Withered went on. Watain's un-stench merely gave me the sensation of musty incense in some fat goth kid's basement. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 2:25am - the_reverend ""] I agree it was nothing like the last show, but the ME downstairs always smells like sewage. |
______________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 2:41am - NuclearWinter ""] There was no stench this time, I don't know what anyone was thinking. Perhaps the residue from their prior shows -- the guitars were covered in crap. Show was good, but definitely stripped down from when they played upstairs, and the sound was the worst I've experienced at the Middle East downstairs. Whoever was working the sound board was a wankery twat. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 2:47am - goatcatalyst ""] Having read and eagerly digested the band's own hype and hyperbole, they simply failed to deliver. If fancy tin upside-down crosses, drapes and several unlit candles - oh yeah, and chains - constitute "full artillery", well... |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 3:11am - the_reverend ""] I had ear plugs in and I thought it sounded rather good... especially since it was mostly from sworn to the dark. |
_________________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 4:19am - DaveFromTheGrave ""] tonight sucked. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 4:24am - goatcatalyst ""] Clean your ears, hippie |
_____________________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 4:28am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] NuclearWinter said:Whoever was working the sound board was a wankery twat. What was the deal with him coming out and unplugging all of Blessed Offal's shit before they were done playing? |
____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 5:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""] [img] "No smiling in Black Metal!" |
___________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 8:08am - candygirl ""] the_reverend said:Cold Northern Vengeance: I thought eric was in eurpoe with grief. Wrong Eric, and Grief isn't leaving until November. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 8:51am - the_reverend ""] so in the 100% incestuous world of noosrief, thinking that eric is in grief is my biggest sin. |
______________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 8:52am - boblovesmusic ""] yeah, Watain could've had more blood and more dead stuff, but the show was pretty kick ass. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 8:55am - the_reverend ""] BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said: NuclearWinter said:Whoever was working the sound board was a wankery twat. What was the deal with him coming out and unplugging all of Blessed Offal's shit before they were done playing?Ipsissimus went over on their time by a few minutes and then BO took a long time to set up. I think he thought they were going to go into another song even though they were 1 minute over their time. all these bands in limited time make for more nazi time keeping. the white dude behind the mixing board had all the power and he's got the pride to do a job right. fascist. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 8:56am - the_reverend ""] I think the club said no blood and they have been banned from places cause of the blood. but they are terribly kvlt so you think that they would go "ok, no blood" and then dump liquefied sheep brains on the crowd. m... like oatmeal. |
______________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 9:04am - boblovesmusic ""] yum, liquified sheep brains! I had that for breakfast this morning! |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 9:16am - the_reverend ""] I didn't have breakfast. I feel like I've betrayed every public service message from when I was a kid. bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 9:17am - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
______________________________ [Oct 8,2008 9:18am - aril ""] good show. saw lots of people I haven't seen in a while. sound for watain could have been better. dwyer won't give me sad legend and all the bands were great |
______________________________ [Oct 8,2008 9:26am - dftg ""] I had an apple. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 9:31am - the_reverend ""] oh look, a wagon wheel! |
_________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 9:40am - darkwor ""] i thought watain sounded pretty fucking awesome. the delay on the mic combined with everything else made them sound huge, and wayyy more aggression than the Sworn to the Dark studio recording that doesn't show the real watain. anyway, i got hammered, had an awesome time, unfortunately i didn't make it in time for ipsissimus but i thought BO and CNV kicked ass, i wasn't really into book of black earth but withered was great. good turnout, killer show |
_______________________________ [Oct 8,2008 10:11am - aril ""] anyone see the fights outside? |
_______________________________________ [Oct 8,2008 10:13am - NuclearWinter ""] No, but do elaborate. |