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Cannibal Corpse 7/8/04 Manchester,NH

the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH) - [candy_striper_death_orgy][cannibal_corpse][randomshots][severed_savior][the_black_dahlia_murder]
[Aug 17,2004 6:37pm - Blue ""]
i think he should be really brutal with his insults and call you a limp bizkit fan.
[Aug 18,2004 3:11am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
That's right........ Keep flappin' you dipshits....... Some of you guys need to get laid!! Our friend Kalopsia can't keep his hands off of his prick...... May'be you should go pick up some fat chick and and lick the sweat out of her asscrack.........
[Aug 18,2004 7:19am - Kalopsia ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:That's right........ Keep flappin' you dipshits....... Some of you guys need to get laid!! Our friend Kalopsia can't keep his hands off of his prick...... May'be you should go pick up some fat chick and and lick the sweat out of her asscrack.........

wow shame on me for clicking this thread and actually thinking you might have had an intelligent response. once again you prove that you and your cronies are left to 14 year old style insults because you know i'm right and you can't win this argument. "that's right, keep flappin you dipshits" is that supposed to make us feel bad or something???? you just proved to me that you really are a loser, thanks.
[Aug 18,2004 3:43pm - Arrik ""]
To CandyStriperDeathOrgy:Funny! Hey,we have to give the guy credit,Kaloper is satrting to get good at emulating me, he's actually trying to scrutinize thought pattern.Thats good! After some time trying to outwit me,we may have a challenge here.
[Aug 18,2004 3:51pm - RustedAngel ""]
I have only one thing to say:

[Aug 18,2004 3:54pm - Arrik ""]
To friend kalapaloozer: I compliment you for trying to come back after such an outwitting. You ( along with two friend blueberry,powerkaksucker and dehumanized) actually extracted some of the "weaponry" to use against me. Good job!..But know Im a step ahead of you,,You extracted the hypocricy laced into my attacks..Hypocricy is annoying isn't it?
You found some of the spelling errors( look closer)..but you feel for the "trap" to critisize someone for spelling just makes the critic look bad...English profiency reflects nothing on the quality of a person. The English language is subjective. Well anyways,,in case you wish to contend again, Ill even arm you..look for this (seeming) character flaw," If you random dildos are so shallow and gay,why am I inclined to even take part in a disscussion with you..
Glad you are making progress,,next time you want to make mayo on a teddy bear,,read "The Apology" by Plato instead.
[Aug 18,2004 3:56pm - Arrik ""]
To Rusty dildo: Awesome photo,Thrash rules. Dont showing a photo is not "saying" anything.. you mean SHOW dum dum.
[Aug 18,2004 3:57pm - succubus ""]
i guess i just wanna know why this site was referred to as "returntotheshit" esp since the rev (whose site this is) is not arguing with anyone

[Aug 18,2004 3:59pm - Arrik ""]
To dehumanized: Look,,Im sorry I offended you,,while I hold my ground that homosexuality is un-natural,and gross..I don't judge a person only by their sexuality. I mean your friend, kalopside,,,Hes a fighter. More so then some of the straight shmucks critical of Eric on this board.
[Aug 18,2004 4:06pm - Arrik ""]
What Kalopsia does:
i masturbate stuffed animals while wearing a lobster suit filled with crabs. oh yea, and play bass guitar (still with the lobster suit on)

He said it!
[Aug 18,2004 4:26pm - Blue ""]
yawn. i grow tired of these repeated childish remarks.
[Aug 18,2004 4:53pm - the_reverend ""]
blueberry? nice, I can check my e-mail on the road!
[Aug 18,2004 6:45pm - Kalopsia ""]
Blue said:yawn. i grow tired of these repeated childish remarks.

i agree blue. i would defend myself again, but all arrik will do is call me stupid because that's all he can do, because he know's i'm right, and therefor can't come back with an intelligent argument. this thread has gotten to the point where it's going nowhere. i'm done with this loser
[Aug 19,2004 5:42am - Arrik_  ""]
To Kalopise: Now that you can imulate me well. Lets go another round.
Notice how it wasn't until 8/17 that you even heard CSDO. All your critque up until that point was based on just being a little shmuck. I never said anything about your band ,,only your mismanaged existence.

To be cont...
[Aug 19,2004 7:50am - Kalopsia ""]
and all i said about your band (because now i know who you are) is that they think they're much higher than they really are. like i said, i never heard of you guys until i came to this board. i've definately never seen a CSDO shirt here in NJ. and now that i have heard the music, I CAN comment on how much it's crappy, but if you notice until i did listen to it, i never said you guys sound horrible or anything like that. so nice try, but once again, you failed at making yourself look smart. once again you spelled Emulate wrong, you showed your immaturity by re-spelling my name AGAIN. (i take it back, you're 11 years old, not 14, would u like to show me you're actually 9?) and you have yet to come up with a valid argument. so bring it bitch.
[Aug 19,2004 4:16pm - Arrik_  ""]
To friend iced -kalopsia:
>so bring it bitch.

Are you sure? next I start calling your teddy bear a whore.

What Kalopsia does:
i masturbate stuffed animals while wearing a lobster suit filled with crabs. oh yea, and play bass guitar (still with the lobster suit on)

( To imulate me better call me 12..not 9...and tell me to get off my Daddy's computer..got it ? good...oh yeah,, and don't say I make mylsef look " childish" say I make myself look " worse and worse" )

Allright,allright,, Ill help your misguided mind..The point Im making is that you have such a will to critisize Eric, and it wasn't until 8/17 that you went on his website ..How factual can you be? You seem to be just picking up on his confidence and satisfaction with himself and trying to tear it down, because you dont have it. I give you credit, Dying Faggot backs out when confronted,,and though you lack intelligence,wit and intuition...you have a blind,intoxicated kind of will to overcome an impossble task--out-witting me.
Anything HALFWAY meaningful you have said has been because you copy my stly well...Hey,,Im not trying to crush you Palooza,,After all I got to the point I am now from having an AWESOME Sensei to imulate..

Allright fighter( "bring it bitch" ),,what questions have not been answered?..What do you what to know?

[Aug 19,2004 4:19pm - Blue ""]
give up. please. people dont care anymore. we have no interest in hearing how many times you can misspell EMULATE.
[Aug 19,2004 4:41pm - Hoser ""]
Really......ENOUGH already. PLEASE.

The dude that you're calling "Dyingfaggot" is a great friend of mine and 90% of the people on this board. You're fighting an unwinnable war here. You are doing an injustice to CSDO by continuing this. I haven't had shit to say about it right up until now; and only now because I am sick of seeing the post near the top of the threads.

I don't know who you are and where you fit into New England Metal, but I assure you that you are barking up the wrong trees here. Instead of being a nuisance, try to be of some constructive help to the scene as a whole. Pissing on the legs of the people that hold this scene up will get you nowhere. We are here for Metal, and it needs to stay as simple as that.

I am also inclined to ask you, why is it that you protect CSDO with such religious fervor? If you are a member, I fully understand. If you are a fan, you are a psycho, and they should think about getting a restraining order. It seems to me that you have some vested interest in CSDO; and if you do, then I fully understand.


Please let this shit go. It's dumb...seriously dumb.

Jake (HCN)
[Aug 19,2004 5:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
well said!
[Aug 21,2004 1:51am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
He's not doing an injustice to us (I know what you're getting at)..... A few people on this board (You know who you are) can dish it out but can't take it...... That's why these threads get dragged out........
[Aug 21,2004 2:10am - powerkok ""]
I paint my cock with new skin and erect it off.
[Aug 23,2004 9:14am - CSDOFemaleFan  ""]
ya know. it's funny. Arrik gets called childish for his comments yet the picture that keeps popping up on here is old. eventhough there are pix on this site from the Station Fire Beneit show from last Sept as well as pix from Can. Corpse. I'm sorry for ever telling you Eric of this site. I thought this was a site that helped keep the local metal scene stay alive. but I think I was wrong. You get insulted because you're "old" but know one seems to notice is that you have battled and kept active on the scene. These people say they don't care about what you say, but do they stop? no. there's a couple of bands on here that I actually thought were pretty cool. I thought they were helping out the scene, but now I don't see it that way. much like the youth I see at the school, they don't think that anyone that has been around knows anything. they're young and don't need any help or advice. then you get these bands that say they've been on the scene for just as long but has it been with the same band? I've seen how club owners give you respect because they know that you actually know what the hell you're talking about. and, it's not just the onwer of the Bombshelter or Jarrod's, it's the people from The Compound, The Palladium, The Lucky Dog and others. oh, here comes the question... "when was the last time you played there...." it doesn't matter because even when you just go to a show the people running things talk with you like your old friends. the people on here only know you from here, but have they really ever talked with you face to face and actually listened to what you've said? have they put aside in their minds that you might be a pretty likable guy. benefit of the doubt. probably not, they have it set in their pretty little heads that you're an asshole and that's that. actually, if these people did walk up to you and introduced themselves to you, I know that you'd give them the benefit of the doubt. you'd talk to them putting aside what they have said about you on this board. keep defending yourself Eric. I'm proud to know you and work with you. well, Eric I'll see you soon. Especially at Wargasm.
[Aug 23,2004 11:25am - JoeDavolla ""]
Im going to see Judas Priest this coming Sunday with Joe Pepitone
[Aug 23,2004 11:38am - CSDOFemaleFan  ""]
Can Art Vandlelay and I join you Joe?
[Aug 25,2004 4:47pm - Arrik_  ""]
To Hoser: to answer your question,,Why are you writting me? question your own motives and you may(?) know mine...

If a mosquito were buzzing around your friend would you fan it away?

Dying faggot,kalooser ect. started buzzing around Eric just because he was expressing his pride in his accomplishments..
[Aug 25,2004 4:59pm - Arrik_  ""]
Since the teddy bear fucker wussed out, Ill conclude by saying that he had no reason to critisize Eric,, Not one insult was founded.
The guy is delusional. one small example..
>Idon't go around saying "man this guy is a loser fag who loves nu metal simply because he doesn't like CSDO, "

I never said that,,I said he's a biszkit because he is Not jealous of a band opening for Cannibal Corpse. Must not like Death metal.

Just trying to fan the fag away by having him anylize hismself before critisizing.
Eric is one of the most likeable person Ive ever met, and does not deserve this..In my experience,The only people I have seen talk shit about him ARE SCUMBAGS,,,thats a fact.
[Aug 25,2004 5:28pm - powerkok ""]
jesus, this thing is STILL GOING!!!??
[Aug 25,2004 5:59pm - Kalopsia ""]
arrik, once again all you can do is change my name around. you're fucking pathetic. no i'm not jealous that he opened up for cannibal corpse. good for him that he played with cannibal corpse, but that's it. it's not like CSDO is the only band ever to play with CC. plus, you never fucking said i was jealous for THAT to begin with............. why am i even bothering with you? you still don't know how to spell Emulate correctly. shut the fuck up already arrik. this thread died a week ago. let it stay dead. go buy hooked on phonics, you need it.
[Aug 25,2004 6:26pm - dyingmuse ""]
rttp!!!!!!! \m/
[Aug 27,2004 3:29pm - Arrik_  ""]
To Hoser: You know what the question is really?

Not why am I "protecting CSDO/Eric with religious fervor" ...

the question is ... Why is your shitstabbing friend and othe insects making attacks on him with "religious fervor" ?..
[Aug 27,2004 3:29pm - Arrik_  ""]
To powerkok: hahaha..yes it is!
[Aug 27,2004 3:30pm - honor4death ""]
[Aug 27,2004 3:31pm - Arrik_  ""]
To ka-shitbreath: Fucking in-animate objects makes you dum.

What Kalopsia does:
i masturbate stuffed animals while wearing a lobster suit filled with crabs. oh yea, and play bass guitar (still with the lobster suit on)
[Aug 27,2004 3:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
arrik, you're gay, shut the fuck up already.
[Aug 27,2004 3:40pm - Blue ""]
oh my god. he doesnt quit.
[Aug 27,2004 4:05pm - Arrik ""]
To rusty dildo: Are you a rocket scientist?..Your intelligence level amazes me ,I thought faggots were stoopid. I guess im not as open minded as I thought....
[Aug 27,2004 4:08pm - Blue ""]
Arrik_ said:To ka-shitbreath: Fucking in-animate objects makes you dum.

youre obviously not a rocket scientist, for two reasons:
1. its spelled dumB.
2. there is no hyphen in inanimate.
[Aug 27,2004 6:11pm - Kalopsia ""]
guys don't even respond anymore. don't even respond to this saying you agree. he IS NOT going to come back with an intelligent response. so there's no point in continuing. if there's no one for him to call gay anymore, then he's got nothing left to say. so just don't respond.
[Aug 27,2004 9:56pm - CSDOFemaleFan  ""]
Arrik, Eric and Joe... can't wait for Wargasm, MotorHead/Dio/Anthrax, TypeO, and the Oct. 9th music fest. Are you playing that show??? ; ) I also heard that Red Right Hand and Screaming Ferrets will be there too.
[Aug 28,2004 12:02am - hoser ""]
Screaming Ferrets???

Good job dork girl...it's "Screaming Ferret".......

Very good job, you're such a devoted fan and you pluralize their record label name.

The State of New Hampshire called.....they want their G.E.D back.
[Aug 28,2004 12:08am - powerkok ""]
[Aug 28,2004 12:33am - Kalopsia ""]
what powerkok said
[Aug 28,2004 4:25pm - CSDOFemaleFan  ""]
And, for that comment you wonder why this thread keeps goin'. Please make sure to interduce yourself to me sometime. You must be the coolest guy ever to pick on a female for a miss spelling. Ever get your ass kicked by a girl? Here's your invite dickless. I'm not from NH either, who's a dork???? Dumb ass.
[Aug 28,2004 4:37pm - hoser ""]
Hey ditz....

I haven't had a shitty thing to say to anyone regarding this post EVER. I have been friends with the dudes from CSDO for quite some time. I also am great friends with Tim, the owner of "Screaming Ferrets." You are the garbage that is keeping this going, not me. I would also reconsider trying to kick my ass. I GUARANTEE that I outweigh you by more than 100 lbs, and I GUARANTEE that I have the skill and maneuverability to lay you to waste. So don't let your mouth get ahead of you. It makes you look stupid, and boisterous. Now climb back onto whatever shit wagon you rolled off of and quit humping my leg.
[Aug 28,2004 4:50pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Tim is a cool guy but Red Right Handjob BLOW
[Aug 28,2004 6:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]



[Aug 28,2004 6:38pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
haha this is too much,Aaron Delete this thread please!! this is more annoying than the never ending thread of death or what ever that thing is called
[Sep 19,2004 1:50am - anonymous  ""]
With all the talk about being gay you should try it some time you might be supprized!
[Feb 3,2009 2:30pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Sep 19,2013 7:41am - Dan Hammer  ""]
Can Sonic Pulse get on this?

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