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Now Find a show to go to!

Oct 30 (Mon) - PRE-HALLOWEEN MASSACRE w/ Hirudinea [as Carnivore, Agnostic Front and more], Into The Unknown [members of Sexcrement & Hekseri as Mercyful Fate], Dissector [as Impetigo], Shit Fuck [as The Misfits], PanzerBastard [as Motorhead] - 8 pm - 21+ - O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA)

10/30 - PRE-HALLOWEEN MASSACRE w/ Hirudinea [as Carnivore, Agnostic Front and more], Into The Unknown [members of Sexcrement & Hekseri as Mercyful Fate], Dissector [as Impetigo], Shit Fuck [as The Misfits], PanzerBastard [as Motorhead] @ O'Briens Pub in Allston

[show listing]  _______________________________________________
[Oct 31,2006 12:55pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
last night was a fucking amazing time. It's funny that the best crowd reaction we've ever had was for covers, but it's the Misfits so I'm happy about it. Rich thanks for putting us on this, and thanks to all the bands. It was a fucking awesome time, and we now have more Misfits songs to cover live that will actually sound better cause we'll actually practice them together as a whole band.
[Oct 31,2006 12:58pm - RichHorror ""]
It was rad, Chris. I've seen the Newfits a bunch of times, and it was better than they've played those songs. With you guys I actually knew what the songs were when you started playing them... most of the time.
[Oct 31,2006 2:25pm - HA!  ""]
chris_from_shit_fuck said:last night was a fucking amazing time. It's funny that the best crowd reaction we've ever had was for covers, but it's the Misfits so I'm happy about it. Rich thanks for putting us on this, and thanks to all the bands. It was a fucking awesome time, and we now have more Misfits songs to cover live that will actually sound better cause we'll actually practice them together as a whole band.

you need to practice them, those songs were butchered for the most part. getta new drummer
[Oct 31,2006 2:26pm - RichHorror ""]
It wasn't perfect, but I still think it sounded better than most times I've seen the Misfits in recent years.
[Oct 31,2006 2:38pm - MadOakDevin ""]
This was fun as hell. Sorry if I cut anyone short or rushed anyone. Normally 5 band shows are REALLY hard to pull off and very stressful, but this one went very smoothly.

I thought Panzer Bastard was fucking awesome. Really nice dudes, too. I want to hear some more original shit from them. The last song they played was an original right? Also, hearing Ace of Spades played fast was pretty awesome, too.
[Oct 31,2006 2:46pm - pam ""]
Panzer Bastard WAS awesome. Motorhead followed by a really good original? Excellent.

I think all the bands did a great job, I don't know why anyone would go to that show expecting some form of perfect covers. I expected exactly what happened...a bunch of drunk degenerate scumbags playing sloppy versions of awesome songs with everyone in the crowd on guest vocals. It was outstanding. I'm gonna transfer the pictures now and start getting them online.
[Oct 31,2006 2:46pm - RichHorror ""]
MadOakDevin said:This was fun as hell. Sorry if I cut anyone short or rushed anyone. Normally 5 band shows are REALLY hard to pull off and very stressful, but this one went very smoothly.

All my shows go off smoothly, because I'm completely paranoid and OCD.

I thought Panzer Bastard was fucking awesome. Really nice dudes, too. I want to hear some more original shit from them. The last song they played was an original right? Also, hearing Ace of Spades played fast was pretty awesome, too.

PanzerBastard was awesome, that last song was an original and I fucking loved it. They said it'll be a couple months for them tog et a full set of originals together. I can't wait.
[Oct 31,2006 2:49pm - RichHorror ""]
Also, not that onyone got it, but I dropped a Mr. Show reference during our set as a birthday present to Alex Onslaught.
[Oct 31,2006 2:52pm - eddie(nli)  ""]
i need a picture of my costume. so whos got one?
[Oct 31,2006 2:53pm - RichHorror ""]
Eddie had the best costume, by far. He also had more or less the only costume.
[Oct 31,2006 2:53pm - pam ""]
I do.
[Oct 31,2006 3:04pm - pam ""]
Son of a bitch...camera is nowhere to be found. Why must I drink so much with expensive things in my possession.
[Oct 31,2006 3:05pm - RichHorror ""]
That ruins my life.
[Oct 31,2006 3:07pm - pam ""]
It's in Sean's car. Aaaaand the panic subsides.
[Oct 31,2006 4:49pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
RichHorror said:Also, not that onyone got it, but I dropped a Mr. Show reference during our set as a birthday present to Alex Onslaught.

Shit, I missed that... Ahh well, a happy birthday to you sir... Thank you for setting up the show... And remember you shouldn't talk to pans, and you shouldn't listen to British people!
[Oct 31,2006 4:50pm - RichHorror ""]
I don't know if you know this, but black people used to enslaved in this country. But then Abraham Lincoln, a white man, freed the slaves. So, black people... you're welcome.
[Oct 31,2006 4:50pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Oh yeah, I was just too high to make the connection haha...
[Oct 31,2006 4:52pm - RichHorror ""]
I got the entire series on DVD and it's obviously the best thing I've ever done with my life.
[Oct 31,2006 7:49pm - EatMyFuck ""]
That was such a fuckin great show. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICH!
[Oct 31,2006 10:31pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
HA! said:chris_from_shit_fuck said:last night was a fucking amazing time. It's funny that the best crowd reaction we've ever had was for covers, but it's the Misfits so I'm happy about it. Rich thanks for putting us on this, and thanks to all the bands. It was a fucking awesome time, and we now have more Misfits songs to cover live that will actually sound better cause we'll actually practice them together as a whole band.

you need to practice them, those songs were butchered for the most part. getta new drummer

Like I said in an earlier post, we had no way to practice them together as a band. And frankly none of us care cause we had fun playing them, and for the most part people enjoyed them.

As for a new drummer? We love playing with Jeff, and he just started really playing metal/punk recently so he's still earning his chops.

For anyone else who enjoyed our set, thanks. Next time we do a misfits song live, it'll be more practiced.
[Oct 31,2006 10:39pm - pam nli  ""]
I will freely make anonymous internet death threats to anyone bad-mouthing Shit Fuck. Try me. I'll totally do it.

I got my camera back tonight, so look forward to mostly terrible pictures I was too drunk to take properly tomorrow.
[Oct 31,2006 10:46pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Pam I knew there was a reason I was madly in love with you. Just another sucker on the long list I guess.
[Oct 31,2006 11:01pm - pam nli  ""]
I trick you all into loving me with my spectacular internet powers. Fear me.
[Nov 1,2006 1:34am - Al Ravage  ""]
I can't believe I missed this, I need to look at this board more often...or someone should advertise....just put on the show again so I can see it
[Nov 1,2006 2:33am - the_reverend ""]
al ravage still exists? damn
[Nov 1,2006 9:18am - pam ""]
We need a bat signal for Al. Only instead of a bat, it could be a curly hand.
[Nov 1,2006 9:28am - RichHorror ""]
We also need pictures.
[Nov 1,2006 9:28am - RichHorror ""]
Also needed--

A pitcher, not a belly itcher.

A catcher, not a belly scratcher.
[Nov 1,2006 9:32am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I agree with Rich, we need a pitcher.
[Nov 1,2006 12:06pm - pam ""]
Listen...shut up.

I'll start working on them now. Maybe.
[Nov 1,2006 12:06pm - RichHorror ""]
You? Work? I don't get it.
[Nov 1,2006 12:16pm - pam ""]
Hey, it's extremely hard work being awesome. Extremely.
[Nov 1,2006 12:17pm - RichHorror ""]
You're preaching to the choir.
[Nov 1,2006 1:05pm - Dissector ""]
I definitely gotta hear more Panzerbastard. The original they played reminded me a lot of Wolfpack, Energetic Krush, Hellbastard, etc.

Rad shit!
[Nov 1,2006 2:27pm - Dissector ""]
Oh yeah and where the hell was Dwyer? We learned Breakfast in the Manchester Morgue just for him.
[Nov 1,2006 2:37pm - iren_the_viking ""]
Dissector said:Oh yeah and where the hell was Dwyer? We learned Breakfast in the Manchester Morgue just for him.

ya what a dickhead, we put our hearts and souls into that song, all for not
[Nov 1,2006 2:55pm - pam ""]
You see, Dwyer is SO in love with me, that he chickened out last minute because he couldn't get his hair to style right. That's totally what happened.
[Nov 1,2006 3:26pm - ninkaszi  ""]
awesome show. great time. i had a blast watching all the bands and playing. thanks rich!
[Nov 1,2006 5:02pm - Kevord ""]
[Nov 1,2006 5:07pm - pam ""]
Thats wHere you poor-spellin fuck. (loooove you)

I'm starting the uploads now. There's gonna be red-eye cause I don't have my photo program on this computer and I don't want to make you wait until my laptop is fixed.
[Nov 1,2006 5:09pm - Kevord ""]
My eyes were red on Monday anyway. Spelling like shit is my main hobby next to trying to kill people accidently.
[Nov 1,2006 5:18pm - pam ""]
photobucket takes so long.
[Nov 1,2006 5:33pm - EatMyFuck ""]
yeh photobucket does take forever. They need to have shows like that more often, but weekends would be better!
[Nov 1,2006 5:36pm - pam ""]
Photobucket is refusing to upload. It's just loading and loading and never actually doing anything.
[Nov 1,2006 5:42pm - EatMyFuck ""]
It does that to me when I try to add a fuckload of pictures.
[Nov 1,2006 5:43pm - RichHorror ""]
E-mail them to me. I never have a problem.
[Nov 1,2006 5:46pm - pam ""]
It's going, just going slooooow.
[Nov 1,2006 6:12pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Al Ravage said:..just put on the show again so I can see it

I agree 100%
[Nov 2,2006 7:58am - pam ""]
Gave up on pictures last night, lets see if it will stop being a cunt now.
[Nov 2,2006 8:10am - RichHorror ""]
Give me pictures or I'm going to kill myself.

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